Don't tell Bobby Jindal...

I swear that was a priceless moment for Jindhal saying that the volcano project was wasted money when it was going towards better understanding of another potentially large natural disaster. If anyone should realize the importance of being prepared it should be Jindhal and his fellow Louisianians.

I'd like to see Jindal say that hurricane research is irrelevant and we shouldn't be spending money on it.

I doubt this guy will win re-election. He seems like Mr Rogers muppet with a stick up his ass and has no idea what the hell he's doing.
except he didnt say that
he said it wasnt STIMULOUS
huge difference
It'd be fucking hilarious if it wasn't our money they were playing with.
hell, they are well past our money at this point
more like great grandkids

Bush was already into your grandkids money, and has put this nation into a severe recession teetering toward the Second Great Republican Depression. The money spent now is to try to avert that disaster. Yes, there are too many earmarks in that bill, but half of them are Republican earmarks. And not all earmarks are nonsense. The one for money for monitoring of volcanos is a good use of taxpayer money. Whether that was sponsored by a Republican or Democrat, I don't know, but it was for the protection of American Citizens.

I didn't know Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel were republicans. I didn't know Clinton, who deregulated the banks, was a republican. Interesting.
Funny how Old Rocks Lewinsky calls it a republican depression when it didn't start until the democrats took over Congress; notably Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel.
Funny how Old Rocks Lewinsky calls it a republican depression when it didn't start until the democrats took over Congress; notably Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel.
yeah, it only took the dems 11 months to take us here
they have very poor memories
its just too bad there isnt a different party to go to to punish the GOP for being dumb fucks for 6 years
Funny how Old Rocks Lewinsky calls it a republican depression when it didn't start until the democrats took over Congress; notably Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel.
yeah, it only took the dems 11 months to take us here
they have very poor memories
its just too bad there isnt a different party to go to to punish the GOP for being dumb fucks for 6 years

too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...
Funny how Old Rocks Lewinsky calls it a republican depression when it didn't start until the democrats took over Congress; notably Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel.
yeah, it only took the dems 11 months to take us here
they have very poor memories
its just too bad there isnt a different party to go to to punish the GOP for being dumb fucks for 6 years

too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...

i'd say it's 40+ years of govt policy come home to roost. neither party is blameless and both have a lot to answer for-not that they ever will.
Funny how Old Rocks Lewinsky calls it a republican depression when it didn't start until the democrats took over Congress; notably Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel.
yeah, it only took the dems 11 months to take us here
they have very poor memories
its just too bad there isnt a different party to go to to punish the GOP for being dumb fucks for 6 years

too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...
did you miss the "lol" in that post

sheeesh you are one very thin skinned dem
yeah, it only took the dems 11 months to take us here
they have very poor memories
its just too bad there isnt a different party to go to to punish the GOP for being dumb fucks for 6 years

too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...

i'd say it's 40+ years of govt policy come home to roost. neither party is blameless and both have a lot to answer for-not that they ever will.
i think jillian totally missed the last line in my post
did you also?
too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...

i'd say it's 40+ years of govt policy come home to roost. neither party is blameless and both have a lot to answer for-not that they ever will.
i think jillian totally missed the last line in my post
did you also?

nope, just throwing in my 2 cents. i don't disagree with you.
too funny.... actually, for anyone who's a thinking person, it's the culmination and natural conclusion of repub policies since Reagan.

So do try again. it's embarrassing even to read that stuff ...

i'd say it's 40+ years of govt policy come home to roost. neither party is blameless and both have a lot to answer for-not that they ever will.
i think jillian totally missed the last line in my post
did you also?

I did miss the last line. Happens. :redface:
I swear that was a priceless moment for Jindhal saying that the volcano project was wasted money when it was going towards better understanding of another potentially large natural disaster. If anyone should realize the importance of being prepared it should be Jindhal and his fellow Louisianians.

About as priceless as Obama saying properly inflating your tires would offset any oil from offshore drilling?
I swear that was a priceless moment for Jindhal saying that the volcano project was wasted money when it was going towards better understanding of another potentially large natural disaster. If anyone should realize the importance of being prepared it should be Jindhal and his fellow Louisianians.

About as priceless as Obama saying properly inflating your tires would offset any oil from offshore drilling?

