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Dr.King: When people criticize Zionists,they mean Jews,You are talking anti-Semitism!

I thought you would come up with something from that group. How come some of these favorite Jews of the hate sites live in Israel themselves?
Why is that a hate site and explain how what they said was wrong.

By the way, have you ever thought that you might be a bad seed?
Badass seed!
It's always the wimps like groinboy that think of themselves as badasses. Ha ha ha.
Big Nazi party in this thread !

Hey goergie and loiney, why are you guys spewing more Jew hating Nazi crap more than usual today ?

If your posts were translated into Arabic, they would say "Allahu Ahkbar Kill All Jews"
How are the "Three Strong Oaths", nazi crap?
No such thing exists or applies, idiot.
Apparently the fact that Dr. King was a Zionist gets under their skins. It's fun watching them squirm. Ha ha ha.
Only if you're too pussy to deal with Dr. King's other statements that you have not addressed.
"anti Zionism is the same as anti Semitism" which part of that statement is unclear, girly-man?
God doesn't break promises. If you go by those standards of which the Israelis are not guilty of, then Jihading racist barbaric Muslims must evacuate Mecca and all lands currently Islamic, and Crusading Catholics must evacuate the Vatican. Both of them have killed in the hundreds of millions.
The Catholics and the Muslims didn't kick out the people already living there to get the land.
It's always the wimps like groinboy that think of themselves as badasses. Ha ha ha.
I am badass!

My mommy said so!
God doesn't break promises. If you go by those standards of which the Israelis are not guilty of, then Jihading racist barbaric Muslims must evacuate Mecca and all lands currently Islamic, and Crusading Catholics must evacuate the Vatican. Both of them have killed in the hundreds of millions.
The Catholics and the Muslims didn't kick out the people already living there to get the land.
Wow, really? You really are an ignorant illiterate blowhard fuckwad, aren't you? Is that what they taught you in school? Did you even make it to like middle school? Reason I ask is this stuff is pretty intensively covered in most 6th and 7th grade curriculum's. I'm sorry, you were too busy practicing the sport of bending over. Oh well, to each his own.
You should stick to bending over, and leave Torah / Talmud interpretations to those that are qualified.
I thought you said it didn't exist?

No such thing exists or applies, idiot.
You waffle more than IHOP!
You and your cohorts attempts to discredit and divert from Dr. King's statement "anti Zionism is the same as anti Semitism" (the subject of this thread) remain futile. Keep sucking.
You and your cohorts attempts to discredit and divert from Dr. King's statement "anti Zionism is the same as anti Semitism" (the subject of this thread) remain futile. Keep sucking.
And you're using Dr. King like a cheap whore to further your own racist agenda, which explains why you're too pussy to address the other things Dr. King said and stood for.
Wow, really? You really are an ignorant illiterate blowhard fuckwad, aren't you? Is that what they taught you in school? Did you even make it to like middle school? Reason I ask is this stuff is pretty intensively covered in most 6th and 7th grade curriculum's. I'm sorry, you were too busy practicing the sport of bending over. Oh well, to each his own.
So you can't say how they got the land.
And Martin Luther King probably never said those words , either. Another poster previously pointed out the sources Roudy uses that purportedly record the words of Martin Luther King have been proven in the past to lack credibility.

Being againt Zionism is being a moral person, being a person with a conscience.

I am sure if Martin Luther King was here now he would be against Zionism today.

And if you want to see proof of that, you can see his followers, who were there with Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights Movement, visiting the Israeli Occupied village of Nabi Saleh and standing on a roof crying as they watched children attacked by Israel with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets. They told the Palestinian villagers what they saw in the Occupation, in Occupied Nabeh Saleh was just like what blacks experienced in America, pre Civil Rights Movement days.

Phil Weiss, founder of Mondoweiss, recently visited Occupied Nabi Saleh, in November, and he speaks about the visit to Nabi Saleh by a delegation of the Martin Luther King center for nonviolent change in October.

"Still these rural people carry on. And the international attention gives the villagers hope that they will one day prevail, and that the settlement will be removed from their land and their spring returned to them. Iyad Tamimi, a member of the popular committee, described an inspiring visit in October by a delegation from the Martin Luther King Center for non-violent change. Two dozen veterans of the civil rights movement came to Nabi Saleh, and because they didn't want to be exposed to tear gas and rubber bullets, sat in chairs on the roof to observe. It was not theater to them. It was their own history. Most of them were crying, Iyad said; they told him this is exactly what they experienced in the south. The visitors assured the villagers that Nabi Saleh will prevail, as the civil rights demonstrators in the south prevailed"

A bad day in Nabi Saleh | Mondoweiss


Being against Zionism is being Anti-Semite. You know people don't accept antisemitism with open armes like they once used to, so you cover it with being "Anti-Zionists". But every mask, is this, just a mask. And Zionism, like JUDAISM, will survive.

