Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

YOu fuckers don't give a shit about anything but your ideology, so not surprising

oh geezus.....come on Gregg tell us about how the Democrats give a dam about you and me.....that the people of this country is their top priority....tell us Gregg come on....i wanna hear your tales....tell us what Nancy told ya to say....
I have felt that the state governments need more authority in their state than the feds in the states. Politicians in DC haven't a clue on what's going on in Mt. or Wy., nor do they really care because there just isn't that many people in those kind of states. Our government has become a business of getting re elected. They're all jockeying for position in the next election, and not taking care of business.

This is why you guys seem so cynical about your system. Having posted on messageboards for the best part of nine years now - and to a lot of Americans - I can't help but feel a viable third party would do the country good. Whether it be left, right or centrist, it would get rid of the complacency. I remember seeing James Baker interviewed some time ago (at least 10 years) about US politics and he said he was a fan of the two party system. He thought (and I'm paraphrasing here) that there was enough of a difference in the parties to give people two viable options, and any third party would just be a derivative of one of the other two. I disagree. I thought Perot showed there was a viable third option. Probably need to win a few state senate seats then build from there. It is possible....

What it would do is put the two big players on notice....

I'm inclined toagree with you, and a third party would have to start in a Senate or Congressional seat like you said. If it started at the presidency level....that would hurt. Our two parties are are not that far apart anymore in ideology. This is why in the last election the republicans got their butts spanked big time.....they deserved it, and maybe for the short period of time it will do some good, but they will end up repeating their mistakes in the future.

see you two guys can play nice.....:lol:
Bottom line:


And, anyone who authors ridiculous threads that favour this semi-black Political Charlatan Obami Salami is undoubtedly BORN with the abovementioned condition.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.

Truly amazing !

Those Obamarrhoidal anal orifices are STILL trying to sell those flagrantly false fairy tales about B & C !

One would think there wouldn't be any of these demented 1/2-witted supporters of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami left.
You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

you look this way every time you post Gregg.....christ every time i see one of your threads you start off by attacking everyone who may have a different opinion...and then you act like everyone is being childish when they give you the same shit even did this in your introduction post.....your not only a Hack and a Troll.....your fucking idiot....

LOL, I attack the dishonest pieces of shit that just rant and rave false things. And surprise, yet another hack person calling me what they are.:cuckoo:

Reading comprehension dipshit. It all many of you seem to understand, logic and reasoning and well thought out argument doesn't mean shit to you, just ignore and continue to be ignorant.

And after being hear for much longer than my introductory post, it stands, not many rational, intelligent conservatives on here.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.

"You guys". I did no such thing, Bush started a fucking bogus war that kills so many, and I criticized that.

It just makes the conservatives look so pathetic and petty, more so than they make themselves look before Obama came into the scene. Because you losers were making shit up about him before he was even president, so there was nothing to crtiicize him on. YOu just criticize because he's a liberal democrat.

Bush was criticized for starting a bogus war in Iraq. sounds like a pretty legitimate criticism.

and the people claiming Bush was behind 9/11 was just as stupid as most of the Obama bashing bullshit. REmember, this happened when Obama was just the dem candidate, and wasn't based on anything he did. petty, ignorant, delusional conservatives. way too many of them

Sorry to the few rational ones out there that make valid arguments and criticisms of Obama's action, and don't need to make stuff up, the load nutty portions paints a negative image.

And don't we usually hear people say "oh, bringing up Bush again" when a liberal does it, but here you are saying "they did it to bush". Sounds childish to me
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.

"You guys". I did no such thing, Bush started a fucking bogus war that kills so many, and I criticized that.

It just makes the conservatives look so pathetic and petty, more so than they make themselves look before Obama came into the scene. Because you losers were making shit up about him before he was even president, so there was nothing to crtiicize him on. YOu just criticize because he's a liberal democrat.

Bush was criticized for starting a bogus war in Iraq. sounds like a pretty legitimate criticism.

and the people claiming Bush was behind 9/11 was just as stupid as most of the Obama bashing bullshit. REmember, this happened when Obama was just the dem candidate, and wasn't based on anything he did. petty, ignorant, delusional conservatives. way too many of them

Sorry to the few rational ones out there that make valid arguments and criticisms of Obama's action, and don't need to make stuff up, the load nutty portions paints a negative image.

