Dr. Fauci gets annoyed with reporters.

Wow, you are still talking about the "Deep State" like it's a thing? If Hillary offended anyone, it was the "Deep State". Doesn't really bother me that she had the super-secret stuff she was authorized to see on her personal computer.

Point was, Comey knew this would be a bullshit thing to bring against a popular public figure, especially in that jurisdiction.

It's why they STILL haven't brought charges against her after three years of "Lock Her Up". Barr's already proven himself to be a pathetic toady... but he hasn't charged Hillary for some reason.

Oh, they are looking into Hillary, trust me. It's not over yet. Hillary had classified emails on a personal non-secured government server. No, that is not permitted. Hillary had some of those files transferred and printed out by her aid. No, that is not permitted. She used that non-secured server for her personal e-mail which she did state department work on, so that if questioned, there would be no copies of them. No, not permitted. Comey had her aids laptop destroyed. Why?

After all that, Comey told Lynch in public not to press charges against Hillary; the fist time an FBI director ever instructed an AG how to do her job. Why?

Oh, but there's no deep state. I have a bridge for sale too if interested.

Comey didn't get as far as he did without pleasing people. The problem there was even though most of the Republicans knew this was bullshit, even by their standards, they still insisted on harping on this NON-ISSUE anyway.

Comey didn't need to please anybody. He's not an elected official. He weaponized the FBI and put the institution to shame. All he really had to do is his job, and stay out of politics.
First time I ever heard that the FBI Director can tell the AG anything.

You men Barr follows the orders of Chris Wray?
Wow, you are still talking about the "Deep State" like it's a thing? If Hillary offended anyone, it was the "Deep State". Doesn't really bother me that she had the super-secret stuff she was authorized to see on her personal computer.

Point was, Comey knew this would be a bullshit thing to bring against a popular public figure, especially in that jurisdiction.

It's why they STILL haven't brought charges against her after three years of "Lock Her Up". Barr's already proven himself to be a pathetic toady... but he hasn't charged Hillary for some reason.

Oh, they are looking into Hillary, trust me. It's not over yet. Hillary had classified emails on a personal non-secured government server. No, that is not permitted. Hillary had some of those files transferred and printed out by her aid. No, that is not permitted. She used that non-secured server for her personal e-mail which she did state department work on, so that if questioned, there would be no copies of them. No, not permitted. Comey had her aids laptop destroyed. Why?

After all that, Comey told Lynch in public not to press charges against Hillary; the fist time an FBI director ever instructed an AG how to do her job. Why?

Oh, but there's no deep state. I have a bridge for sale too if interested.

Comey didn't get as far as he did without pleasing people. The problem there was even though most of the Republicans knew this was bullshit, even by their standards, they still insisted on harping on this NON-ISSUE anyway.

Comey didn't need to please anybody. He's not an elected official. He weaponized the FBI and put the institution to shame. All he really had to do is his job, and stay out of politics.
First time I ever heard that the FBI Director can tell the AG anything.

You men Barr follows the orders of Chris Wray?

That was what was so Fd up about it. The FBI only does the investigation, and gives the results to the AG, who then decides if charges are to be leveled.

My theory: Lynch knew she was on the spot because of Hillary's obvious guilt. Bill met her on the plane to discuss her problem. He likely told her to publicly announce that she will follow any recommendation by the FBI director, which again, has never happened before. The fix was in, and it would get her off the hook.

Lynch did exactly that, and Comey took the heat instead of Lynch by recommending that nothing should happen to Hillary. Since she already publicly announced she would do anything Comey told her, she was self-absolved of all responsibility.
fuck that dude - you'd never allow ANYTHING to make trump look good. you're always in ATTACK mode and anything you can attack, you do. any reason you need, you create. any justification you feel is warranted, you call it.

but you'd never do the same thing to anything you are *for* - so you're simply an unbiased piece of shit in attack mode 24x7 on trump. ergo, anything you say on the matter isn't worth a flushed turd.

Let's just try to keep this down to what Trump did, and not "Joe is a meanyhead", okay, buddy.

He told a foreign government to launch an investigation into his political rival and threatened to hold up money and aid if they didn't. The fact that the GOP refused to hold him to account for it doesn't make it any better, any more than Clinton's behavior was less disgusting because no Democrats held him to account.

It was just this was a bigger deal.

