29,000 Emails from Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
29,000 Emails from Joe Biden
14 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Semmens

In response to a FOIA filing, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that "there were nearly 29,000 emails sent by Vice-President Joe Biden to his son's and brother's business firms. However, we will not be able to provide the contents of these messages until after the 2024 elections."
Archivist of the United States Colleen Joy Shogan, cautioned that "it would be premature to conclude that the existence of this correspondence proves that the President's statement that he has never spoken to his son about his business activities is false. Only an in depth analysis of each one of these emails can tell us the answer to that question. My staff tells me that it will take at least 15 months to complete this analysis."
Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out that "first, an email is a written communication, not a spoken communication. Even if all the emails are about business they don't prove that the President spoke to his son or anyone else about the business. Second, all of these emails are from the time that he served as vice-president. Since he no longer occupies that office the issue is moot. Finally, participating in businesses while holding public office is not a crime."
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said "the attempt to conceal or deny the significance of these documents is pathetic. The evidence is piling up against the Bidens' influence-peddling scheme. Being in the business of accepting payments in exchange for policy favors or transfers of public money is not a legitimate business. It is the kind of corruption explicitly forbidden by the US Constitution."

Remember Hillary’s 30,000 emails? How do these people have time for this? I don’t know how many emails I’ve sent/received over the last 20 years but it’s certainly a fraction of that.
Such pathetic corruption to keep felony Biden in office so he can keep doing Obama and his Chinese handlers.
See more:
"In a joint status report published by the Washington D.C. District Court on Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that it knew of 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group".
29,000 Emails from Joe Biden
14 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Semmens

In response to a FOIA filing, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that "there were nearly 29,000 emails sent by Vice-President Joe Biden to his son's and brother's business firms. However, we will not be able to provide the contents of these messages until after the 2024 elections."
Archivist of the United States Colleen Joy Shogan, cautioned that "it would be premature to conclude that the existence of this correspondence proves that the President's statement that he has never spoken to his son about his business activities is false. Only an in depth analysis of each one of these emails can tell us the answer to that question. My staff tells me that it will take at least 15 months to complete this analysis."
Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out that "first, an email is a written communication, not a spoken communication. Even if all the emails are about business they don't prove that the President spoke to his son or anyone else about the business. Second, all of these emails are from the time that he served as vice-president. Since he no longer occupies that office the issue is moot. Finally, participating in businesses while holding public office is not a crime."
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said "the attempt to conceal or deny the significance of these documents is pathetic. The evidence is piling up against the Bidens' influence-peddling scheme. Being in the business of accepting payments in exchange for policy favors or transfers of public money is not a legitimate business. It is the kind of corruption explicitly forbidden by the US Constitution."

Remember Hillary’s 30,000 emails? How do these people have time for this? I don’t know how many emails I’ve sent/received over the last 20 years but it’s certainly a fraction of that.
Such pathetic corruption to keep felony Biden in office so he can keep doing Obama and his Chinese handlers.
See more:
"In a joint status report published by the Washington D.C. District Court on Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that it knew of 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group".

Gee, who would have guessed a father emails his sons over the course of many years. That's really suspicious.
A father wrote to his son's business email address?

Yeah, that's really suspicious. :lol:
In this instance I have to agree with rightwinger, you're throwing bullshit against the wall hoping it sticks.....
I call Bullshit
Gosh, it doesn't sound like a fishing expedition to me! But I thought they had all the evidence they needed already!

Dear Hunter,

I'm writing via this electronic trail just to drop you a line and ask if you got that CARE package of cocaine and Comet Pizza coupons I sent you.

By the way, when can I expect that five million dollars from Burisma? I have my eye on a house in Rehoboth Beach and I need the cash.

Make sure to route the money through that secret FTX money laundering machine in Ukraine. George Soros told me FTT is better and safer than Bitcoin.

Get your strung out ass in gear and send me some of that sweet crypto. Come on, man!


In this instance I have to agree with rightwinger, you're throwing bullshit against the wall hoping it sticks.....
Sorry guys but 29,000 emails seems like a bit much

Joe Biden does not seem like an e-mail type of guy
A father wrote to his son's business email address?
Yeah, that's really suspicious.

Yep. 29,000 emails. That means Joe wrote to his son's business address TEN TIMES a day, seven days a week, for eight years. Yep, nothing unusual about that. That is like an email every 1.5 waking hours his entire time in office as VP.

Poor Hunter couldn't even afford a private email. :smoke:
Why not? The guy can't speak or talk, so hopefully, he can type.

