Draining the Swamp will not be Pretty

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Taking just three issues:

The War on outsourcing could set off a civil war in China because their labor force is shrinking and pension liabilities are expanding. (Actual labor force size is much less than the 16-65 calculation used in most data. Chinese retirement ages are 55 for women and 60 for men.)

Negotiating lower drug prices here will increase drug prices in much of the rest of the world because we subsidize the world's drug research. In other words the EU and Canada will take a big hit.

Discouraged and underemployed workers are such a huge hunk of the population UE could rise for two years easy.

What other areas of seemingly bad news will happen due to no longer storming the plan will we see?
Draining the swamp will not be pretty because Trump is refilling it in his own image.
not precisely. For example increasing rig count by expanding private pipeline authorizations has all kinds of foreign policy implications and using coal fields to expand Natural gas and Diesel fuel production even more. Iran, Russia and China will take the biggest hits from those moves.

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