Draft the Articles Of Impeachment now....Republicans, what are you waiting for?

Three problems with this.

1. Demonicrats aren't held responsible for anything. It's one reason they spread victim roles like fairy dust. On the flipside they make up reasons to impeach Trump, there was absolutely nothing to their impeachments of Trump beyond political posturing.

2. The Kosher Commie is equally as bad or worse than Xiden. Her current position is well, I say WELL above her head.

3. Like everything the Democracks touch, they destroyed the meaning of impeachment.
The Democrats proved that you can impeach a President just because your feelings are hurt. What a laugh.
You have to have an actual crime to put on top of the articles of impeachment. Say what Biden did that was illegal or shut the hell up.
You have to have an actual crime to put on top of the articles of impeachment. Say what Biden did that was illegal or shut the hell up.

ILMAO................Where the fuck have you been the last year, all they have to do is make a crime up, look at Trump with Ukraine and the stolen election. Twice is the span of one year.
ILMAO................Where the fuck have you been the last year, all they have to do is make a crime up, look at Trump with Ukraine and the stolen election. Twice is the span of one year.
Well maybe they should go ahead and try to impeach him for the most widely popular decision he will probably ever make.
True, but not controlling The House didn’t stop Mexicrats from screaming “IMPEACH” before Trump was even given the keys to the Oval Office. Remember ow Slade3200 ?
Oh I see you want republicans to scream impeach like the democrats did in an empty sign of partisan hate. Got ya! Super smart strategy! You must really want to be like the Dems.
Why isn’t “IMPEACHMENT“ all the rage among Republicans right now? Imagine if this SHIT-SHOW went down on Trumps watch?
Getting rid of Biden helps nothing---he's not in charge. He's a puppet------and his HO Kamala will offer no change.
Is that why Republicans didn't vote to impeach Bush for starting all of this in the first place??

Or were Republicans not going to impeach their guy?? Or better yet, Republicans were 100000% onboard with waging endless wars until they had to pretend to be against it?

Couldn't impeach Bush for something so many democrats supported.
I suppose it's mostly because I'm paying attention, I'm disappointed, I see the collision course our once great nation is on.
Are you playing stupid and pretending a Californicacted America is good?
But, but, but... Mah Lib-r-tees!!! I have no interest in California values.

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