Double-speaking Fine Print


Sep 23, 2010
Wrap your head around the evolution of fine print if you can.

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

“Lack of transparency” is double speak for a contract’s “fine print.” Interestingly, lawyers invented “fine print” but it was the modern insurance industry that turned fine print into a license to cheat. At least protection rackets run by the Mafia delivered on their promises. Not so with government health insurance. So it comes as no surprise to me that ACA INSURANCE utilized every nasty deception developed by lawyers over the centuries.

Most of the Democrats who forced the ACA on the country are lawyers. Obviously, judges like John Roberts are also lawyers. Roberts proved if the lawyers don’t get you with legislation they’ll get you in the courts.

NOTE: Johnathan Gruber is an MIT economist with the soul of a shyster. Gruber is a Harvard graduate so there is a good chance he was infected by the culture of lawyers at his alma mater. Understanding Gruber is easy when you picture an economist as ambulance chaser —— pun intended.

Very few average Americans can understand an insurance policy of any kind. Insurance companies write policies to make buyers think they are going to be covered for this or that, but when an emergency comes up the policyholder finds out that the fine print in their policy does not pay for what the customer thought they were buying.

Here is an obscene example of the government paying, but not regulating, private sector insurance companies:

Reporting from Los Angeles and Washington — Civilian workers who suffered devastating injuries while supporting the U.S. war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan have come home to a grinding battle for basic medical care, artificial limbs, psychological counseling and other services.

The insurance companies responsible for their treatment under taxpayer-funded policies have routinely denied the most serious medical claims. Those insurers -- primarily American International Group (AIG) -- recorded hundreds of millions of dollars in profits on this business.

Injured War Zone Contractors Fight to Get Care From AIG and Other Insurers
by T. Christian Miller, ProPublica and Doug Smith, the Los Angeles Times , April 16, 2009, 9:25 p.m.

Injured War Zone Contractors Fight to Get Care From AIG and Other Insurers - ProPublica

Finally, Gruber might have a case for the stupidity of American voters if it was only a matter of caveat emptor. In fact, “Let the buyer beware” does not apply when the American people are being forced to purchase healthcare insurance. In the end American voters en masse are rejecting the ACA; so they might not be as stupid as Pelosi, Reid, and Gruber make them out to be.
That man should be thrown in Jail along with everyone else that had a hand in ObamaCare. Republican or Democrat.
Well, well. John Kerry’s ugly hand has finally surfaced in the lies surrounding the ACA. There is no bottom to the depth of Kerry’s hatred for this country expressed in foreign policy as far back as his treason after he returned from Vietnam, his long opposition to a Missile Defense Shield, and now his hatred surfaced in the ACA:

In an effort to add a cost-control measure to Obamacare, former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who Gruber called a “hero,” successfully pushed through a 40 percent excise tax on insurance companies for plans that cost more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,000 for families.

This was an alternative to putting a cap on tax breaks employers provide employees for health insurance plans, which, according to Gruber, the public mistook for a tax increase rather than the removal of a tax break.​

Incidentally, I wonder if Kerry’s belief in wealth distribution through the tax code includes distributing his wife’s wealth. I doubt he means the Heinz fortune because I never heard of a gigolo who advocated giving wealth to anyone except himself.


It is no great revelation to anyone who listened to Democrat lies for many decades to hear Democrats finally admit that the Party of Liars lies about everything. I do want to comment on Gruber’s core belief that the American people are stupid. Being a parasite in an invented parasite profession he can hardly believe anything else. It would be nice to know how much of MIT Professor Gruber’s lifetime income came from tax dollars:

. . . Gruber was paid $400,000 in tax money to come up with Obamacare and to directly advise President Obama about the law.

Obamacare Architect Likes Exploiting Voters, Called Americans "Too Stupid"...Twice
Katie Pavlich | Nov 12, 2014

Obamacare Architect Likes Exploiting Voters Called Americans Too Stupid ...Twice - Katie Pavlich

From Gruber’s perspective the American people are stupid because they want to work for themselves —— keep what they earn for themselves and loved ones.