Now we have a plague and a recession because Trump has no idea what he is doing...
That was what was so Fd up about it. The FBI only does the investigation, and gives the results to the AG, who then decides if charges are to be leveled.

My theory: Lynch knew she was on the spot because of Hillary's obvious guilt. Bill met her on the plane to discuss her problem. He likely told her to publicly announce that she will follow any recommendation by the FBI director, which again, has never happened before. The fix was in, and it would get her off the hook.

Lynch did exactly that, and Comey took the heat instead of Lynch by recommending that nothing should happen to Hillary. Since she already publicly announced she would do anything Comey told her, she was self-absolved of all responsibility.

Here's a better theory. Lynch and Comey knew the charges were bullshit, but still had to go through the motions because unlike Trump and his goons, they actually believe in transparency in government.

ONE MORE TIME- this was about using the wrong device to read an email someone else sent. She was authorized to have the information, she just had it on the wrong device.

The thing is, if there was any real criminal activity LYNCH AND COMEY HAVE BEEN GONE FOR THREE YEARS. Yet, oddly, Session and Wrey and Barr seem to be in no hurry to convene a grand jury and hear charges on these horrible crimes! Why do you think that is?

Could it be because a grand jury from DC would look at this bullshit and say, "N****r, Please"?
Oh, they are looking into Hillary, trust me. It's not over yet. Hillary had classified emails on a personal non-secured government server. No, that is not permitted. Hillary had some of those files transferred and printed out by her aid. No, that is not permitted. She used that non-secured server for her personal e-mail which she did state department work on, so that if questioned, there would be no copies of them. No, not permitted. Comey had her aids laptop destroyed. Why?

NO, buddy, it's over. Trump keeps saying this shit because people like you hate Hillary more than you love America, but nope, it's over.

Thing is, probably most of Washington is using personal devices for government work, just like most of us do. The rules weren't written with modern technology in mind.
The reporters were constantly badgering him trying to get him to say something negative about Trump. When they couldn't get him to, one of them asked him if he was speaking of his own free will. That guy showed a lot of patience with the press.

Hmmm. Mitigation works. And President Trump supports highly trained scientists/physicians like Secretary Fauci.

For those who just got here and have a little word confusion about "mitigation," from Webster's: "the process or result of making something less severe, dangerous, painful, harsh, or damaging -- the act of mitigating something or the state of being mitigated."

Tricking coronavirus is easy if you know what to do and why you're doing it.

1. Make a mask of 100% cotton if none are available, and wear it at all times.
Wash masks nightly with soap and water. If not dry the next morning, use an iron set on medium hot to dry it out.
If mask has pleats, stretch it with the pleats and press them out to look nice and smooth.
Wear it with the pride that your mask looks good and the pleats are pressed in place
If you really, really hate to iron, then while you are sewing the mask, sew a line that incorporates both sides of the pleat
1/16th of an inch from the edge of each pleat you wish to have it stay in place.

2. When you are shopping, stay 6-8 feet away from other shoppers, 12 feet if they are coughing, remembering that some people have allergies and asthma, and others may have coronavirus/flu/common cold.

3. If you are a church worship committee chairman, advise worshipers to sit 6 feet apart, and do not touch or hug others, even in and especially during times of mourning when someone is unhappy with the loved one they lost. Assure them verbally from 6 to 8 feet away, remembering that they have a 99% chance of being exposed to loved one or infected care giver and may seem without symptoms. State your case if opposed with "I have loved ones and senior associates who are dependent upon my good health for their welfare. I love you and grieve with you for your untimely loss of your (husband, wife, cousin, boss, best friend, important other)"

4. Carry a bar of soap or hand sanitizer in a plastic container in a phone pocket or purse.

5. If the box of a deceased loved one has a pair of old white cotton gloves that women used to wear in public, wash and use them if they fit. If they do not fit, find an experienced seamstress, take the gloves and some white cotton percale (fabric) and have 7 pairs made to fit your hands (one for each day of the week). Cotton is dry and gives no reservoir to germs and viruses. Synthetic materials not only harbor moisture that keeps microorganisms alive, some microbes/viruses/bacteria can exist indefinitely if they have the right amount of moisture and body temperature to keep them active.

6. Wash your face and hands with soapy water, wash your face and hands with soapy water, wash your face and hands with soapy water several times a day and after a handshake or someone touches you, including and especially a care giver who may have forgotten to wash his/her hands after treating the last patient who may or may not have been exposed to a bad bug.