Or maybe Joe communicates by tapping his pencil on his desk in Morse Code?
That is ten times a day, every day for eight years

If you are going to make up numbers, you have to be realistic
29,000 Emails from Joe Biden
14 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Semmens

In response to a FOIA filing, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that "there were nearly 29,000 emails sent by Vice-President Joe Biden to his son's and brother's business firms. However, we will not be able to provide the contents of these messages until after the 2024 elections."
Archivist of the United States Colleen Joy Shogan, cautioned that "it would be premature to conclude that the existence of this correspondence proves that the President's statement that he has never spoken to his son about his business activities is false. Only an in depth analysis of each one of these emails can tell us the answer to that question. My staff tells me that it will take at least 15 months to complete this analysis."
Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out that "first, an email is a written communication, not a spoken communication. Even if all the emails are about business they don't prove that the President spoke to his son or anyone else about the business. Second, all of these emails are from the time that he served as vice-president. Since he no longer occupies that office the issue is moot. Finally, participating in businesses while holding public office is not a crime."
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said "the attempt to conceal or deny the significance of these documents is pathetic. The evidence is piling up against the Bidens' influence-peddling scheme. Being in the business of accepting payments in exchange for policy favors or transfers of public money is not a legitimate business. It is the kind of corruption explicitly forbidden by the US Constitution."

Remember Hillary’s 30,000 emails? How do these people have time for this? I don’t know how many emails I’ve sent/received over the last 20 years but it’s certainly a fraction of that.
Such pathetic corruption to keep felony Biden in office so he can keep doing Obama and his Chinese handlers.
See more:
"In a joint status report published by the Washington D.C. District Court on Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that it knew of 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group".

Joe Biden has a history of plaguarizing other people and taking credit for the information. That's annoying, but that's not all.

Joe Biden also has a history of bragging on extorting millions upon millions of dollars from the Foreign Aid Packages he has been voting on for 44 years as a Senator and profiting from it when he was VP in the Obama administration. That's not annoying, it's against the criminal laws against theft of the American people written in the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/if/if11086

Those Congressionally-created Foreign Aid Packages were meant to strengthen America's allies in a mean world. The American people were called on by Congress to give from their paychecks these monies for countries bereft of food and/or weaponry to reducing hostilities, bombings, murders, and the poisoning of their populations from their inane adversaries (such as those that kill their babies, and then behead the corpses just for Satanic retribution, real or imagined.

The Foreign Aid packages were NOT granted for a crooked man to wrangle cash out of the recipient country, and in Biden's bragging viral video, amounted to a whopping 30% self-serving pickpocketing of cash timed to threaten the foreign aid country for the whole package if the country didn't come up with Cash for Biden to the tune of a billion bucks, deliverable within 6 hours before Biden took off in Air Force 2, which was never meant to bring personal wealth to any Vice President who already was receiving a generous salary from the Treasury Department, not to mention fringe benefits like Air Force 2 free travel for United States' purposes.

My argument against Biden's benefits was that he misused his benefits in order to steal taxpayer funded necessities for our allies, and hitting on a foreign country and getting foreign ministered fired for personal family reasons is against CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS, Article one, Section nine, Clause eight. Since his demand of a billion dollars (or was it a hundred million?) means that Joe Biden threatened the country Ukraine, had a Top Cop of the Ukraine fired from his job for the audacity of asking: What were Hunter Biden's credentials for becoming a Bursima oil company's Board of Directors member? So Biden gets money, he gets his son's perceived adversary fired from his job, interfering and extortion of money on the basis he would go home and tell American Congressmen what a bad group of people the Ukrainians were for daring to ask for Hunter Biden's credulity, since they likely already knew he'd never darkened the door of any gas and oil outfit prior to this request for a no-work job, a not-required-to-attend board meetings for a salary higher than that which the nation's President receives.

Biden pocketed a lot of taxpayer money. It was not a loan, it was an (of all things) a direct extortion attempt executed to fatten the Biden Crime Family's purse with the lion's share going to then-Vice President Joe Robinette Biden himself.

Not only was that common criminal extortion strongarming a nation in crisis of being threatened by Russia, it was a theft of American taxpayers hard-earned tax money. When is Creepy Joe going to pay the United States treasury the billion bucks he extorted with the threat he would cancel the benefits of the money in a Foreign Aid Package the Congress voted to give with few strings attached, just mercy for the threatened country and money to fight off the Russians should they make good their threat of declaring war against the Ukraine and taking home all that money, and bilking the Ukrainian people if they put up a fight.

