Dumbing down our children, Walt Disney World finger scans for entry

Should Disney not be allowed to do this because it could lead to children being more accepting of government control?

How would it be prevented? Through government regulation or law? :lol:

Nope hit them where it hurts in their bank accunt. No paying customers they would soon get the message. You little statist sheeple need to stop grazing on that government grass.
WOW I realize this maybe old news. But watch these children and parents acceptmore and more and more big brother interventon. Since mickey is asking for it children will as they grow older accept more ad more Big Brother.

YouTube - ‪Disney World - Brave New World‬‏

In early 1996, Disney began a new system to identify users of annual and seasonal passes. Abandoned was the barcoded laminated photo ID pass in favor of a new mylar paper one. This new pass had no photo and only contained minimal visual evidence of ownership - your name and the expiration date of the pass. What was new was the magnetic strip on the back.

This magnetic strip stored all of your pass information that the previous photo one had plus it would reference one new piece of information: your biometric finger scan or as Disney now calls it, your ticket tag.

Ticket Tag Finger Scans

I flat refused to do it. Period.
Ravi said:
Universal does it, too. My son refused and after a short conversation with the gate guard they let him in anyway.
GOOD,everyone needs to stand up and refuse being treated like cattle!!

I think i would also refuse!!

Treated like cattle?

You should be bitching about the lines to get on the rides then
It won't work if you wear your tin foil hat though

The only people who believe in tin foil hat's are those who talk about them, and will be the first to allow the government total control of their lives. People like you.

Tin Foil hats are real

They prevent the government from reading your thoughts

You should try one....you will see I'm right

You're quite safe. The government are only interested in those that actually can think.
The only people who believe in tin foil hat's are those who talk about them, and will be the first to allow the government total control of their lives. People like you.

Tin Foil hats are real

They prevent the government from reading your thoughts

You should try one....you will see I'm right

You're quite safe. The government are only interested in those that actually can think.

I know you are but what am I?
How is this big brother? This is private property.

You don't have to go there if you don't want too.

If it were the government requiring it, then I would be upset. Because it is private property, they can have what ever requirements they want.
Exactly. If you want big brother to stop them you are an idiot. It is there right to require whatever they wish (that’s legal of course) for entry. I have no issues if they want to protect their property rights with the best tech they can find. What is your issue with the big?
Should Disney not be allowed to do this because it could lead to children being more accepting of government control?

How would it be prevented? Through government regulation or law? :lol:

Nope hit them where it hurts in their bank accunt. No paying customers they would soon get the message. You little statist sheeple need to stop grazing on that government grass.
That is your right. I will not go to Disney but that is because they are so expensive and deliver a crap product. The finger scans mean nothing.
Tin Foil hats are real

They prevent the government from reading your thoughts

You should try one....you will see I'm right

I have only seem dipicstion of what one may look like but I have never seen one or held one, much less think about one. You sound like you are well trained in the usage of a tin foiul hat.

Any one who does not trust the Government should wear one......
This entire nation was founded on mistrust of the government. You should NEVER trust your government. That is the entire purpose of your rights. Particularly you’re right of speech, assembly, press and vote. All very intrinsically ties with the ability to control the government because government is never to be trusted. The fact that you trust those that have so much power is rather unsettling.
The only people who believe in tin foil hat's are those who talk about them, and will be the first to allow the government total control of their lives. People like you.

Tin Foil hats are real

They prevent the government from reading your thoughts

You should try one....you will see I'm right

You're quite safe. The government are only interested in those that actually can think.
A post worth repeating
I will repeat this just in case it was missed.

They are scaning paying customers Why would Disney care who the ticket holder was, as long as the ticket the were using was sold by Disney?
I will repeat this just in case it was missed.

They are scaning paying customers Why would Disney care who the ticket holder was, as long as the ticket the were using was sold by Disney?

I guess that you do not realize that it is common for people to give their season passes or tickets to other people to gain entry into the park for free. A single ticket allows multiple entries because there are two separate parks as well as the fact that you may want to leave and return later that night. At 100 bucks an entry there is quite a lot of incentive to cheat the park. Perhaps you can explain why you feel they should not be allowed or pressured into not protecting their property.
WOW I realize this maybe old news. But watch these children and parents acceptmore and more and more big brother interventon. Since mickey is asking for it children will as they grow older accept more ad more Big Brother.

