Ducks - stupidest thread ever, enter at your own risk


Senior Member
May 19, 2013
So I have farm drama a lot.

I've had chickens for years, but live where we have a red fox problem, we have a hawk problem too, but a couple pellets and they figure it out. I've raised a lot of chicks. This spring, DD wants a couple ducks. DUCKS? We get 2, they are in my kitchen as babies eating peas like crazy.

One ends up mothering all the chicks and chickens and she's grows into a full blown mallard, the other is names Ass Kicker and she's an Indian Runner. Long story short. All the chicks and chickens get in the holly tree and sleep together other than the 2 ducks and the duck chicken.

I have 1 ass kicker duck, 1 mama duck and 1 chicken duck that will only be with them and they all sleep in a pen. My big blue tick dog had surgery and is not outside for another week during the day to ward off the foxes.

The Mama Duck - mallard - gets it yesterday by the foxes. DD is destroyed. Ass Kicker is wandering around all sad. Top on that - this new batch of chicks we got - one ends up a rooster. Starts his cock a doodle from 4am til 6am so I haven't really slept since he figured out he's a rooster.

Complicate it - the rooster keeps getting outside his breed and won't leave the ducks alone. Ya know. So I'm out there yelling all the time "SHE'S A DUCK!! GET OFF HER".

Now that the fox came, I'm really worried today about Ass Kicker because she's an awesome duck (shut up). She comes for peas and her feathers are so soft and we love her dearly. But she's all alone now other than dipshit rooster jumping on her.

To leave her with the chickens or to give her to one of my best friends that has many ducks and let her be with her own instead of only the chicken that thinks she's a duck now that Mama Duck her friend is gone?

Am I being selfish to not just take her over there?

I warned you this was enter at your own risk. My farm drama is way more than the Kardamartians could ever hope for.

Thanks for all opinions :)
I'm thinking about it but I'd have to do something with his shotgunned little carcass.


See the dilemma.

I'm half cocked. I could do that part but then I'd start yelling for someone to do something with the fuzzy fox body.

I'm screwed six ways from Sunday on this fox and duck thing.
I'm thinking about it but I'd have to do something with his shotgunned little carcass.


See the dilemma.

I'm half cocked. I could do that part but then I'd start yelling for someone to do something with the fuzzy fox body.

I'm screwed six ways from Sunday on this fox and duck thing.

Skin him and leave the carcass for scavengers

no shotgun---.243 in the head
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This is what they do in the middle of the night. Usually only a couple weeks in spring and fall.

The stuff my dd's monster sound nightmares are made of.
I'm thinking about it but I'd have to do something with his shotgunned little carcass.


See the dilemma.

I'm half cocked. I could do that part but then I'd start yelling for someone to do something with the fuzzy fox body.

I'm screwed six ways from Sunday on this fox and duck thing.

Skin him and leave the carcass for scavengers

no shotgun---.243 in the head

Easier to do in the heat of the moment self defense. ;)
I'm thinking about it but I'd have to do something with his shotgunned little carcass.


See the dilemma.

I'm half cocked. I could do that part but then I'd start yelling for someone to do something with the fuzzy fox body.

I'm screwed six ways from Sunday on this fox and duck thing.

Skin him and leave the carcass for scavengers

no shotgun---.243 in the head

Easier to do in the heat of the moment self defense. ;)

messes up the pelt but wtf---saving your livestock is what matters
Send the duck off to be with fellow quacklings and chalk the whole thing up as lesson learned.

We had the most trouble with raccoons, and the occasional stray dog. Finally gave up and let a friend have what few chickens were left. It was a hoot while it lasted, tho.
Send the duck off to be with fellow quacklings and chalk the whole thing up as lesson learned.

We had the most trouble with raccoons, and the occasional stray dog. Finally gave up and let a friend have what few chickens were left. It was a hoot while it lasted, tho.

The chickens are ok but the ducks can't get in the tree to get away.

I've decided I'm out of the duck business forever.
I just remembered a silly rhyme

fuck a duck and screw a pigeon
go to hell and forget religion

okay i have ducks...and chickens....i keep them separate...ducks are stupid...mine are kaki campbells or some shit....ducks are would be cruel to introduce her to a new flock...the flock peaking order is set and they will just beat her ...till she finds her pecking order...a hard thing to watch....

keep her and get a couple of ducklings for her to mother...get a secure pen and coop....i should talk my chicken coop is ducks are in their duck palace and they laid a total of 3 eggs today...outta 8 ducks
ducks are amazingly stupid...i am simply amazed they exist in the wild..

You know what cracks me up about that is when my DD begged and brought them home, I look them up - supposedly they are "smart" and can understand up to thirty words.

Whoever wrote that never had a duck.

You have to tell them 10 times to go to bed and herd them in there. The only word they know is "peas" and that's because you have one in your hand.

They make chickens look like an evolved and enlightened species.
and that is why i dont have any roosters.....get rid of the rooster ....or you will only have more to deal with....i only have hens
So I have farm drama a lot.

I've had chickens for years, but live where we have a red fox problem, we have a hawk problem too, but a couple pellets and they figure it out. I've raised a lot of chicks. This spring, DD wants a couple ducks. DUCKS? We get 2, they are in my kitchen as babies eating peas like crazy.

One ends up mothering all the chicks and chickens and she's grows into a full blown mallard, the other is names Ass Kicker and she's an Indian Runner. Long story short. All the chicks and chickens get in the holly tree and sleep together other than the 2 ducks and the duck chicken.

I have 1 ass kicker duck, 1 mama duck and 1 chicken duck that will only be with them and they all sleep in a pen. My big blue tick dog had surgery and is not outside for another week during the day to ward off the foxes.

The Mama Duck - mallard - gets it yesterday by the foxes. DD is destroyed. Ass Kicker is wandering around all sad. Top on that - this new batch of chicks we got - one ends up a rooster. Starts his cock a doodle from 4am til 6am so I haven't really slept since he figured out he's a rooster.

Complicate it - the rooster keeps getting outside his breed and won't leave the ducks alone. Ya know. So I'm out there yelling all the time "SHE'S A DUCK!! GET OFF HER".

Now that the fox came, I'm really worried today about Ass Kicker because she's an awesome duck (shut up). She comes for peas and her feathers are so soft and we love her dearly. But she's all alone now other than dipshit rooster jumping on her.

To leave her with the chickens or to give her to one of my best friends that has many ducks and let her be with her own instead of only the chicken that thinks she's a duck now that Mama Duck her friend is gone?

Am I being selfish to not just take her over there?

I warned you this was enter at your own risk. My farm drama is way more than the Kardamartians could ever hope for.

Thanks for all opinions :)

Have you considered raising emus?

okay i have ducks...and chickens....i keep them separate...ducks are stupid...mine are kaki campbells or some shit....ducks are would be cruel to introduce her to a new flock...the flock peaking order is set and they will just beat her ...till she finds her pecking order...a hard thing to watch....

keep her and get a couple of ducklings for her to mother...get a secure pen and coop....i should talk my chicken coop is ducks are in their duck palace and they laid a total of 3 eggs today...outta 8 ducks

This group was all raised together, so I have a chicken that thinks she's a duck. She did until she hit the duck kiddie pool for the first time I'M NOT A DUCK! I'M NOT A DUCK!

Is the duck I have left going to be okay without it's duck partner at some point, or moving her to a new bunch of ducks a better idea?

I cannot believe I just typed that sentence.

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