7. Oh, and did I say "Wash your hands and face with soapy water" several times a day? Bugs can exist on metal and synthetic fabrics, clothing in a laundromat or clothes washer room, antiques, garbage can exteriors and interiors, etc. Bugs can also exist on light switches.

8. Lay low. Be patient with others due to stressing yourself and/or them. Stress quadruples one's risk of acquiring a virus/bacterial infection. A bacterial infection invites fellow microbes into yours/others' bodies.
Courtesy and patience are the enemies of microbes. And love and brotherhood are also the enemies of microbes, be they bacterial or viral. :huddle:

9, USMB is the perfect place to begin your wise approach to stopping microbial enemies. Be courteous, check your sources, and leave your thoughts of vengeance at the throne of God or whatever you respect, including your party-recommended political daily devisive talking points aimed at humiliation of political "enemies."

10, Society's wisdom is what is gonna kill COVILLIAN-19. Wisdom and stress-free living extinguish trouble like nothing else. And keep in mind that COVID-19 is the real enemy, not other people.

Please practice patience as a priority to establishing brotherhood. Stop blaming and start thinking of other people in terms of strengths and not weaknesses. If you are a Democrat, think of conservatives as the antistarvation forces of this nation. If you are a Republican, think of liberals as people who view the world as esoteric environmentalists, and they're gonna give you a black eye if you throw litter or cans out your automobile window. IOW appreciate others.
Last edited:
For sewing enthusiasts:

For non-sewing enthusiasts, no-sew instructions:

For time-sensitive gurus who do not care for wasting time:
40-second mask- rubberbands amd bandana (18" hanky) needed.
Oh, they are looking into Hillary, trust me. It's not over yet. Hillary had classified emails on a personal non-secured government server. No, that is not permitted. Hillary had some of those files transferred and printed out by her aid. No, that is not permitted. She used that non-secured server for her personal e-mail which she did state department work on, so that if questioned, there would be no copies of them. No, not permitted. Comey had her aids laptop destroyed. Why?

NO, buddy, it's over. Trump keeps saying this shit because people like you hate Hillary more than you love America, but nope, it's over.

Thing is, probably most of Washington is using personal devices for government work, just like most of us do. The rules weren't written with modern technology in mind.

You can use personal devices for work, but it has to be used on a public server where records can be extracted in case something afoul is suspected. There is only one reason to buy your own server, and that is so government can't get their hands on your copied material when you decide to have them bleach bitted.
That was what was so Fd up about it. The FBI only does the investigation, and gives the results to the AG, who then decides if charges are to be leveled.

My theory: Lynch knew she was on the spot because of Hillary's obvious guilt. Bill met her on the plane to discuss her problem. He likely told her to publicly announce that she will follow any recommendation by the FBI director, which again, has never happened before. The fix was in, and it would get her off the hook.

Lynch did exactly that, and Comey took the heat instead of Lynch by recommending that nothing should happen to Hillary. Since she already publicly announced she would do anything Comey told her, she was self-absolved of all responsibility.

Here's a better theory. Lynch and Comey knew the charges were bullshit, but still had to go through the motions because unlike Trump and his goons, they actually believe in transparency in government.

ONE MORE TIME- this was about using the wrong device to read an email someone else sent. She was authorized to have the information, she just had it on the wrong device.

The thing is, if there was any real criminal activity LYNCH AND COMEY HAVE BEEN GONE FOR THREE YEARS. Yet, oddly, Session and Wrey and Barr seem to be in no hurry to convene a grand jury and hear charges on these horrible crimes! Why do you think that is?

Could it be because a grand jury from DC would look at this bullshit and say, "N****r, Please"?

If Lynch had no problem calling the evidence BS, then why didn't she make the decision? Why did she need Comey to bail her out?

If you robbed a bank, got busted, do you think a prosecutor would say he's not pressing charges because you didn't mean to rob the bank? That's in essence what Comey said about Hillary. She committed crimes, but because he thought she didn't mean to, he told Lynch not to take it to a grand jury where a unanimous verdict of taking it to trial would have been ruled.

The problem is DumBama turned Washington DC into Chicago DC. The most corrupt people get off, just like the old mob days when they had members running the city or parts of the state. And you on the left approve of it. If it's your people, everything is fine. They can do anything they want, as long as other members of the deep state give it their okay.
You can use personal devices for work, but it has to be used on a public server where records can be extracted in case something afoul is suspected. There is only one reason to buy your own server, and that is so government can't get their hands on your copied material when you decide to have them bleach bitted.