That's just one foreign aid package used badly by Joe Biden. People couldn't figure about how Biden could afford to purchase five world-class multimilliondollar estates for himself. His tell-all on the viral video proved to the nation that he was so slick, there is no question that he was quite experienced in taking 30% of Foreign Aid packages on a steady basis, due to the self-serving ease with which he bilked the Ukraine. And his payback was to deliver a lot more ammunition in a real Russian attack war that was inflicted last year or so ago against the Ukraine, in order for Russia to enslave the people in the Ukraine to their wish and command ad infinitum.

I want Biden to put back in the US Treasury the one billion dollar deal he extorted from the Ukraine, all the money he has given to the Ukraine from the American taxpayers' pockets, put it back in the United States Treasury for the use exclusively of the American people. He also needs to be tried for stealing taxpayer money and serve time in prison like anyone else who extorted a billion dollars from someone else. Joe Biden turned himself into an Extortion King. I want his kingdom to be accounted for to the last penny, and all that was taken away from the taxpayers of this country to be put back in the Treasury for appropriate restoration of Biden's whithering extortion of the people he hasn't bothered to keep his oath he swore to on his inauguration day to provide for the common defense, not to rob and steal vast sums of money for his purchases of 5 mansions and a corvette among other things. And I want his travel records from his first day as Senator to today to be checked out to see if he was making the people pay for the Drug Cartels access as a reason why he made wrongful extortions if he eased the sanctions on too many foreign people from 160 (and more) different countries and the count has recently been up graded to eight million foreigners coming accross the southern border with no holds whatsoever barred.

Joe Biden owes the American people billions of dollars that he extorted, but how in the hell is he going to give Americans who died of the Mexican-Chino dirtbags poisonous fentanyl drugs that has killed over 350,000 Americans as of Biden's time spent in pay-to-play to his personal bank accounts, whether in America or in offshore accounts to make sure he pays no taxes on his damn thefts while widows over the age of 70 can't buy enough food for themselves and any family members they may be supporting, local taxes through the roof, and other reasons their fiscal life is one of misery and worry.

I feel hostile about Joe Biden bragging to his billionaire boys club caught on video of him brag, brag, and more bragging about the details of his insane thefts at the expense of taxpayers, and his is not accountable, and he made sure his son doesn't have to account to anyone about his credentials. It's a racket, and the people of this country do not deserve to be hijacked by this asocial creep who crept his way into power, most likely by way of a really stolen election considering he spent and is still spending idle hours in the basement of any one of 5 multimilliondollar houses he lives in. I want the American people to get back every stinkin' dime he extorted over a long career as a Senator,
back into the Treasury where taxpayer money is pidgeonholed..
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That is ten times a day, every day for eight years
If you are going to make up numbers, you have to be realistic

Who says that's not realistic? If they were short messages and all done in the evening back and forth over a couple of hours, it seems possible. I'm only questioning Joe's remarks that he didn't know what his son did for a living nor ever communicated with his business.

Pretty strange for ANY father to say he has no idea what his only son does for a living! Especially when the guy was a global jet-setter, raking in millions, and living in JOE'S HOUSE.
29,000 Emails from Joe Biden
14 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Semmens

In response to a FOIA filing, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that "there were nearly 29,000 emails sent by Vice-President Joe Biden to his son's and brother's business firms. However, we will not be able to provide the contents of these messages until after the 2024 elections."
Archivist of the United States Colleen Joy Shogan, cautioned that "it would be premature to conclude that the existence of this correspondence proves that the President's statement that he has never spoken to his son about his business activities is false. Only an in depth analysis of each one of these emails can tell us the answer to that question. My staff tells me that it will take at least 15 months to complete this analysis."
Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out that "first, an email is a written communication, not a spoken communication. Even if all the emails are about business they don't prove that the President spoke to his son or anyone else about the business. Second, all of these emails are from the time that he served as vice-president. Since he no longer occupies that office the issue is moot. Finally, participating in businesses while holding public office is not a crime."
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky), Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said "the attempt to conceal or deny the significance of these documents is pathetic. The evidence is piling up against the Bidens' influence-peddling scheme. Being in the business of accepting payments in exchange for policy favors or transfers of public money is not a legitimate business. It is the kind of corruption explicitly forbidden by the US Constitution."

Remember Hillary’s 30,000 emails? How do these people have time for this? I don’t know how many emails I’ve sent/received over the last 20 years but it’s certainly a fraction of that.
Such pathetic corruption to keep felony Biden in office so he can keep doing Obama and his Chinese handlers.
See more:
"In a joint status report published by the Washington D.C. District Court on Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that it knew of 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group".

Sounds like the Republicans are up to some election interference! :eusa_naughty:

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