How long until the Climate Cult re-appears, now that there's hot weather?

We already went through this answer and its numerous failings.
The heat the earth receives from the the sun is remarkably constant with respect to similar stars. So what's coming in is pretty constant whether the planet is in an interglacial period like today or a glacial period yet the planet's mean temperature changes quite drastically. The reason it changes quite drastically is that glacial periods are triggered by a disruption of heat from the Atlantic to the Arctic which triggers glaciation in the Arctic. This glaciation increases albedo which serves as a negative feedback amplifying the initial cooling such that it eventually affects the climate of the entire planet. Eventually though, heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic is eventually restored starting the long process of thawing and warming up. The sun during all of this continued to crank out what it always cranks out. This means that absent a change in how the ocean distributes that heat the earth would naturally continue warming even more than it has in any interglacial period before it. The native state of the planet's current landmass distribution and resulting ocean currents is warmer than it has been at any point since the planet became bipolar glaciated but ocean currents are constantly seeking not only equilibrium in temperature but in density as well. As such changes in ocean currents will continue to happen as a result of uneven warming. But you're a political hack and don't give two shits about the science.
The heat the earth receives from the the sun is remarkably constant with respect to similar stars. So what's coming in is pretty constant whether the planet is in an interglacial period like today or a glacial period yet the planet's mean temperature changes quite drastically. The reason it changes quite drastically is that glacial periods are triggered by a disruption of heat from the Atlantic to the Arctic which triggers glaciation in the Arctic. This glaciation increases albedo which serves as a negative feedback amplifying the initial cooling such that it eventually affects the climate of the entire planet. Eventually though, heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic is eventually restored starting the long process of thawing and warming up. The sun during all of this continued to crank out what it always cranks out. This means that absent a change in how the ocean distributes that heat the earth would naturally continue warming even more than it has in any interglacial period before it. The native state of the planet's current landmass distribution and resulting ocean currents is warmer than it has been at any point since the planet became bipolar glaciated but ocean currents are constantly seeking not only equilibrium in temperature but in density as well. As such changes in ocean currents will continue to happen as a result of uneven warming. But you're a political hack and don't give two shits about the science.
Hilariously big fail
HEAT WAVE is hitting the eastern U.S. and even I'll admit, it's bad this time. My house temperature in the living room is 93 degrees as I type this, and I never remember it that high before.

But, you know what we can do about it?


There's not a solution, not a politician, not a government mandate that's going to control the weather.

Learn to live with hotter temperatures, and a message to the left:

Leave your stinking hands off my freedoms.
Last month, and here's Crick .
We do not have a right to fly on airplanes. We have a right to unrestricted travel across state borders but there is no guarantee that it be by airplane or any other technology.

We have no right to drive a car, much less one with a specified power plant.

We have no right to air conditioning.

No one in government has so much as hinted at taking anything from anyone.

Be all that as it may, the government does possess the authority to regulate air travel, even if those regulations lead to reduced availability. Fortunately for you, no one has even suggested legislation to do any such thing. I'm not saying it won't become an issue someday. Air travel represents a very large portion of the transportation sector GHG emissions and will eventually have to be dealt with. But, we have no right to air travel. It is a convenience for which we pay and since it is a public offering, the government has the authority and legal, ethical and moral responsibility to regulate the industry for the maximum benefit for the maximum number as it sees those things. The same can be said of automobiles.

I'm not sure why deniers so frequently suggest that the government wants to seize their air conditioners. They are certainly great energy hogs and some individuals leaning towards your way of thinking seem to think they're the only thing needed to address global warming. But aside from small amounts of Freon leakage from rapidly disappearing units not yet replaced by those with newer refrigerants, their only drawback is the energy they use. It's not uncommon for symptomatic treatments to worsen underlying causes and that's precisely what you've got here. But, again, we have no right to air conditioning.
You're absolutely Looney Tunes. Pfft!

You need airdropped into some wilderness with the choice either to have or not have a gun.
Lots of natural oxygen out there, bro.

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