Dream GOP Ticket Of Cruz/West.How Will Liberal Media Cover An Hispanic&Black Ticket?

if Blacks only come out in the masses when there is a black man on the ticket, then the Dem's are in trouble. Allen West wont have any problem getting at least 50% of the Black and White Hispanic vote.

Right. Blacks don't turn out for white people.

In 1992, when Bill Clinton was elected to his first term as president, he received 83 percent of the black vote compared to 39 percent of the white vote. In 1996, when elected to his second term, Bill Clinton received 84 percent of the black vote compared to 43 percent from whites.
I have to admit

Democrats dream of a Cruz/West ticket

So do the late night comedians
The Democrats will be using the Fried Chicken/Watermelon and Ribs jokes on West, while using the 4pm Naps/Taco Bell and Bullriding jokes on Cruz.
The Democrats will be using the Fried Chicken/Watermelon and Ribs jokes on West, while using the 4pm Naps/Taco Bell and Bullriding jokes on Cruz.

They won't be running.

And at this early point in anything, it is safe to say you don't know who will be running, and as a demo voter, you really don't care. Your only posting in this discussion seems to be to downplay any of the candidates offered for speculation.

As if repubs are ever going to listen to demo's for whom they should run.:lol:
Well at least Cruz will get all of 198 electoral votes coming from Canada and 45 Electoral votes coming from Cuba.

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