Intelligence ——in Gruber’s worldview —— is believing in Socialism/Communism, and not resisting when Socialism’s priesthood forces you to work for strangers.
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Typhoid Nancy’s lies are so wacky it is hardly worth the time it takes to chronicle new ones. The latest one is so preposterous it deserves an honorable mention. Steve Hayes and Gretchen Carlson are too kind to the Nutty one:

There is some humor in Typhoid Nancy running away from Gruber. She is running away from Count Dracula and right into the arms of the Wolf Man —— The Affordable Care Act. As a matter of fact congressional Democrats are doing so much running away these days I’m beginning to think they are training for the Boston Marathon.
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John Hayward’s piece includes numerous videos to cover a lot of important points. I want to focus on this one paragraph:

For his final act (as of today, anyway), Gruber salutes the late Senator Ted Kennedy for finding clever ways to rip off the American taxpayer (yes, he used the words “rip off”) to the tune of $400 million a year, to keep ObamaCare v1.0 afloat in Massachusetts. Who are we supposed to rip off to get the money to keep this shell game floating now that it’s a federal program?​

Grubermania continues: it’s awesome how Ted Kennedy ripped you off, isn’t it?
By: John Hayward
11/14/2014 02:22 PM

Grubermania continues it s awesome how Ted Kennedy ripped you off isn t it Human Events

When Mitt Romney was the Republican party’s presidential candidate I said Romney was so far up Kennedy’s rear end that RomneyCare was really KennedyCare. That was reason enough for conservatives to reject him.

Here’s a 2006 picture of Romney signing the bill as Ted Kennedy looks on. I guess they are laughing it up because they screwed the people in Massachusetts:


My point: Let me remind anyone who reads this message that Romney may very well be the Republican party’s candidate in 2016 if the media and Karl Rove’s Republicans have anything to say about it.
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Typhoid Nancy’s lies are so wacky it is hardly worth the time it takes to chronicle new ones. The latest one is so preposterous it deserves an honorable mention. Steve Hayes and Gretchen Carlson are too kind to the Nutty one:

There is some humor in Typhoid Nancy running away from Gruber. She is running away from Count Dracula and right into the arms of the Wolf Man —— The Affordable Care Act. As a matter of fact congressional Democrats are doing so much running away these days I’m beginning to think they are training for the Boston Marathon.

So the same 'woman' who told us that she would 'have to pass the bill to know whats IN the Bill', who also praised the Architect of the Bill on Television from the Chamber of the House, is now denying any knowledge of the Architect, despite the irrefutable evidence of her own testimony while standing as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as a result of the Architects public admission as to the fraudulent methods deceitfully applied, specifically as a means to influence the STUPID?

Wow~ Who could've seen THAT COMING?
BTW, you CAN NOT trust McRomney, he was part of the DEAL!!!! Think THREE times before backing a MODERATE PROGRESSIVE!.... From 2002, does a SKUNK change his stripes?

Typhoid Nancy’s lies are so wacky it is hardly worth the time it takes to chronicle new ones. The latest one is so preposterous it deserves an honorable mention. Steve Hayes and Gretchen Carlson are too kind to the Nutty one:

Does everyone realize that Typhoid Nancy remaining as minority leader also means that everything Jonathan Gruber lied about will continue to determine Democrat policy:

Despite losses, Pelosi’s power in the House remains undiminished
By Michael Doyle and Curtis Tate
McClatchy Washington Bureau November 16, 2014

WASHINGTON Despite losses Pelosi rsquo s power in the House remains undiminished Congress McClatchy DC
Nancy Pelosi is, in very real and wholly objective terms: INSANE. Which is to say that the minority party in the House of Representatives, along with the Senate, is being controlled by people who are quite literally: MENTALLY ILL.

(For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate: THAT'S BAD!)

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