Don't worry folks, the Che Guerva statue in NY is not coming down. Please, don't worry.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

And you guys are the ones that shout "fake news!" about the cable, networks and newspapers.

Your reference site is a BLOG. (I don't know how many times I've had to write that line here.)

Read the "Staff" section, idiot, from the site:
""""Dan Andros
Managing Editor

Dan spent the last 15 years as Head Writer for Glenn Beck. """""

Yeah, now there's some journalistic cred for you.

This is nothing but fake fucking news, you stupid sucker. Silly propaganda.

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

And you guys are the ones that shout "fake news!" about the cable, networks and newspapers.
This is a BLOG. (I don't know how many times I've had to write that line here.)
Read the "Staff" section, idiot.

""""Dan Andros
Managing Editor

Dan spent the last 15 years as Head Writer for Glenn Beck. """""

Yeah, now there's some journalistic cred for you.

This is nothing but fake fucking news, you stupid sucker.

So there is no Che Statue in NYC?

So Che wasn't a murdering fuckhead with suspect viewpoints?

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

And you guys are the ones that shout "fake news!" about the cable, networks and newspapers.
This is a BLOG. (I don't know how many times I've had to write that line here.)
Read the "Staff" section, idiot.

""""Dan Andros
Managing Editor

Dan spent the last 15 years as Head Writer for Glenn Beck. """""

Yeah, now there's some journalistic cred for you.

This is nothing but fake fucking news, you stupid sucker.

So there is no Che Statue in NYC?

So Che wasn't a murdering fuckhead with suspect viewpoints?
Che, or a Statue of an Actor Playing Che

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

And you guys are the ones that shout "fake news!" about the cable, networks and newspapers.

Your reference site is a BLOG. (I don't know how many times I've had to write that line here.)

Read the "Staff" section, idiot, from the site:
""""Dan Andros
Managing Editor

Dan spent the last 15 years as Head Writer for Glenn Beck. """""

Yeah, now there's some journalistic cred for you.

This is nothing but fake fucking news, you stupid sucker. Silly propaganda.

Nice logical fallacy. If you can't counter the points with logic and reason, attack the man for not having the proper authority, or in this case, working for the wrong media outlet.

Surely if everyone associated with Beck is a "stupid sucker", you'd have no problem dismantling the points he made.

The floor is yours.

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

Its funny how the left always cozies up to dictators ain't it? Wonder why no Pol Pot Tshirts?
Last edited:

Che Guevara has the most effective public relations department on earth. The Argentine guerrilla and modern Cuba’s co-founding father has been fashioned into a hipster icon, a counter-cultural hero, an anti-establishment rebel, and a champion of the poor. As James Callaghan once put it, “A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

The truth about Che now has its boots on. He helped free Cubans from the repressive Batista regime, only to enslave them in a totalitarian police state worse than the last. He was Fidel Castro’s chief executioner, a mass-murderer who in theory could have commanded any number of Latin American death squads, from Peru’s Shining Pathon the political left to Guatemala’s White Hand on the right.

“Just as Jacobin Paris had Louis Antoine de Saint-Just,” wrote French historian Pascal Fontaine, “revolutionary Havana had Che Guevara, a Latin American version of Nechaev, the nineteenth century nihilist terrorist who inspired Dostoevsky’s The Devils. As Guevara wrote to a friend in 1957, ‘My ideological training means that I am one of those people who believe that the solution to the world’s problems is to be found behind the Iron Curtain.’…He was a great admirer of the Cultural Revolution [in China]. According to Regis Debray, ‘It was he and not Fidel who in 1960 invented Cuba’s first corrective work camp,’ or what the Americans would call a slave labor camp and the Russians called the gulag.”

Despite Che’s murderous history, the Left continues to glorify and idolize him. Images of Che’s face can be seen on t-shirts, coffee mugs, keychains, and sweatshirts—ironic because he wasn’t a proponent of free-markets. Students walk around their campuses wearing shirts with Che’s image on it, yet they have no idea of the atrocities he committed. Unfortunately, most students either ignore this part of his story or are never truly informed about his actions.

Che honestly believed that “the victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Che’s name is associated with revolution and rebellion, yet many people don’t know that his end goal was to execute anyone who didn’t embrace socialist policies.

On the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus, one can find the “Che Café” where members are called the “collective.” In 2002, the Che collective agreed to finance a website that served as a directory for radical resources. It is important to note that UCSD is a taxpayer-funded institution and this Café is a place where collectivist thoughts and radical ideas are encouraged and promoted. Since 2010, the Che Café has been sued and threatened with eviction. To this day, the Che Café is still open and fighting in court to keep its doors open.

Here’s a Handy List of Atrocities for Everyone Glorifying Fidel Castro Today

This is who they worship folks. Meanwhile they condemn George Washington...


The hippy wearing the che shirt and mao hat.


This is what the are folks,


Don't worry folks. His statue is safe in NYC.

And you guys are the ones that shout "fake news!" about the cable, networks and newspapers.
This is a BLOG. (I don't know how many times I've had to write that line here.)
Read the "Staff" section, idiot.

""""Dan Andros
Managing Editor

Dan spent the last 15 years as Head Writer for Glenn Beck. """""

Yeah, now there's some journalistic cred for you.

This is nothing but fake fucking news, you stupid sucker.

So there is no Che Statue in NYC?

So Che wasn't a murdering fuckhead with suspect viewpoints?
Che, or a Statue of an Actor Playing Che

Ah, "Guerrilla marketing" taken to the extreme.

The question is if the movie is a real look at the murdering fucktard or a progressive Hollywood gloss over.
Ghandi had some interesting opinions on Black people, too.

Link? I am fascinated with the sudden REVISION of the "race" of arabs. In anthropology books----
"arabs" are people who speak Arabic as their mother tongue without reference to 'genes' or physical
features. As to persons of "INDIA"------their color is no issue in the standard anthropology 101
texts----regarding basic race-----they are Caucasian. Over the course of my life I have been acquainted
with lots of persons from india----and lots of "arabs" and lots of Iranians. Of those groups I have noted
a COMMONALITY--------(not a matter of a "broad brush" here---just observation over
more than 50 years) Of the groups Iranians, arabs, hindu Indians----ALL, OVERWHELMINGLY
self identify as "white" and, indeed, are so considered in anthropology 101-----unless there is a
compelling reason to think they have sub-Saharan ancestors OR "Mongolian" anecestors (which
would make them 'yellow') Regardless of genes, of all people with a "white is better" complex----
it is arabs and Iranians who WIN THE PRIZE. (hindu Indians run a close second) When did they SUDDENLY BECOME "colored" (disclaimer-----I am USA born and bred-----despite the fact that I have
some of my ancestors passed thru England---------no one I knew as a child called anyone as "BROWN" ----"colored" was a term reserved for typical SUB-SAHARAN coloration and facial features.
I have also noted that people here are using the word "brown" to refer to Syrians.
There is LOTS of Aegean in the Syrian gene pool and lots of blond, blue-eyed people who could
easily be taken for Methodists. (perhaps not Episcopalians) I have noted that LOTS of people
have decided that arabs are "colored"-------and the idea that arabs are "colored" is being used
as a political manipulation
The fucking "che café" in San Diego.




Understand what is happening folks. How many things are happening that you thought would never happen?

This is what the left is. This is who they all are. Demented fucks.

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