Conservatives Just Don't Get It About The Reasons Fr Th Trade War!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Back on August 26th 2019 there was an editorial article published in the Philadelphia Inquirer by George Will, the conservative columnist, titled "(The Actual Repercussions Of The) Trade War Shows Reality Of 'America First'" where George tried to disparage, ridicule and undermine Donald Trump's effort to preserve and restore America's domestic manufacturing industries and the widespread number of middle class jobs these industries directly support. This article was particularly relevant because the analysis, views and values of the writer are emblematic of those of many leaders in the Republican Party. George Will is to traditional conservatism as Michael Moore is to Progressivism and Al Sharpton is to the African American Civil Rights movement they are the premier role models for the respective movements and when they are missing the point one can conclude that generally the whole movement is missing the point.

The point is that domestic manufacturing industries that make steel, aluminum, home appliances, cars and other big ticket items have the sales revenue to pay middle class wages to their employees other industries largely don't the retail and many service industries jobs that proponents of the current order tout don't provide a good livable wage. America exists for the mass of the American people and we want good wage jobs for our people and these domestic manufacturing industries hold the potential to deliver this results so we want these industries protected and rebuilt. It's about good paying jobs, jobs, jobs; yes globalization and the international trade it brings to America creates some good paying jobs but not the numbers and stability that the local town and city plants across America had and can do for America. It won't be easy and it won't be quick but America has to reject the current globalization trade model where the entire world is one free market zone; domestic manufacturing industries must be protected. In reality, the current globalization model is a manifestation of evil, just as the scourge of drugs (heroin, cocaine and fentanyl) is a manifestation of evil as well as human slavery is; globalization turns people's lives upside down and tears them apart by putting out of business people's employer due to uncontrolled trade this devastation and destruction of human life is evil, true evil . In truth, large scale protectionism of domestic manufacturing industries isn't contrary or anathema to principled conservatism; conservatism is about fiscal and regulatory prudence and it is about fairness all copacetic with measured protectionism. Capitalism, free enterprise and individualism can still thrive and prosper under a new trade model that largely protects domestic manufacturing industries. Sure the truth is that the regulatory scheme that fixes this problem would probably be somewhat complex it would involve things like quotas, tariffs and a governing board or commission and the details have yet to be developed but it is doable these industries can be protected and returned to their level of strength. Conservative Republicans have to climb aboard this movement because it is the only solution available to remedy the economic disparity in this country that is putting such stresses on it that it is guaranteed to split America apart the only question that remains if this remedy is not put into effect is how long do we have until the permanent break-up of America occurs!

George Will in his article mentioned some "off the mark viewpoints" that many conservative leaders often say when he wrote "(tariffs) exacerbate trade deficits , which do not matter other than as irritants to Trump, who thinks they indicate foreigners taking advantage of Americans by selling them things they want". To ordinary Americans trade deficits do matter, big time matter, they are incontrovertible proof that the global trade model doesn't work and Americans are getting an unfair deal. To ordinary Americans the large amounts of money flowing out of the country in large trade deficits should be flowing into ordinary American families income in the form of wages to provide them with a good standard of living. The vast vast majority of adult Americans know of plants in America that have been closed because of off shoring, where the products are manufactured in foreign countries because it was cheaper to do so, or from foreign competition where foreign products are cheaper and offer the same or better quality; if these realities did not occur America wouldn't have these large trade deficits and these American manufacturing facilities would still be in existence and the good paying jobs they create would still be in existence. To ordinary Americans it's that simple big trade deficits mean the big loss of good paying American jobs!

The analysis in the article by George Will did make one very very important point although like many conservative leaders he failed to learn the lesson that wisdom calls for to be learned. George accurately states "uncertainties infused into the global economy the trade war between the world's two largest national economies probably have helped to produce a global slowdown and fears -------of an approaching recession" and George then alludes to the reality that capital going on strike could be the specific cause for the recession; George then posits that this "capital going on strike" is the fault of protectionists behind the trade war that he believes are clueless to this danger of capital going on strike. George and his fellow conservative leaders that are willing to throw a mass of American workers under the bus are right about the 300 pound gorilla in the room on this overall problem that being businesses not making capital investments and taking full measures to grow because of trade wars but the solution that quasi-protectionist like me want which is eighty percent of the U.S. domestic markets protected for domestic manufacturers in industries whose revenues and nature can support large number of middle class jobs is too achieve the goal by an extensive regulatory scheme passed into law by a legislature with a signature from a President. The lesson is that clear definitive rules are needed to protect America's domestic industries, that is, legislative action is needed to establish a stable predictable system so that business executive can make reliable investment plans so that the environment is conducive to successful capital investment. America needs to stop with this the-President-will-figure- it-out-as-he-goes approach and establish a body of well thought out rules to fix the trade problem. Conservatives need to get on the side of good and acknowledge that this driving capital investment to the sidelines problem is readily solvable! President Trump would be on the side of good and wisdom if he would acknowledge that this type of legislative action is needed to solve this problem and he best serves the American people by just getting a significant down payment from the Chinese, a trustworthy commitment to a significant reduction in the trade deficit, to resolve the current trade crisis! George's highlight of nations throughout the world's economic interconnectedness and the Tsunami Waive scale of destruction created by willy nilly protectionism may be today's practice of an "American First" economic policy but this does not have to be the reality strategic thinking implemented through legislation would cause no Tsunamis only an America where an abundant increase in middle class jobs has come about which I think is an "America First" in practice that most Americans hope and dream for!
Will, Kristol, Bush and people like that, neocons, are establishment elitists that have been screwing the American worker for decades. Free trade sucks because elitists have been given Carte Blanche in writing the agreements. Protectionism is good, tariffs are good, border security is good, and Trump is great.
Saying conservatives, like in all, is a pretty broad statement there. Way too broad.
And no mention of any blame on the left...

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