And don't we usually hear people say "oh, bringing up Bush again" when a liberal does it, but here you are saying "they did it to bush". Sounds childish to me

"I hate Bush and what he did, but it is OK for Obama to do the same because Bush did it"

is a lot different than

"I can rag on Obama all I want and you cant complain about it becuase you ragged on Bush all you wanted when he was in office"

Do you truly not see the difference?
You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

you look this way every time you post Gregg.....christ every time i see one of your threads you start off by attacking everyone who may have a different opinion...and then you act like everyone is being childish when they give you the same shit even did this in your introduction post.....your not only a Hack and a Troll.....your fucking idiot....

LOL, I attack the dishonest pieces of shit that just rant and rave false things. And surprise, yet another hack person calling me what they are.:cuckoo:

Reading comprehension dipshit. It all many of you seem to understand, logic and reasoning and well thought out argument doesn't mean shit to you, just ignore and continue to be ignorant.

And after being hear for much longer than my introductory post, it stands, not many rational, intelligent conservatives on here.

Your hardly qualified to judge intelligence or rationality. When were you planing to offer a reasoned and well thought argument for your thread here (not hear)? You have yet to disprove or find false, any statement made by a conservative on this thread.

Not sure how you define a troll. For me, it is someone who makes an inflamatory statement and then repeatedly prods others with terms like dipshit, ignorant, pieces of shit and crazy all in the same post. You have the opportunity to up your game. I just question your ability.
Dear Dr Gregg,

It is slow here. That doesn't bode well for trolls on the USMB today.
you look this way every time you post Gregg.....christ every time i see one of your threads you start off by attacking everyone who may have a different opinion...and then you act like everyone is being childish when they give you the same shit even did this in your introduction post.....your not only a Hack and a Troll.....your fucking idiot....

LOL, I attack the dishonest pieces of shit that just rant and rave false things. And surprise, yet another hack person calling me what they are.:cuckoo:

Reading comprehension dipshit. It all many of you seem to understand, logic and reasoning and well thought out argument doesn't mean shit to you, just ignore and continue to be ignorant.

And after being hear for much longer than my introductory post, it stands, not many rational, intelligent conservatives on here.

Your hardly qualified to judge intelligence or rationality. When were you planing to offer a reasoned and well thought argument for your thread here (not hear)? You have yet to disprove or find false, any statement made by a conservative on this thread.

Not sure how you define a troll. For me, it is someone who makes an inflamatory statement and then repeatedly prods others with terms like dipshit, ignorant, pieces of shit and crazy all in the same post. You have the opportunity to up your game. I just question your ability.

Troll- someone posts bullshit articles, that are dishonest or just downright false. People address them they ignore it, post irrelevant response, continue to spout the stupid nonsense. they put words in other people's posts, make up shit they didn't say. Then make statements of others that fit them. But then again ignorant, delusional people tend to act like that, so they appear one and the same.

Respond to unproven idiocy? Sorry, I've tried, and these people just ignore it. its like arguing with retards at time. It gets continually annoying when people don't even read your response, and make shit up, presumably on purpose.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.

"You guys". I did no such thing, Bush started a fucking bogus war that kills so many, and I criticized that.

It just makes the conservatives look so pathetic and petty, more so than they make themselves look before Obama came into the scene. Because you losers were making shit up about him before he was even president, so there was nothing to crtiicize him on. YOu just criticize because he's a liberal democrat.

Bush was criticized for starting a bogus war in Iraq. sounds like a pretty legitimate criticism.

and the people claiming Bush was behind 9/11 was just as stupid as most of the Obama bashing bullshit. REmember, this happened when Obama was just the dem candidate, and wasn't based on anything he did. petty, ignorant, delusional conservatives. way too many of them

Sorry to the few rational ones out there that make valid arguments and criticisms of Obama's action, and don't need to make stuff up, the load nutty portions paints a negative image.

And don't we usually hear people say "oh, bringing up Bush again" when a liberal does it, but here you are saying "they did it to bush". Sounds childish to me

Line in bold.....seems to me you are the pot calling the kettle African American.

I suggest you take a deep breath, back down, and realize you made an ass of yourself with this thread of yours.

