Don't Look Now- 30,000 Lois Lerner's Emails Have Surfaced


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Gee, wonder where these emails have been?



Contrary To IRS Lies, Some 30,000 Lois Lerner "Forever Lost" Emails Have Been Recovered

It is unclear whether the person in charge of the Lois Lerner "disappeared IRS emails" strategy was also Dr. Gruber, but whoever conceived of the idiotic idea that the fatal failure of a local hard disk means that emails which are stored on at least one server miles away, and subsequently downloaded via POP3, IMAP or some other protocol, have vaporized, clearly also relied on the stupidity (and laziness) of the American people.

And like in the case of Obamacare, the lies worked, if only for a short period of time.

And because when it comes to lies coming from the very top, there is never just one cockroach, and they always inevitably scatter, the latest headache for a scandal-ridden president is that Lois Lerner's email, supposedly gone in perpetuity, have mysteriously reappeared, and as the Washington Examiner reports, "up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever."

As we suggested months ago, when the ridiculously idiotic excuse for Lerner's email disappearance first emerged, all one needed to do to recover the emails was to go to the email server itself. Or, worst case, its backup. This is precisely what the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has done, and as he informed congressional staffers from several committees on Friday, 30,000 or so emails were found among hundreds of "disaster recovery tapes” that were used to back up the IRS email system.

This is hardly a surprise. What is far more shocking is that the IRS assumed the US public is dumb enough that this simple fix would never ever be considered. But when, as has lately been made abundantly clear, most of US domestic policy under the Obama administration has been guided by the assumption that US voters are idiots, that too is also hardly a surprise.

More on Lerner soon no longer having the opportunity of pleading "the fif":

Contrary To IRS Lies Some 30 000 Lois Lerner Forever Lost Emails Have Been Recovered Zero Hedge

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