‘Don’t say we didn’t warn you’ - A phrase from China signals the trade war could get even worse

typically in a war the first shot is responded to with a reply; another shot. I see Trump fired first & many AmeriKKKan investors & consumers will be paying the price & the cost of the 'war.' Trump fucked up; glad you're on his sinking Titanic.

Ah, sorry, no.
China fired the first volley, they heavily took advantage of us.
We gracefully acquiesced to their unfairness for years trying to be nice while they built up and stole the South China Sea.
China fired the second volley, they dug in despite years of effort to change their minds.
Now Trump has had it. He speaks for America. He's put a stop to it. He has China by the throat.
Like a snake, they can lash and strike, but Trump has the death grip on them. They will eventually have to fold.
But glad to see that all it took was a few shots off our bow for you to jump ship and side with the enemy.

The South China Sea is NOTHING to do with America. The Spratly Islands crap is wrong what China did....but that is NOTHING to do with America.

So now you want to start a war over the fucking Spratly Islands?
We really should work on improving our relationship with China. After all, Trump has adopted Chinese style socialism in our agricultural industry with his bailouts because of the trade war he started. The difference between their economy and ours seems to be getting narrower.

China now needs to work to improve their relationship with us. Whatever the tariffs cost us, they hurt China 7X as much.

The trade surplus China has with America is all of 3.4% of their total GDP. Just 3.4%.

The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China
China GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News
China GDP Annual Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

Their economy grew by 6.4% last year. Minus 3.4% and they still are growing about what America is WITHOUT ANY U.S. TRADE.

Anyone who says that China needs US trade simply has NO IDEA what they are talking about.
If China wanted to put the screws to Trump/US all they would need to do is

(1) immediately cut off any & all exports of 'rare earth minerals' to the US
(2) immediately cease purchasing US treasuries
(3) immediately demand 'payment in full' of the $1.15 TRILLION the US owes China

Trump would cave like a pussy (grabber) and the world economy would experience the greatest depression ever known.

Of course, that would be like the Chinese government putting a proverbial economic gun to it's (own) head but just as the 'Samson Option' for Israel would cause world wide nuclear war, China making the above three maneuvers would cause world wide economic disaster, and everyone would come out the loser.

"Was gesagt werden muss"

Be careful when you play with fire.
China is dealing with several billions citizens who don’t live in Shanghai.

so, you actually believe the Chinese government gives two shitz about those 1.4 billion Chinese citizens?

If you believe that shit I have a bridge over Marz I will sell you for bubble gum, beotch ............
The South China Sea is NOTHING to do with America.

Fucking idiot. The South China Sea is the most important trade route in the world for the USA including Japan. Economist expert my ass. You just an ass.
the Aussies have been moving to build a refining facility here in the USA

the japs found a shitload off the coast and have been moving to develop it long before any trade war started
and Wyoming has found a nice concentrated stash theyre looking to get mining operations started also
The South China Sea is NOTHING to do with America.

Fucking idiot. The South China Sea is the most important trade route in the world for the USA including Japan. Economist expert my ass. You just an ass.

Is the South China Sea United States territory? Yes or no?

If the answer is 'no'...then that proves that it is NOTHING to do with America. It says NO WHERE in the Constitution that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory.

And show me - on this map - EXACTLY how China seizing the Spratly Islands (which was VERY wrong of them, IMO) in ANY significant way reduces America's ability to trade with her trading partners?

LOTS of dumb assery in this thread; 'toob' shit comes to mind ................ jus' sayin' ..........
If China wanted to put the screws to Trump/US all they would need to do is

(1) immediately cut off any & all exports of 'rare earth minerals' to the US
(2) immediately cease purchasing US treasuries
(3) immediately demand 'payment in full' of the $1.15 TRILLION the US owes China

Trump would cave like a pussy (grabber) and the world economy would experience the greatest depression ever known.

Of course, that would be like the Chinese government putting a proverbial economic gun to it's (own) head but just as the 'Samson Option' for Israel would cause world wide nuclear war, China making the above three maneuvers would cause world wide economic disaster, and everyone would come out the loser.

"Was gesagt werden muss"

Be careful when you play with fire.
China is dealing with several billions citizens who don’t live in Shanghai.

so, you actually believe the Chinese government gives two shitz about those 1.4 billion Chinese citizens?

