Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over


Shoots back
Nov 20, 2013
Wouldn't you like to know
OK. The nation is coming unglued.

We get the imagery of hopelessly sexually ambiguous jammy "man" yesterday, then I just saw this plug for the latest police state DUI shakedown, with this logo:


Look closely at the imagery...........Really closely.

A red star? Seriously?

While I'm not one to throw in with the likes of Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura, why not just go for a swastika or hammer and sickle?

It's a three color logo. Why not a white star?

What the hell is going on here?
OK. The nation is coming unglued.

We get the imagery of hopelessly sexually ambiguous jammy "man" yesterday, then I just saw this plug for the latest police state DUI shakedown, with this logo:


Look closely at the imagery...........Really closely.

A red star? Seriously?

While I'm not one to throw in with the likes of Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura, why not just go for a swastika or hammer and sickle?

It's a three color logo. Why not a white star?

What the hell is going on here?

they are implying that if you drive drunk you'd be treated by a soviet NKVD , not a regular cop, so get ready ;)

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