DOPer Controlled House reauthorizes FISA despite DrumpF’s CRAZY & confusing TWITLER tweets

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
House Votes to Renew, Expand Authority to Snoop on Americans
Push by lawmakers for stricter warrant requirements fails

Repugger hypocrisy at ITS BEST!

Step one: Criticize Obama for NSA domestic spying!

Step two: Vote FOR NSA domestic spying!

btw: Will the DOPer's living lord, the Great Douche Veto this?
If it passes the Senate.

btw2: I hope to read more of the
NSA use of FISA, the detailed reports on the Great Douche Criminal deeds from 2009-2016!

btw3: Did not GOP Dubya start this Program of NSA domestic spying!? Like taking away American and other peoples rights'?
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