Oh, how they will cry when they realize what they have done.

Where did that come from?? Your mistake is in thinking I give a shit about ANY politician. I don't. I see them all as corrupt to one degree or another. But this new breed that are anti democracy are a new kind of animal. I was gonna compare the GOP today to the days of Joe McCarthy but that would be unfair to McCarthyism. This current gang of swamp creatures are a clear and immediate threat to our entire system of justice, the rule of law and even the concept of Reality itself. An entire party who believe that they are above the laws that the rest of us must adhere to. And so far, they are right! Four years of constant poisoning has left America on the brink of collapse. And folks like yourself have become witting or unwitting soldiers in the fight to overturn democracy. We are heading for autocracy, and hate filled leaders in your party are perfectly okay with not only watching and allowing it all to happen, but with speeding the process along. The saddest part is that you will come to realize the truth but it will be far too late. You've made a choice based on a fragile ego that you simply cannot allow yourself to see the truth or you will what? Be embarrassed? Saving our way of life is worth a little embarrassment. I don't hate you Trumpers but I abhor your gullibility and your weakness.

Bullshit. You are a propagandist for the Chinese. You will say anything that furthers their goals.
How did you let yourself become this far gone? Hope you can heal from your poisoning. Me? I'm gonna order a number 12 with Eggroll.
Where did that come from?? Your mistake is in thinking I give a shit about ANY politician. I don't. I see them all as corrupt to one degree or another. But this new breed that are anti democracy are a new kind of animal. I was gonna compare the GOP today to the days of Joe McCarthy but that would be unfair to McCarthyism. This current gang of swamp creatures are a clear and immediate threat to our entire system of justice, the rule of law and even the concept of Reality itself. An entire party who believe that they are above the laws that the rest of us must adhere to. And so far, they are right! Four years of constant poisoning has left America on the brink of collapse. And folks like yourself have become witting or unwitting soldiers in the fight to overturn democracy. We are heading for autocracy, and hate filled leaders in your party are perfectly okay with not only watching and allowing it all to happen, but with speeding the process along. The saddest part is that you will come to realize the truth but it will be far too late. You've made a choice based on a fragile ego that you simply cannot allow yourself to see the truth or you will what? Be embarrassed? Saving our way of life is worth a little embarrassment. I don't hate you Trumpers but I abhor your gullibility and your weakness.
Haha I'm no Republican, but if it's autocracy you fear, and you believe it is Trump's fault we are descending into it, then you are just too stupid to bother with.
Haha I'm no Republican, but if it's autocracy you fear, and you believe it is Trump's fault we are descending into it, then you are just too stupid to bother with.
Not a Republican? Yeah. I guess I wouldn't openly admit to it either. Did you miss the part about the insurrection? LOL
Insurrection? You mean that unarmed group of protesters who were waved through open doors into the Capitol, wandered around for a few hours taking selfies, then left when asked to? That insurrection?
Five human beings died because of that little field trip there crazy person. Someday I'd like to take a load of LSD so I can see what it feels like to visit your world. Is it fun?
And so the others are just collateral damage during a friendly outing? Like I said, I'd love to live your fantasy for one day. Must be a hoot.

They weren't harmed.
Insurrection? You mean that unarmed group of protesters who were waved through open doors into the Capitol,
Then, why didn't they use it?


wandered around for a few hours taking selfies, then left when asked to? That insurrection?

Maybe they should have asked......................Politely.


We are a nation witnessing the winding down of personal liberty and rights...and moving into a system of Authoritarianism and absolute rule by the rich and powerful. We're all but there now btw. But the final revocation of rights will be a shock for most.

How much longer will we be able to post (whine) on forums like this?
How much longer before the gun confiscations really begin and Marxism is declared the law of the Land?

I give it two years.
Within two years government troops will forcibly invade private homes at gunpoint taking personal firearms.
Of course, in the beginning it will be called "Social safety Missions".
Your "Rights" as you have known them will be eliminated. (They practically are already.)
Once the guns are gone, the persecutions will begin. People Shall be rounded up, put on trial and convicted of treason for speaking out against the agenda of tyrants in the past. Nearly every Leftist here who supported Biden, vaccine mandates, masks and hated Trump will be more than happy to be enforcing agents for these tyrants. They will tell on and expose you to the tyrants with great enthusiasm.

We did nothing but whine and complain like little bitches while evil men walked all over us.
You could say we will get what we deserve.

But government will be officially declared omnipotent and indisputable. (We're almost there anyway).
Ironically, Illegal immigrants and South American and Mexican drug cartels will become a greater force resisting the tyrants than we The People ever were.

It's going to be fascinating to watch these events unfold.
i don't think this will happen. There was a recent SCOTUS decision in favor of the 2nd Amendment

then we saw what happened on June 24 w/ the despicable, anti-America Roe
He said he didn't understand why an 18 year old can't buy a handgun but he can buy a rifle.
That should be what laws are designed to do....not go after everyone's rights.
Common-sense should come into play.....not gun-grabbing for gun-grabbing's sake.
He doesn't want the mentally ill to have access to guns.
Nobody wants that.....but you seem to think that voting for Trump makes you mentally ill.
You cannot just decide that your politics indicates your mental state when it comes to gun purchases.
the mentally ill (so called... definitions are called for) have a right to protect themselves

it is only when a person "mentally ill" or "not" exhibits violent behavior that he or she should not have a gun... but then... violent people, if denied guns will simply turn to other forms of weapons. And anything we use in everyday life can be a weapon.. baseball bat.. tire iron.. wrench
the mentally ill (so called... definitions are called for) have a right to protect themselves

it is only when a person "mentally ill" or "not" exhibits violent behavior that he or she should not have a gun... but then... violent people, if denied guns will simply turn to other forms of weapons. And anything we use in everyday life can be a weapon.. baseball bat.. tire iron.. wrench

RWNJ's think the mentally ill should be able to own guns?
With no testing or training.
Of course, they do 90% wouldn't qualify to own one if they were tested.

Now, just think if the same people were to apply to be a school bus driver?
RWNJ's would be having hissy fits if they were approved.

Oh' wait, these are not fetus' anymore, they likely wouldn't give a shit.

RWNJ's think the mentally ill should be able to own guns?
With no testing or training.
Of course, they do 90% wouldn't qualify to own one if they were tested.

Now, just think if the same people were to apply to be a school bus driver?
RWNJ's would be having hissy fits if they were approved.

Oh' wait, these are not fetus' anymore, they likely wouldn't give a shit.
More insane lies from the ghouls.
More insane lies from the ghouls.
That's what the mentally ill claim.

Then they vote for them.

Incumbent Rep. Lauren Boebert is the winner of the Republican primary in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District, according to the Associated Press.

Results from the Colorado Secretary of State show Boebert defeating primary challenger Don Coram with nearly two-thirds of the vote.


On Friday night, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was tripped up over the conspiracy theory.

“@CapitolPolice why are there 20 pallets of bricks one block from the House Office Buildings?” Boebert tweeted, apparently alluding to the standard bricks the right believes are owned by potential antifa activists.

Yet as it turned out, the bricks are part of an ongoing construction project on First Street in Washington D.C., according to signs right next to the pallets.


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