Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

LMAO....ok........good for you.

Jeez....the ignorance and gullibility is getting more and more disturbing every day.


Have a good day OldandTired....spring is coming....:woohoo:
You think there is no reaction? We all know the Whitehouse (all of them) "cooks the books" to present the numbers in the most favorable way. Anyone who takes it as "fact" is a fool. They are politicians, not saints.

Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

You beat me to it. Another misnomer. Rattle off his shortcomings in Year 1 (Most of which were "unable" more so than "broken promises") non-stop in the echo-chamber, and people are sure that he's kept no promises. I knew there were a plethora that were kept, but you beat me to the punch.

Kudos, great link. :)
Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

LMAO....ok........good for you.

Jeez....the ignorance and gullibility is getting more and more disturbing every day.


Have a good day OldandTired....spring is coming....:woohoo:

Here in NY spring came this past weekend. Took a drive along the beach out east....wife and I had a great time.....another month and I open the pool!
Line in bold......even Obama made it clear....just not clear to those that did not read between the lines....
He actually said over and over again...

"most economists I consult with believe the stimulus spending is what we need...."

Now, that being said, who do you think he asks to advise him....those with a similar ideology or those with an opposing thought process?

I really haven't listened to Obama talking about it. I've listened to various economists on NPR, over a period of time discussing aspects of the economy. The drive home from work is a great time to gain knowledge ;)

Frankly, from what I've read of Obama, he listens to a variety of points of view before making his decisions. This was evident in his approach to Aghanistan. Why do you think it would be any different with the economy?

He listens to other pooiunts of view before making decisions?

Sorry....I believe...and it is my opinion....that you, too, are a fooled debating you would be futile.

Sadly, you seem to believe that listening to your field general and not doing exactly as he said is listening to other points of view before deciding.

I see you have never been in the military.....but that is not the point.


You are right, I'm not in the military.

However, that statement kind of reminds me of Truman and McArthur.

You're essentially saying that listening to other points of view means doing exactly what your field general says. Does that make sense....? I don't think so.....
Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

You beat me to it. Another misnomer. Rattle off his shortcomings in Year 1 (Most of which were "unable" more so than "broken promises") non-stop in the echo-chamber, and people are sure that he's kept no promises. I knew there were a plethora that were kept, but you beat me to the punch.

Kudos, great link. :)
Thanks :)

I like Politifact - lots of good information, the manage to weed out truth from lies in a bipartisan fashion :D
Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

You beat me to it. Another misnomer. Rattle off his shortcomings in Year 1 (Most of which were "unable" more so than "broken promises") non-stop in the echo-chamber, and people are sure that he's kept no promises. I knew there were a plethora that were kept, but you beat me to the punch.

Kudos, great link. :)

Yeah...true...keeping promises that are easy to keep as they were already bi-partisan deserves kudos.

And what about the promises he made to the people that only HE needed to act to keep....?

They were impossible to keep? 300 million people in the US and he had to hire 30 lobbysists when he promised none?
Was it really difficult for him to invite the media when he made deals with Pharma and the Unions? He promised he would....was the media busy that day?

Sorry.....I am not impressed with an Accounting Director that has nothing to show that is accurate but the accounts payable schedule.
Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

You beat me to it. Another misnomer. Rattle off his shortcomings in Year 1 (Most of which were "unable" more so than "broken promises") non-stop in the echo-chamber, and people are sure that he's kept no promises. I knew there were a plethora that were kept, but you beat me to the punch.

Kudos, great link. :)
Thanks :)

I like Politifact - lots of good information, the manage to weed out truth from lies in a bipartisan fashion :D

It really is great, never been on there before, now I've been goofing around on there for a few minutes since I read your post.

You should all check it out. Great balanced information source, not partisan at all. It lets Obama have it when he deserves it, and when he deserves to be commended it lets him have that as well.

For example, a list of his "Broken" campaign promises, from the same site:
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I think it's impossible to keep many campaign promises and I strongly suspect that if you go down through history you'll find many are not. Either, once you are in office, and have ALL the information in hand, you may find it isn't possible to keep a promise no matter how hard you try (GITMO for example) or you may find it impossible due to Congress - after all, Congress is involved in many of these decisions as well. Sometimes shit happens - I'm sure 9/11 pushed a lot of "less government" promises right out the door.

I don't fault good-faith efforts and I never believe 100% in campaign promises because I know reality is not ideality.
Has anyone figured out what the "dishonesty" accusations were about from the shitbag author of this thread? I gave up on this whine fest.
LMAO.. Most every 'promise kept' is dealing with increasing funding (expanding government spending), is based on unequal treatment instead of equal govt treatment (expand minority access, etc), or flat out saying government expansion...
Has anyone figured out what the "dishonesty" accusations were about from the shitbag author of this thread? I gave up on this whine fest.

It was a version of leave 0bama alone and STFU. Poor guy can't catch a break with Ayers and Wright. He is just trying to help the economy. Blah, blah, blah.

You can't put the country into a $14b. deficit and "help" the economy Dr Gregg. You also will not win a war with a planned exit date. Can't make people buy insurance either.
Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Are they?

I'm worried about and have been for some time. However - I'm no economist and when it comes to economies on this scale, I don't know what the answer is bolster up our economy. Most of the economist seem to feel stimulus spending is key and raising taxes.

I can only go by that.

The right should have been worried some time ago when Bush racked up record deficits but they weren't because they agreed with the spending. I heard very little complaining. Deficits DO matter. Hopefully, we will see Obama and Congress address them seriously once the economy is stable.

For the most part, yeah they're pretty silent on spending.... Most on the left think that spending our way out of this will strengthen our financial foothold, but we're seeing the opposite... We've seen that stimulus overwhelmingly went to increase the government and not Average Joe American... We're seeing whole states struggling to pay their bills because the coffers are empty...