You are looking like the hypocrite we all know you are.
Oh God.. shut the fuck up. You guys acccused Bush and Cheney of everything from manipulating the price of eggs to enslaving Martians....

Get over it.

"You guys". I did no such thing, Bush started a fucking bogus war that kills so many, and I criticized that.

It just makes the conservatives look so pathetic and petty, more so than they make themselves look before Obama came into the scene. Because you losers were making shit up about him before he was even president, so there was nothing to crtiicize him on. YOu just criticize because he's a liberal democrat.

Bush was criticized for starting a bogus war in Iraq. sounds like a pretty legitimate criticism.

and the people claiming Bush was behind 9/11 was just as stupid as most of the Obama bashing bullshit. REmember, this happened when Obama was just the dem candidate, and wasn't based on anything he did. petty, ignorant, delusional conservatives. way too many of them

Sorry to the few rational ones out there that make valid arguments and criticisms of Obama's action, and don't need to make stuff up, the load nutty portions paints a negative image.

And don't we usually hear people say "oh, bringing up Bush again" when a liberal does it, but here you are saying "they did it to bush". Sounds childish to me

Line in bold.....seems to me you are the pot calling the kettle African American.

I suggest you take a deep breath, back down, and realize you made an ass of yourself with this thread of yours.

You are looking like the hypocrite we all know you are.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government. He thinks he is the messiah. And he is actively destroying America.

We have one of two things we must conclude from Obama's policies:

1) He is a complete moron who doesnt realize that it's unwise to spend more than we bring in, that giving money to special interests who got him elected is stimulus, that we should raise taxes and go into deeper debt to get out of the economy when anyone with half a brain realizes that will make things worse.


2) He is doing it on purpose knowing full well what his policies will do.

And while i certainly dont believe he is as smart as some people on this board, i dont think the man is an idiot.
"You guys". I did no such thing, Bush started a fucking bogus war that kills so many, and I criticized that.

It just makes the conservatives look so pathetic and petty, more so than they make themselves look before Obama came into the scene. Because you losers were making shit up about him before he was even president, so there was nothing to crtiicize him on. YOu just criticize because he's a liberal democrat.

Bush was criticized for starting a bogus war in Iraq. sounds like a pretty legitimate criticism.

and the people claiming Bush was behind 9/11 was just as stupid as most of the Obama bashing bullshit. REmember, this happened when Obama was just the dem candidate, and wasn't based on anything he did. petty, ignorant, delusional conservatives. way too many of them

Sorry to the few rational ones out there that make valid arguments and criticisms of Obama's action, and don't need to make stuff up, the load nutty portions paints a negative image.

And don't we usually hear people say "oh, bringing up Bush again" when a liberal does it, but here you are saying "they did it to bush". Sounds childish to me

Line in bold.....seems to me you are the pot calling the kettle African American.

I suggest you take a deep breath, back down, and realize you made an ass of yourself with this thread of yours.

You are looking like the hypocrite we all know you are.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government. He thinks he is the messiah. And he is actively destroying America.

We have one of two things we must conclude from Obama's policies:

1) He is a complete moron who doesnt realize that it's unwise to spend more than we bring in, that giving money to special interests who got him elected is stimulus, that we should raise taxes and go into deeper debt to get out of the economy when anyone with half a brain realizes that will make things worse.


2) He is doing it on purpose knowing full well what his policies will do.

And while i certainly dont believe he is as smart as some people on this board, i dont think the man is an idiot.

unsubstantiated bullshit, just what I speak of.
Line in bold.....seems to me you are the pot calling the kettle African American.

I suggest you take a deep breath, back down, and realize you made an ass of yourself with this thread of yours.

You are looking like the hypocrite we all know you are.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence (my guess is you refuse to admit the intellignece was sketchy) that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

Liberal democrat gets blasted when he didn't even do anything, called a terrorist sympathizer, marixist, socialist, muslim who isn't american resident, making him guilty by association with Wright an Ayers, which are all dishonest stretches of reality. Then all the "destroying america" crap when he tries help the american economy, that's horrible, he's destroying the country.

Billions on war=good
billions to help americans=horrible and destroying the country

yeah, those two are completely comparable
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

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