Don't Give Up - There IS 'Justice' Left in This Country: 15 Years in Prison! BOOM!

I know you're gong nuts over blacks, yeah.
Whatever, dude. Just for the record, do you oppose that the guy got 15 years for his crime? Do you oppose the guy getting punished at all? What exactly do you disagree with regarding this story?

The Ferguson Riots was a huge story. We watched the rioting, the burning, and looting on TV (or at least about everyone I know did). This is a news story. I am sorry you are 'butt-hurt' over the fact that the news media reported the story that someone was finally held accountable...and it turned out to be a black guy.

That's YOUR problem, though - not mine!

If you notice I reported that SOMEONE was sentenced to 15 years for the crime. I did not make a big deal out of his color. IN FACT the only way you knew the guy who had been sentenced was a black guy was because of his PHOTO. I never mentioned his color / race! so....

And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

Are you seeing double, I think you counted one too many clowns.
Sorry, Tex, you said: "I don't know, just like you don't know." It should be plainly obvious to BOTH of you that this guy is guilty as hail! I understand where you were coming from, but I don't back down from moronic questions/accusations like that one that came from Lum...OF COURSE he is guilty!
Oh look, another black guy's going into our privatized for profit prison system.
What does his race have to do with it? And do you realize private companies can't operated for free?

Race has everyting to do with your legal system and privatized prisons means america is once again profiteering from bondage.
Not really. He didn't get jammed up because he was too dark, his actions got him in trouble. And he probably acted that way from listening to too many people like you. And the taxpayer pays those bills for the prison systems so I don't see how it's a gain for America.

I'm talking about your system, not this lone individual.
You're talking out of your ass, was my point.
And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

OK. And he's in custody, right? So wtf are you going on about?
And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

Are you seeing double, I think you counted one too many clowns.

You count double in the clown dept.
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. Whenever we talk about negroes, it is to show them being wicked.
BS! This is big News being reported.
News about blacks.

Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.
And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

Are you seeing double, I think you counted one too many clowns.
Sorry, Tex, you said: "I don't know, just like you don't know." It should be plainly obvious to BOTH of you that this guy is guilty as hail! I understand where you were coming from, but I don't back down from moronic questions/accusations like that one that came from Lum...OF COURSE he is guilty!

Oh right, except I never said that, I asked the troll if he thought he was innocent. He's the one who said he didn't know. Reading is fundamental.
Oh look, another black guy's going into our privatized for profit prison system.
What does his race have to do with it? And do you realize private companies can't operated for free?

Race has everyting to do with your legal system and privatized prisons means america is once again profiteering from bondage.
Not really. He didn't get jammed up because he was too dark, his actions got him in trouble. And he probably acted that way from listening to too many people like you. And the taxpayer pays those bills for the prison systems so I don't see how it's a gain for America.

I'm talking about your system, not this lone individual.
You're talking out of your ass, was my point.

In the future perhaps we could discuss an issue instead of your personal poster beefs?
Man sentenced to 12 years in potted plant attack

A Mansfield man was sentenced Monday to 12 years in prison for an April 2015 incident where he caused serious harm to a man by hitting him over the head with a planted pot and then took a piece of the pot and slashed the victim's wrist.

Is he black? We can't tell, so he won't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. Whenever we talk about negroes, it is to show them being wicked.
BS! This is big News being reported.
News about blacks.

Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.

Right, except this is the first conviction I've seen stemming from the riots anywhere in the country. It was starting to look like no one would be held responsible for their actions.
And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

Are you seeing double, I think you counted one too many clowns.
Sorry, Tex, you said: "I don't know, just like you don't know." It should be plainly obvious to BOTH of you that this guy is guilty as hail! I understand where you were coming from, but I don't back down from moronic questions/accusations like that one that came from Lum...OF COURSE he is guilty!

I wasn't involved in the case, don't know anything about it, don't make judgements about stuff just cuz some half wit says here, read this.
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. Whenever we talk about negroes, it is to show them being wicked.
BS! This is big News being reported.
News about blacks.

Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.

Right, except this is the first conviction I've seen stemming from the riots anywhere in the country.

You're upset because no negroes got punished? You think they all got away with it, eh? You think the guy in the OP is the first negro anywhere to be convicted for any riot in the country?

Ferguson Protesters Express Shock at Eight-Year Sentence for Joshua Williams

Man gets 5 years in prison for attempted arson during Ferguson riots

Baltimore Freddie Gray Rioters Get Serious Prison Time
Hello, and welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. Whenever we talk about negroes, it is to show them being wicked.
BS! This is big News being reported.
News about blacks.

Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.

Right, except this is the first conviction I've seen stemming from the riots anywhere in the country. It was starting to look like no one would be held responsible for their actions.

So then they'd be like Wall Street and the well to do in not being punished for their actions.
And, are you saying he's innocent?
I don't know, just like you don't know.
Ok, I damn well know he's guilty even if you two clowns don't!

They have photos of him starting fired. He shot a woman over $20. He looted. He admitted to these. When the judge asked him why he had done these things the guy admitted to doing it:

"Betts reportedly told prosecutors, “I did all this because that was my period to go wild on police.”

Good grief!

Are you seeing double, I think you counted one too many clowns.
Sorry, Tex, you said: "I don't know, just like you don't know." It should be plainly obvious to BOTH of you that this guy is guilty as hail! I understand where you were coming from, but I don't back down from moronic questions/accusations like that one that came from Lum...OF COURSE he is guilty!

Oh right, except I never said that, I asked the troll if he thought he was innocent. He's the one who said he didn't know. Reading is fundamental.

Sounds like both you jackasses are a bit lacking on fundamentals.
News about blacks. Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.
So YOU have a problem with news being reported about blacks...and would feel more comfortable if the only news about blacks allowed to be reported was 'good news'?! ...and so WHO has the problem with 'race'?
News about blacks. Plenty of people have been sentenced to prison in the past week, but they didn't make the cut for Blacks Behaving Badly.
So YOU have a problem with news being reported about blacks...and would feel more comfortable if the only news about blacks allowed to be reported was 'good news'?! ...and so WHO has the problem with 'race'?

Right, except this is the first conviction I've seen stemming from the riots anywhere in the country.
O'rly?You're upset because no negroes got punished? You think they all got away with it, eh? You think the guy in the OP is the first negro anywhere to be convicted for any riot in the country?
g, you are SERIOUSLY hung up on this 'race' thing, man. Tex just did not make one comment, not one mention of race in his statement. He said, "this is the first conviction I've seen stemming from the riots anywhere in the country." NO WHERE does he mention race...and you absolutely FREAK....and become the 1st one to mention race. Again, you are showing the only one brining up race repeatedly in these discussions is YOU!

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