If you believe that shit I have a bridge over Marz I will sell you for bubble gum, beotch ............
Are you retarded?
The Chinese don’t give a shit about them but still have to quell the riots.
Dead bodies cannot be left to rot and spread disease.
The South China Sea is NOTHING to do with America.

Fucking idiot. The South China Sea is the most important trade route in the world for the USA including Japan. Economist expert my ass. You just an ass.

Is the South China Sea United States territory? Yes or no?

If the answer is 'no'...then that proves that it is NOTHING to do with America. It says NO WHERE in the Constitution that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory.

And show me - on this map - EXACTLY how China seizing the Spratly Islands (which was VERY wrong of them, IMO) in ANY significant way reduces America's ability to trade with her trading partners?

So China conquering more territory and thus more rare minerals is ok?
Do you get your own hypocrisy?
Is the South China Sea United States territory? Yes or no?
If the answer is 'no'...then that proves that it is NOTHING to do with America. It says NO WHERE in the Constitution that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory.
And show me - on this map - EXACTLY how China seizing the Spratly Islands (which was VERY wrong of them, IMO) in ANY significant way reduces America's ability to trade with her trading partners?

You really are a dumbshit aren't you? It's almost like you are compelled to stick your foot in your mouth over and over! The SCS is the world's most important trade route, it is international waters, and like every other US interest in the world, like the Straits of Hormuz, the USA is bound to protect it not only for itself but for the international community that no nation like Iran nor China monopolize it for their sole control.

In case you don't know it, dumbass, the USA has been sailing battleships right up to and past those fake islands that China built up in international waters.

What are you aiming for, to supplant Deantard as the most warped bubblebrain on the forum or are you a bot for the Chinese government? Which is it?
Last edited:
The trade surplus China has with America is all of 3.4% of their total GDP. Just 3.4%.

Fucking idiot liar. Trade with the USA represents TWENTY PERCENT Chinese exports! WE could cripple their economy fool. Trump has them by the short hairs. Shut your mouth, open your eyes for two seconds and READ:

Trade war with US could be the tipping point for China’s $14 trillion debt-ridden economy

That's 20% of her exports, DUH...not her entire economy.

China Exports By Country

Her exports to America are only (according to the above link) are only $420 billion (in 2017).
Her GDP is over $12 trillion (in 2017).
That is only 3.5%.

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

China GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News
China GDP Annual Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

I suggest you stop Googling around frantically trying to make a point on this. You are obviously macroeconomically clueless and making a fool of yourself.

Have a nice day.
If China wanted to put the screws to Trump/US all they would need to do is

(1) immediately cut off any & all exports of 'rare earth minerals' to the US
(2) immediately cease purchasing US treasuries
(3) immediately demand 'payment in full' of the $1.15 TRILLION the US owes China

Trump would cave like a pussy (grabber) and the world economy would experience the greatest depression ever known.

Of course, that would be like the Chinese government putting a proverbial economic gun to it's (own) head but just as the 'Samson Option' for Israel would cause world wide nuclear war, China making the above three maneuvers would cause world wide economic disaster, and everyone would come out the loser.

"Was gesagt werden muss"

Be careful when you play with fire.
China is dealing with several billions citizens who don’t live in Shanghai.

so, you actually believe the Chinese government gives two shitz about those 1.4 billion Chinese citizens?

If you believe that shit I have a bridge over Marz I will sell you for bubble gum, beotch ............
Are you retarded?

The Chinese don’t give a shit about them but still have to quell the riots.
Dead bodies cannot be left to rot and spread disease.

FYFIJA the Chinese government is not in the position of 'protecting' it's every move from world wide scrutiny as the US Government is.

The Chinese government can do whatever the fuck they like & NO WORLD organization is going to fuck with them, period.

You are obviously too dumb to 'get it' but that's OK, because you are a REPUBLI Trump.
If China wanted to put the screws to Trump/US all they would need to do is

(1) immediately cut off any & all exports of 'rare earth minerals' to the US
(2) immediately cease purchasing US treasuries
(3) immediately demand 'payment in full' of the $1.15 TRILLION the US owes China

Trump would cave like a pussy (grabber) and the world economy would experience the greatest depression ever known.

Of course, that would be like the Chinese government putting a proverbial economic gun to it's (own) head but just as the 'Samson Option' for Israel would cause world wide nuclear war, China making the above three maneuvers would cause world wide economic disaster, and everyone would come out the loser.