McCain agreed with him on that one.

And Obama was right.
I swear that was a priceless moment for Jindhal saying that the volcano project was wasted money when it was going towards better understanding of another potentially large natural disaster. If anyone should realize the importance of being prepared it should be Jindhal and his fellow Louisianians.

About as priceless as Obama saying properly inflating your tires would offset any oil from offshore drilling?

McCain agreed with him on that one.

And Obama was right.
no he didnt
and no he wasnt
that was a totally fucking STUPID thing to say
it wont even begion to make that savings
first of all because it assume there are THAT many stupid people that dont currently keep their tires at proper inflation
What a damned moron you truly are. The stimulas bill is about putting people to work doing things that are useful and vital to this nation. There is not much that is more vital than obtaining information ahead of time in the case of a major volcanic eruption. There are a number of large towns and cities in the Pacific Northwest that could be destroyed by an eruption or major mudflow. We cannot prevent that from happening, but we may be able to save the people in this situation if we have adaquete monitoring of these peaks.

Just how many people who wouldn't otherwise be working do you think will be put to work by including volcano monitoring in the stimulus bill? Do you think that not putting volcano monitoring in the stimulus bill means there wouldn't be volcano monioring?
Thursday eruptions darkened Peninsula skies, grounded planes

By George Bryson / Anchorage Daily News

Published: March 27th, 2009 05:50 AM

An erupting Mount Redoubt exploded again shortly before midnight Thursday, and the ash cloud that rose 32,000 feet above sea level appears to be moving toward Anchorage, the National Weather Service now reports.

Thursday eruptions darkened Peninsula skies, grounded planes: Volcanoes |
So what are you going to do about? Can't assess a carbon credits tax on it.

If the ash goes up into the stratosphere it will likely accelerate the cooling. You should be pleased about that as the arctic will continue its recovery and thickening.
I swear that was a priceless moment for Jindhal saying that the volcano project was wasted money when it was going towards better understanding of another potentially large natural disaster. If anyone should realize the importance of being prepared it should be Jindhal and his fellow Louisianians.

About as priceless as Obama saying properly inflating your tires would offset any oil from offshore drilling?

McCain agreed with him on that one.

And Obama was right.

so that is Obama's solution to high gas prices.....

fill up your tires with air.

and you think it's a great idea.

what a fucking partisan hack.
So what are you going to do about? Can't assess a carbon credits tax on it.

If the ash goes up into the stratosphere it will likely accelerate the cooling. You should be pleased about that as the arctic will continue its recovery and thickening.

Arctic volcanics seldom distribute their ash around the globe as do temperate and tropical volcanoes because of the atmospheric circulation. And the ash has gone into the stratosphere.

Alaska Volcano Observatory - Redoubt - Activity Page
(CNN) -- The Anchorage, Alaska, airport remained closed Sunday morning after an erupting volcano shot ash some 45,000 feet in the air on Saturday, officials said.

Ash from Mount Redoubt fell around the city -- Alaska's largest -- resulting in the closure of Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

Only a trace amount of the ash reached the airport grounds, airport spokesman Jeremy Lindseth said, but it was enough to affect operations. He said he did not know how many flights were canceled or rerouted as a result of the ash, and did not know when the airport would reopen.

The eruption occurred at about 1:30 p.m. (5:30 p.m. ET) Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey told CNN. The volcano erupted four times on Friday, at times shooting ash 51,000 feet into the air.

The eruptions are the latest in a series that began March 22.

Anchorage Airport closed as volcanic ash falls -
CNN) -- Officials will remove oil from two massive storage tanks near the base of erupting Mount Redoubt in Alaska, a spokesman said Friday.

Much of the oil in two massive tanks near rumbling Mount Redoubt will be removed, officials said Friday.

As the volcano continues to spew ash across Alaska's Cook Inlet, U.S. Coast Guard officials said they will begin to transfer oil from the Drift River facility to get to a "safe" level.

Coast Guard Officer Sara Francis said the oil is being reduced to protect against "the potential threat by the volcanic activity" and the potential effect on the environment near the storage locations.

Francis said the workers will remove about 75 percent of the 6.3 million gallons of oil in the tanks.

Oil to be moved from huge tanks near volcano -

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