Elsewhere in the economy, jobs are nowhere to be found and companies continue to layoff and outsource jobs offshore... Government salaries have increased dramatically, though...

And the economists that you mention - these are also the ones who are baffled each time something "unexpectedly" rose or fell each month? I'm not an economist either, but that's not good... Maybe we need new economists....
Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government. He thinks he is the messiah. And he is actively destroying America.

We have one of two things we must conclude from Obama's policies:

1) He is a complete moron who doesnt realize that it's unwise to spend more than we bring in, that giving money to special interests who got him elected is stimulus, that we should raise taxes and go into deeper debt to get out of the economy when anyone with half a brain realizes that will make things worse.


2) He is doing it on purpose knowing full well what his policies will do.

And while i certainly dont believe he is as smart as some people on this board, i dont think the man is an idiot.
Wrong. There's one other possibility to conclude from his policies, and that's that he truly believes that they're a good thing for America in the vision he has for America. In his mind, America is unjust and unfair in some aspects and it's his job to change that; America selected him to fix the wrongs, etc.

Total speculation, but i'm guessing that he's a bit taken aback with the poll numbers opposing many of his policies. He may have thought that people were ready for his major policy change by virtue of his strong victory, when in reality, a lot of people were just disenfranchised with the republicans while Obama ran a great campaign.

Way to go, you have managed to cram every bit of SPAM that low-information dopes are spewing nationwide into a single post!


Since you're clearly brilliant, clearly the smartest person on this board and maybe in the country, why don't you enlighten us as to Mr. Obama's intended ends?

We already know that he hates America and hates freedom, shucks, that's a given. So in addition to his vast conspiracy to destroy Christmas, what else does he want to do, and who is really behind all of it? Does he want to turn us into a totalitarian communist state just for the power, or is it because he actually hates all of us?
It's hard to argue that his policies don't result in less freedom, assuming you and I can agree that freedom is basically defined as the ability to do what you want, when you want. Obamacare is a gigantic restructuring of the health insurance industry which i believe would end up in a drastic shift toward universal health care. Taken explicitly, it forces you to buy a product or be fined. If that's not a direct denial of freedom, then i'm not sure what is.

Do i think he detests Americans in general? No. But i do think he acts like a baby and does a horrible job of handling any criticism, and that he places his wants/needs/beliefs above those of the American people. How else would you explain the increased combativeness and effort to push Obamacare when a clear majority of Americans (according to polls) have said they don't want it? For christ's sake, the guy is out on the campaign trail saying "we" need to "fight" for Obamacare. Who the hell is "we" when he's the president of Americans who, once again, have spoken out against what he's pushing. He's basically campaigning and fighting against a majority of Americans in that regard. Surely you can see how some people would interpret that, right?
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Has anyone figured out what the "dishonesty" accusations were about from the shitbag author of this thread? I gave up on this whine fest.

It was a version of leave 0bama alone and STFU. Poor guy can't catch a break with Ayers and Wright. He is just trying to help the economy. Blah, blah, blah.

You can't put the country into a $14b. deficit and "help" the economy Dr Gregg. You also will not win a war with a planned exit date. Can't make people buy insurance either.

This post is precisely the sort of dishonesty he's talking about.

Obama didn't "Put" the country in a $14t deficit. It was over $11t when he walked in, and the economy was in shambles... Tax revenues were waaaaay down due to stagnating economic activity. ANYONE elected would be facing a massive deficit right now. Also the federal debt now, today, is $12.5t, not 14...
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LMAO.. Most every 'promise kept' is dealing with increasing funding (expanding government spending), is based on unequal treatment instead of equal govt treatment (expand minority access, etc), or flat out saying government expansion...

It is very much like those that say that he is compromising by putting those four GOP items into the healthcare bill.

Putting those in and not taking out "government expansion" is no different than NOT putting those in....the whoile idea for those ideas was so we can avoid government expansion.

Yet people see it as him compromising.

It is like...

Fix the flat tire or buy a new is more expensive than the other......lets fix it AND buy a new one.

But that is compromise by Obama.......i just dont get it.
LOL, I attack the dishonest pieces of shit that just rant and rave false things. And surprise, yet another hack person calling me what they are.:cuckoo:

Reading comprehension dipshit. It all many of you seem to understand, logic and reasoning and well thought out argument doesn't mean shit to you, just ignore and continue to be ignorant.

And after being hear for much longer than my introductory post, it stands, not many rational, intelligent conservatives on here.

im a hack? can tell you dont read peoples posts......maybe after you have been here awhile you will know where everyone seems to the meantime you know who Shata is?.....
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Has anyone figured out what the "dishonesty" accusations were about from the shitbag author of this thread? I gave up on this whine fest.

It was a version of leave 0bama alone and STFU. Poor guy can't catch a break with Ayers and Wright. He is just trying to help the economy. Blah, blah, blah.

You can't put the country into a $14b. deficit and "help" the economy Dr Gregg. You also will not win a war with a planned exit date. Can't make people buy insurance either.

This post is precisely the sort of dishonesty he's talking about.

Obama didn't "Put" the country in a $14t deficit. It was over $11t when he walked in, and the economy was in shambles... Tax revenues were waaaaay down due to stagnating economic activity. ANYONE elected would be facing a massive deficit right now. Also the federal debt now, today, is $12.5t, not 14...

And that TOO is dishonest.

The economy was not in shambles. We are in a recession. Obama made it seem like a catastrophy. We were, and now still are in a recession.
The longest recession in modern history was the lost decade of Japan......and what did they determine created such a long recession? Too much efort by the Japanese government to stimulate the economy.

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