Um, you really don't know much about technology, do you?

The Clintons bought their own server because they have a lot going on, and they really didn't trust the government servers entirely. Not that you can blame them, Republicans spent 70 million dollars investigating Bill's sex life.

If you robbed a bank, got busted, do you think a prosecutor would say he's not pressing charges because you didn't mean to rob the bank? That's in essence what Comey said about Hillary. She committed crimes, but because he thought she didn't mean to, he told Lynch not to take it to a grand jury where a unanimous verdict of taking it to trial would have been ruled.

That's kind of a bad analogy. You can't "accidentally" rob a bank. You CAN accidentally get classified material if the person on the other end didn't bother to follow proper classification protocols, which is what happened here. So to do a proper analogy, the Teller accidentally gave you $10,000, when the mistake was discovered, you returned the money and security processes were reviewed.

The problem is DumBama turned Washington DC into Chicago DC. The most corrupt people get off, just like the old mob days when they had members running the city or parts of the state. And you on the left approve of it. If it's your people, everything is fine. They can do anything they want, as long as other members of the deep state give it their okay.

You're really yet to make a compelling argument why anyone should care that Hillary got an email about something that was well known, but someone two years later decided it should have been marked "Classified". If anything, it tells me that there was too much bureaucracy.

Case in point, one of the items that was considered classified was a reposting of a NYT story about Cruise Missile Strikes against Taliban in Pakistan. Of course, it wasn't a secret, it was in the New York Times. But it was classified because officially, we weren't admitting to doing it so that the Pakistani government could save face. Someone two years later deciding that "Oh, yeah, that should have been classified".... just not really a scandal.
Um, you really don't know much about technology, do you?

The Clintons bought their own server because they have a lot going on, and they really didn't trust the government servers entirely. Not that you can blame them, Republicans spent 70 million dollars investigating Bill's sex life.

Oh, they had so much going on that government computers just couldn't handle it, huh? They just don't have that capability.

Yes, Republicans HAD TO spend that money because your President refused to tell the truth, which would have saved us that 70 million dollars. But hey, at least we proved Bill lied under oath. What did we get for the 40 billion on the Russian Hoax?

That's kind of a bad analogy. You can't "accidentally" rob a bank. You CAN accidentally get classified material if the person on the other end didn't bother to follow proper classification protocols, which is what happened here. So to do a proper analogy, the Teller accidentally gave you $10,000, when the mistake was discovered, you returned the money and security processes were reviewed.

You don't accidentally send out classified information, or store it on your personal server. Those are deliberate actions. If she was too stupid to know those emails were classified, she should have offered her resignation to DumBama the minute she became confused; should have asked him if they were classified or confidential.

As Comey said, what she did was commit felonies and misdemeanors, but said they weren't on purpose. It is the same thing as robbing a bank. And as Comey pointed out, it was likely that our enemies got those emails off of her server, but they just couldn't prove it at the time.

So not only did she mishandle and send out classified information, she put our country in jeopardy by allowing any interested party to get copies of them.

Oh, they had so much going on that government computers just couldn't handle it, huh? They just don't have that capability.

You ever work with government computers? They're crap.

Because they are on a budget, they are usually 10 years behind the civilian market.

Yes, Republicans HAD TO spend that money because your President refused to tell the truth, which would have saved us that 70 million dollars. But hey, at least we proved Bill lied under oath. What did we get for the 40 billion on the Russian Hoax?

40 "billion"? Really? you aren't good at math, are you? Anyway... whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections is kind of a big thing. Whether or not Bill Clinton got a blow job, not so much.

You don't accidentally send out classified information, or store it on your personal server.

Sure you do, when you don't think it's any big thing.

There were 100 emails with classified information. 2093 emails were later RECLASSIFIED as secret.

Some of them were sent from the intelligence agencies, and apparently THEY thought sending her the information was fine.

Things in news articles were classified, that's kind of the problem.

So this is a bullshit investigation not over whether or not she had a right to see the info, but whether or not it was using the right kind of device.

So really, hundreds of millions of dollars spent investigating the Clintons, and all you came up with was she used the wrong email, and he got a blow job.
You ever work with government computers? They're crap.