"Was gesagt werden muss"

Be careful when you play with fire.
China is dealing with several billions citizens who don’t live in Shanghai.

so, you actually believe the Chinese government gives two shitz about those 1.4 billion Chinese citizens?

If you believe that shit I have a bridge over Marz I will sell you for bubble gum, beotch ............
Are you retarded?

The Chinese don’t give a shit about them but still have to quell the riots.
Dead bodies cannot be left to rot and spread disease.

FYFIJA the Chinese government is not in the position of 'protecting' it's every move from world wide scrutiny as the US Government is.

The Chinese government can do whatever the fuck they like & NO WORLD organization is going to fuck with them, period.

You are obviously too dumb to 'get it' but that's OK, because you are a REPUBLI Trump.
I live amongst successful people who know way more about the global economy than either one of us.
Not one of them are freaking out about all the lies demonizing Trump’s policies.
The US economy was supposed to crash 2 years ago according to all Wall Street “Experts”.
Keep shitting in your diapers.
Is the South China Sea United States territory? Yes or no?
If the answer is 'no'...then that proves that it is NOTHING to do with America. It says NO WHERE in the Constitution that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory.
And show me - on this map - EXACTLY how China seizing the Spratly Islands (which was VERY wrong of them, IMO) in ANY significant way reduces America's ability to trade with her trading partners?

You really are a dumbshit aren't you? It's almost like you are compelled to stick your foot in your mouth over and over! The SCS is the world's most important trade route, it is international waters, and like every other US interest in the world, like the Straits of Hormuz, the USA is bound to protect it not only for itself but for the international community that no nation like Iran nor China monopolize it for their sole control.

In case you don't know it, dumbass, the USA has been sailing battleships right up to and past those fake islands that China built up in international waters.

LOL...'battleships'?!? What the hell are you talking about? America has not had an in-service battleship since the USS Missouri was decommissioned over 36 years ago.

And you skipped the question...as per usual:

WHERE in the Constitution does it state that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory?

Where does it say in the Constitution that America must engage in warfare to help other countries keep their trade routes open?
You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Believe what you want moron. Expert economists THINK THAT its going to hurt China a lot, I don't have to. And if it ain't going to hurt China, how is it going to hurt us? You trying to say we stand to lose far more than them? Then you're even dumber than I thought. Does it pay well to be a shill for the red Chinese, fool? I bet you come cheap. You'd probably undermine your country for free like most every leftard.
You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Believe what you want moron. Expert economists THINK THAT its going to hurt China a lot, I don't have to. And if it ain't going to hurt China, how is it going to hurt us? You trying to say we stand to lose far more than them? Then you're even dumber than I thought. Does it pay well to be a shill for the red Chinese, fool? I bet you come cheap. You'd probably undermine your country for free like most every leftard.

I will ask you again:

You really think China is going to collapse because she loses only 3.5% of her total GDP...when her economy is growing at a 6.4% GDP growth clip?

Yes or no, please?
Is the South China Sea United States territory? Yes or no?
If the answer is 'no'...then that proves that it is NOTHING to do with America. It says NO WHERE in the Constitution that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory.
And show me - on this map - EXACTLY how China seizing the Spratly Islands (which was VERY wrong of them, IMO) in ANY significant way reduces America's ability to trade with her trading partners?

You really are a dumbshit aren't you? It's almost like you are compelled to stick your foot in your mouth over and over! The SCS is the world's most important trade route, it is international waters, and like every other US interest in the world, like the Straits of Hormuz, the USA is bound to protect it not only for itself but for the international community that no nation like Iran nor China monopolize it for their sole control.

In case you don't know it, dumbass, the USA has been sailing battleships right up to and past those fake islands that China built up in international waters.

LOL...'battleships'?!? What the hell are you talking about? America has not had an in-service battleship since the USS Missouri was decommissioned over 36 years ago.

And you skipped the question...as per usual:

WHERE in the Constitution does it state that America can wage war to hypothetically protect her hypothetical trade interests thousands of miles from United States territory?

Where does it say in the Constitution that America must engage in warfare to help other countries keep their trade routes open?

US Navy destroyers sail near disputed islands claimed by China in South China Sea

US sails warships past disputed islands in South China Sea - CNN


They ani't no fucking luxury cruise liners, jackass. But leave it to you to try to deflect to a strawman argument.
China can't win with a ban on rare earth exports but liberal eco-terrorists can win for China by preventing American self-sufficiency. Obamajudges will do their part to assist.;

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