Double-Standard BS: Lib who vowed to assassinate Trump allowed to resign - no jail

It is getting out of hand. I suspect the Secret Service will be opening numerous investigations in the near future. The daily death threats on Twitter and other Social Media, is pretty shocking. Those folks could be in for a very big surprise. Threatening or advocating the murder of a US President can be a very serious criminal offense.
Trump has pissed so many countless people off..... a lot will slip through the cracks unless he speeds up his rate of backtracking.

No excuse for the abhorrent behavior Democrats are exhibiting. But i suspect many of them will be in for a very big surprise. Threatening to murder a US President is no joke. Many will have to be held accountable.

Maybe. Don't be surprised if it's not a liberal who ends up taking him out. There's a reason the GOP pushed far right nutjob Mike Pence into the VP role.

The Democrats have done nothing but incite. All that ranting about him being a 'Racist' and a 'Nazi.' Those words are incredibly dangerous. Their actions may incite countless nuts to act. It's truly shameful.
youve personally called obama and hilllary racist and a nazi
The arti
Trump should be less worried about this guy, and more about the ones who aren't dumb enough to post about it on Facebook.
Yes the many liberal 'enemies of the state'...
people threaten to kill obama all the time, about 30 times a day on average, he's still holds the record for most death threats received by any president


The article is attributed to no one or no source. Just another you all ar racists rants.
I wonder if this guy even owns a gun? My initial thought is his stupidity makes me guess he doesn't. But then he could be some 2nd Amendment guy who argues guns are needed to keep our government in check. I guess that would make him a patriot to never-Trumpers? Perhaps some see another type of double standard going on here.
... SO FAR!

Tech CEO who vowed to murder Donald Trump with a sniper rifle resigns

If there's ever been a giant list of things you definitely shouldn't do in a civilized society, threatening to murder the democratically elected leader with a sniper rifle is probably right up there at the top. Apparently nobody told Matt Harrigan, CEO -- well, former CEO, anyway -- of network security firm PacketSled.

....But threatening to kill the president isn't exactly easy to undo, and his company wasted no time in distancing itself from him. On Monday, PacketSled noted that
it is fully cooperating with the Secret Service, should a more in-depth investigation take root:

Tech CEO who vowed to murder Donald Trump with a sniper rifle resigns

Hopefully this jackass is one of MANY seditious libs who will be going to jail.

His wife will beat him senseless. She really wanted to go to the inaugural ball.
So you're justifying this guy's actions?
is it okay to threaten to kill a presidential candidate with a musket?

I think both cases are wrong, but one guy, the so called Lib, was fired, the Republican that said such with the musket, is being considered for a position in the Trump whitehouse.
So you're justifying this guy's actions?
is it okay to threaten to kill a presidential candidate with a musket?

I think both cases are wrong, but one guy, the so called Lib, was fired, the Republican that said such with the musket, is being considered for a position in the Trump whitehouse.
A musket? That tells me the giy wasn't / isn't opposed to a guy with a sniper rifle. 'Common Sense'

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