Because they are on a budget, they are usually 10 years behind the civilian market.

Sure they are, and when did you work for our federal government again?

40 "billion"? Really? you aren't good at math, are you? Anyway... whether or not the Russians interfered in our elections is kind of a big thing. Whether or not Bill Clinton got a blow job, not so much.

It wasn't about whether Russia interfered in our elections, it was about Trump planning it out with the Russians. You know, Russia interfered in our elections under Hussein, so blame Trump for it; a person that had no power with another country. A person who was predicted to lose.

You always know when somebody loses a debate when they turn into the typo-police.

Sure you do, when you don't think it's any big thing.

There were 100 emails with classified information. 2093 emails were later RECLASSIFIED as secret.

Some of them were sent from the intelligence agencies, and apparently THEY thought sending her the information was fine.

Things in news articles were classified, that's kind of the problem.

So this is a bullshit investigation not over whether or not she had a right to see the info, but whether or not it was using the right kind of device.

So really, hundreds of millions of dollars spent investigating the Clintons, and all you came up with was she used the wrong email, and he got a blow job.

Thanks again for proving you refuse to look at reliable sources. If you watched the Comey video, he explicitly stated that some of those emails were sent as classified, and she sent them out as classified without concern. When you quit the job as SOS, you are, by law, required to return all information back to the State department, which she did not. They were found on her server.
Sure they are, and when did you work for our federal government again?

When I was in the Army, they first started issuing the first desktops... and they were crap compared to what was on the civilian market.

Our company Clerk did get very proficient in solitaire, though.

It wasn't about whether Russia interfered in our elections, it was about Trump planning it out with the Russians. You know, Russia interfered in our elections under Hussein, so blame Trump for it; a person that had no power with another country. A person who was predicted to lose.

But that was the point. He won even though all the polls had him winning. I suspect that the government is NEVER going to come clean on how much the Russians caused the fluke in 2016 to happen.

Thanks again for proving you refuse to look at reliable sources. If you watched the Comey video, he explicitly stated that some of those emails were sent as classified, and she sent them out as classified without concern.

And so what. That's about as amazing as Ken Starr rushing and saying breathlessly, HE REALLY DID GET THE BLOW JOB!!!!

No one sensible cares.
When I was in the Army, they first started issuing the first desktops... and they were crap compared to what was on the civilian market.

Our company Clerk did get very proficient in solitaire, though.

That's all computers were good for back then. And do you really believe that computers used by our agencies are comparable to those they gave you in the military? I know all about computers. I took data processing in high school. Computers didn't take off until the 90's during the tech bubble when Apple started to come out with the most amazing devices.

2014 was not 1982. Your phony excuse that Hillary bought her own server because the governments was inefficient doesn't hold water. You just made that up.

But that was the point. He won even though all the polls had him winning. I suspect that the government is NEVER going to come clean on how much the Russians caused the fluke in 2016 to happen.

The Russians had nothing to do with it. You think putting out Facebook ads changed an election? My God, is there anything the MSM can feed you that you wouldn't believe?

And so what. That's about as amazing as Ken Starr rushing and saying breathlessly, HE REALLY DID GET THE BLOW JOB!!!!

No one sensible cares.

People should care if we have federal employees like her that treat confidential and classified federal material that way, and are given a slap on the hand and a ticket to run for the presidency in this country.
2014 was not 1982. Your phony excuse that Hillary bought her own server because the governments was inefficient doesn't hold water. You just made that up.

Nope, it was in a bunch of news stories. Let me help you out.

When Hillary Clinton took office as secretary of state, she, like most people, already had a personal email account. Like most people who started a federal job in 2009, she was also disheartened to learn that the then-current state of federal IT departments was such that she could not connect her personal smartphone to a State Department email address. If she wanted ready access to both her email accounts, she would need to carry two smartphones.

As any reporter in Washington knows, this indignity was in fact visited upon a huge number of DC denizens for many years. Everyone working in government felt that this was kinda bullshit, but nobody could really do anything about it. (Meanwhile, Chief Justice John Roberts has opined that carrying two phones could be reasonable grounds to suspect someone is a drug dealer.)

