How long until the Climate Cult re-appears, now that there's hot weather?

You can have my keys to my Toyota, and my right to fly wherever in the world I wish to fly...... over my dead body. I'm not giving these things up so you can try to 'fix' the weather.
I am no more the government than you are. We both have our votes. No one is going to try to take your car away. Drive it as long as you like. The government will exercise its control by phasing in both restrictions and subsidies on what you can buy or bring in to the US. The same will happen with your appliances and with the sources of the electricity coming out of your wall sockets. Just as you can no longer buy leaded paint for your home or a new car lacking seat belts or dangerous cribs for your infant or thalidomide for your prenatal nausea or a thousand other things that the government has banned from sale, at some point in the not too distant future, no one in the US will be allowed to sell you an automobile that runs on fossil fuels and emits carbon dioxide. So, enjoy that Toyota while you can. Mine have all run for ages. I'm driving one now and it may well be the last car I ever own.
Deniers believe the Big Yellow Thing in the Sky is the largest driver of temperature in planet Earth. They refuse to accept CO2 as their Lord and Savior
Frank, after all these years on this forum, do you still not understand how the greenhouse effect works?
Frank, after all these years on this forum, do you still not understand how the greenhouse effect works?

Increasing CO2 from 280 to 420PPM has absolutely no effect on temperature, therefore the IPCC resorts to charts, graphs and models to “prove” their Greenhouse effect works
You believe you have a Constitutional right to air travel, air conditioners or gasoline-powered cars? Could you point us to the Constitutional text that says such a thing?
Write back when you give up all those things, fucktard.
You missed the actual point of that exchange. CrazyTrader55 seems to have thought the Consitution somehow give him a protected right to a gasoline powered car, an air conditioner, a ceiling fan and air travel. I assume you understand that he was confused; that none of us enjoy any such rights. Right?

And, you know what? As much of a dick as Marion Morris actually was, I think if he saw you trading in on his good name and image to spout your ignorant, bigoted swill, he'd lay you out like a cold sardine.

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