"But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad." (Exodus 1:12)

No, I'm sorry, but however desperately you want that to be the case, it's simply not.

You're becoming a tautological respondbot with no basis in linguistic reality.

And, no, citations from the OT have absolutely zero relevance to this topic.

Didn't think I'd have to ask this, but please be less stupid.

It is very well is the case.

Both Sherri and Loinboy had their maskes exposed as being Jew haters, Sherri basically clamed "Gentile" blood is more worthy than Jewish one, and compared to the Mrs.tact, my lean on religion is laughably minimalistic.

I believe that if you go down to the hearts of more then half of todays "Anti-Zionists" you'll find antisemism.

That is just how it is, and people are trying, not succeeding much, in hiding it.
:clap2:When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism! :clap2:

In a discussion at the home of Marty Peretz in Cambridge, Massachusetts (27 October 1967), as quoted in The Socialism of Fools : The Left, the Jews and Israel by Seymour Martin Lipset in Encounter magazine (December 1969), p. 24; in the anecdotal recounting of the incident Lipset writes:
One of the young men present happened to make some remark against the Zionists. Dr. King snapped at him and said, "Don't talk like that! When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism!"

Further corroboration of Lipset's account of such remarks by King has been made in research done by Martin Kramer posted in "In the words of Martin Luther King…" in his Sandbox (12 March 2012). In this he states that he wrote to Marty Peretz "to ask whether the much-quoted exchange did take place at his Cambridge home on that evening almost 45 years ago. His answer: 'Absolutely'.""

God bless you, Sir, for reminding me of how fervent Dr. Martin Luther King was against anti-semitism! Oh my God! I am a white woman ( with a male screen name but hey! There is a purpose behind everything so.......) who loved Dr. Kings sermons warning against Anti -semitism and that Communism was enemy no 1 and by that he meant MARXISM! I live in the south and you cannot travel far without seeing his name gracing one of our street signs! God bless him! I thank God for Christian men who stand up for Israel as he surely did! - Jeremiah
No problem. Just watching these hating scumbags coming out of the woodwork to discredit a valid quote, to no avail of course, is very interesting and entertaining. First they try to confuse it with a "letter," and now they question Dr. King's integrity and judgement.

It goes to show you, they will resort to anything, including lies, slander and disinformation.

Then why not post a valid link?
The accuracy and authenticity of this quote was disputed at "The Use and Abuse of Martin Luther King Jr. by Israel's Apologists" by Fadi Kiblawi and Will Youmans at Counterpunch (17 January 2004) and there is also said to be a speech attributed to King based on this quote which is a hoax, as well as a report which includes criticism of Wikiqoute's labeling of this controversial quotation as "Disputed"
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikiquote
It is very well is the case.

Both Sherri and Loinboy had their maskes exposed as being Jew haters, Sherri basically clamed "Gentile" blood is more worthy than Jewish one, and compared to the Mrs.tact, my lean on religion is laughably minimalistic.

I believe that if you go down to the hearts of more then half of todays "Anti-Zionists" you'll find antisemism.

That is just how it is, and people are trying, not succeeding much, in hiding it.
You keep calling me a "jew-hater", yet you cannot name one reason why! That's because this is your standard response to anyone who criticizes Israel or zionism. You "act" like the only reason a person would do that, is because they obviously must hate jews and yet, you completely dismiss the fact that there may be "other" reasons for such criticisms. Like things the Israeli's have done to the Palestinian's.

You cannot, for the life of you, be a responsible adult, so you project your problems onto others. What a lying little bitch, you are!
Hey Little bitch Lipbush,

Do these comments from MLK make him a jew-hater too?

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Martin Luther King, Jr.​

If Dr. King's not hating Palestinian's, he must be hating jews, right?

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Israel is the most militarized country on the planet and Dr. King is criticizing their defense program. He must be a jew-hater to be saying that.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

He's talking about people like you, he must be a jew-hater.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. "
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Uh oh, he's appeasing terrorists here, he must hate jews for doing this?

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

Looks like he's defending baby killing terrorist animals, he's got to be a jew-hater for saying something like that?

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."
Martin Luther King, Jr.​

He's talking about YOU again, there's that jew hatred cropping up.
Hey Lipbush,

Is this guy a jew-hater?

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.
- Albert Einstein

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