Clinton decided to do something about it. Namely, she told her top aides to just email her at her personal address so she could keep using whichever devices she wanted. This violated an internal State Department policy directive, known as a Foreign Affairs Manual, which stated that while it was okay to use personal digital devices to do work occasionally, “normal day-to-day operations” should be conducted on standard State Department equipment. Clinton chose to ignore this guideline and because she was the boss nobody could stop her. Career foreign service officers and other State personnel have every right to be peeved that Clinton opted out of an annoying policy rather than fixing the underlying issue, but it’s hardly a matter of overwhelming public concern.
The reporters were constantly badgering him trying to get him to say something negative about Trump. When they couldn't get him to, one of them asked him if he was speaking of his own free will. That guy showed a lot of patience with the press.

Hmmm. Mitigation works. And President Trump supports highly trained scientists/physicians like Secretary Fauci.

For those who just got here and have a little word confusion about "mitigation," from Webster's: "the process or result of making something less severe, dangerous, painful, harsh, or damaging -- the act of mitigating something or the state of being mitigated."

Tricking coronavirus is easy if you know what to do and why you're doing it.

1. Make a mask of 100% cotton if none are available, and wear it at all times.
Wash masks nightly with soap and water. If not dry the next morning, use an iron set on medium hot to dry it out.
If mask has pleats, stretch it with the pleats and press them out to look nice and smooth.
Wear it with the pride that your mask looks good and the pleats are pressed in place
If you really, really hate to iron, then while you are sewing the mask, sew a line that incorporates both sides of the pleat
1/16th of an inch from the edge of each pleat you wish to have it stay in place.

2. When you are shopping, stay 6-8 feet away from other shoppers, 12 feet if they are coughing, remembering that some people have allergies and asthma, and others may have coronavirus/flu/common cold.

3. If you are a church worship committee chairman, advise worshipers to sit 6 feet apart, and do not touch or hug others, even in and especially during times of mourning when someone is unhappy with the loved one they lost. Assure them verbally from 6 to 8 feet away, remembering that they have a 99% chance of being exposed to loved one or infected care giver and may seem without symptoms. State your case if opposed with "I have loved ones and senior associates who are dependent upon my good health for their welfare. I love you and grieve with you for your untimely loss of your (husband, wife, cousin, boss, best friend, important other)"

4. Carry a bar of soap or hand sanitizer in a plastic container in a phone pocket or purse.

5. If the box of a deceased loved one has a pair of old white cotton gloves that women used to wear in public, wash and use them if they fit. If they do not fit, find an experienced seamstress, take the gloves and some white cotton percale (fabric) and have 7 pairs made to fit your hands (one for each day of the week). Cotton is dry and gives no reservoir to germs and viruses. Synthetic materials not only harbor moisture that keeps microorganisms alive, some microbes/viruses/bacteria can exist indefinitely if they have the right amount of moisture and body temperature to keep them active.

6. Wash your face and hands with soapy water, wash your face and hands with soapy water, wash your face and hands with soapy water several times a day and after a handshake or someone touches you, including and especially a care giver who may have forgotten to wash his/her hands after treating the last patient who may or may not have been exposed to a bad bug.

7. Oh, and did I say "Wash your hands and face with soapy water" several times a day? Bugs can exist on metal and synthetic fabrics, clothing in a laundromat or clothes washer room, antiques, garbage can exteriors and interiors, etc. Bugs can also exist on light switches.

8. Lay low. Be patient with others due to stressing yourself and/or them. Stress quadruples one's risk of acquiring a virus/bacterial infection. A bacterial infection invites fellow microbes into yours/others' bodies.
Courtesy and patience are the enemies of microbes. And love and brotherhood are also the enemies of microbes, be they bacterial or viral. :huddle:

9, USMB is the perfect place to begin your wise approach to stopping microbial enemies. Be courteous, check your sources, and leave your thoughts of vengeance at the throne of God or whatever you respect, including your party-recommended political daily devisive talking points aimed at humiliation of political "enemies."

10, Society's wisdom is what is gonna kill COVILLIAN-19. Wisdom and stress-free living extinguish trouble like nothing else. And keep in mind that COVID-19 is the real enemy, not other people.

Please practice patience as a priority to establishing brotherhood. Stop blaming and start thinking of other people in terms of strengths and not weaknesses. If you are a Democrat, think of conservatives as the antistarvation forces of this nation. If you are a Republican, think of liberals as people who view the world as esoteric environmentalists, and they're gonna give you a black eye if you throw litter or cans out your automobile window. IOW appreciate others.

And take hydroxychloroquine if you are diagnosed with Coronavirus.

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