"Draw Mohammed Contest" Organizer Pamela Geller vs. Fundamentalist Muslim Preacher Anjem Choudary

She didn't have to do anything, they just gave the animal Choudry enough rope and let him hang himself.
How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.

Still think my idea of Mohammed getting rammed by an ISIS or other Muslim terrorist would make a great 'toon. Not as an insult to Islam but rather illustrative expression of how terror groups are raping Islam by co-opting it for their own nefarious aims.

Rank and file Muslims are no more a threat to anyone else than rank and file Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. It's the militant types who hijack a religion and claim their antisocial actions are on behalf of it that's the problem. Not the actual religion.

Terror groups rape Mohammed and Islam everytime they commit their crimes and claim it's on behalf of Islam.
having Anjem Choudery on as a representative of islam would be akin to having the phelps clan on as representative of christianity.
We should have draw Mohammed cartoon contests in every city, and broadcast them all over the world.
How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.
They are trying say that pouring gas onto a fire will not douse the flame..
I tweeted Choudery yesterday, in response to his post that Islam would rule Britain. I said " You must be bloody joking, Islam will never rule Britain, Go to Syria and join the Islamic state, why don't you"
I am still waiting for a reply.
Rank and file Muslims are no more a threat to anyone else than rank and file Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. It's the militant types who hijack a religion and claim their antisocial actions are on behalf of it that's the problem. Not the actual religion.

Sorry but it is Islam that is the problem. It is a sick religion of fanatics following a false prophet who told them to fight in the way of Allah. To sell the life of this world for paradise by dying in battle.
The Quran divides humanity into believers and unbelievers, and says the curse of Allah is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hellfire.
He is a Zionist mole, among some others. Come on do you really think a radical Muslims would go on Fox. Get a grip.
Choudary also thinks women who do not veil themselves deserve to be raped and put to death for committing adultery.

American liberals would also agree with that.
Choudary also thinks women who do not veil themselves deserve to be raped and put to death for committing adultery.

American liberals would also agree with that.

How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.

anyone who supports Geller and her followers are just as bad as radical Islam. In my book she is a piece of crap or to be nice a sorry excuse for a human being.
for the sources of Penelope's education and light reading
at the brothels and methadone clinics------google Choudary Is A Zionist Mole and Hitler Was A Jew
for the sources of Penelope's education and light reading
at the brothels and methadone clinics------google Choudary Is A Zionist Mole and Hitler Was A Jew

Yes he had two Jews on. IF not, then he had two radicals on. Two peas in a pod.
Choudary also thinks women who do not veil themselves deserve to be raped and put to death for committing adultery.

American liberals would also agree with that.

How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.

anyone who supports Geller and her followers are just as bad as radical Islam. In my book she is a piece of crap or to be nice a sorry excuse for a human being.

Your book is used for toilet paper. :clap2:

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