Why do you consider Walt Disney World, a private entity, big brother?

WOW I realize this maybe old news. But watch these children and parents acceptmore and more and more big brother interventon. Since mickey is asking for it children will as they grow older accept more ad more Big Brother.

Why do you consider Walt Disney World, a private entity, big brother?


Disney iosn't big brother nor is wal mart but big sis of homeland security is using walmart. What's the neeed to thumb scan a paying customer who has already purchased a ticket? Disney's only concern should be the ticket they sold not the person who uses it.
I will repeat this just in case it was missed.

They are scaning paying customers Why would Disney care who the ticket holder was, as long as the ticket the were using was sold by Disney?

I guess that you do not realize that it is common for people to give their season passes or tickets to other people to gain entry into the park for free. A single ticket allows multiple entries because there are two separate parks as well as the fact that you may want to leave and return later that night. At 100 bucks an entry there is quite a lot of incentive to cheat the park. Perhaps you can explain why you feel they should not be allowed or pressured into not protecting their property.

no ticket no entry.
I will repeat this just in case it was missed.

I guess that you do not realize that it is common for people to give their season passes or tickets to other people to gain entry into the park for free. A single ticket allows multiple entries because there are two separate parks as well as the fact that you may want to leave and return later that night. At 100 bucks an entry there is quite a lot of incentive to cheat the park. Perhaps you can explain why you feel they should not be allowed or pressured into not protecting their property.

no ticket no entry.

I guess I need to go a little slower for you.

Example 1: I purchase one season pass. I then loan that pass to every person on my block whenever they want to go to Disneyland. That pass was priced and sold based on ONE single person using it and visiting Disneyland in an average fashion. Now it is being used on a daily basis by customers that have NOT purchased the entrance fee.

Example 2: I purchase 2 tickets for the day. I enter the park with my friend, leave the park with both tickets while leaving my friend in the park and return with another friend using that same ticket. I jnow have allowed three people access for the price of two. Rinse and repeat and I can let as many people in as I please.

Example 3: I purchase a discounted pass that allows me into the park for 3 days instead of just one. The ticket is priced as to be an incentive for those that already paid the purchase price to come again in the same week but instead I hand the ticket off to a friend the next day where he is able to enter without paying the full price. I could go on but I am beginning to think you just want to complain without reason.

In the end IT DOES NOT MATTER why they wish to fingerprint their tickets. They can put WHATEVER asinine entry requirements they damn well please that is legal because they own the damn property. The scary part here is that YOU are the one advocating against freedom as you seem to think that they should be forced to operate as YOU deem fit. That is not how things work. You still have yet to display one reason that this is a bad thing anyway. What exactly are we ‘desensitizing’ the children to? Biometric scanning as a way of ID? How is that any different than being required to carry your ID with you and present it as proof of your identity? Just because it is using better tech than your ID does not make it different. It is the EXACT same process just more refined and accurate.
It could be a way to find missing children or alert Disney if a child molester is in the park.
Shit for brains what fucking conspiracy? They are scaning paying customers Why would Disney care who the ticket holder was, as long as the ticket the were using was sold by Disney?

Well, then move this thread somewhere, it doesn’t belong in Law and Justice System.
I guess that you do not realize that it is common for people to give their season passes or tickets to other people to gain entry into the park for free. A single ticket allows multiple entries because there are two separate parks as well as the fact that you may want to leave and return later that night. At 100 bucks an entry there is quite a lot of incentive to cheat the park. Perhaps you can explain why you feel they should not be allowed or pressured into not protecting their property.

no ticket no entry.

I guess I need to go a little slower for you.

Example 1: I purchase one season pass. I then loan that pass to every person on my block whenever they want to go to Disneyland. That pass was priced and sold based on ONE single person using it and visiting Disneyland in an average fashion. Now it is being used on a daily basis by customers that have NOT purchased the entrance fee.

Example 2: I purchase 2 tickets for the day. I enter the park with my friend, leave the park with both tickets while leaving my friend in the park and return with another friend using that same ticket. I jnow have allowed three people access for the price of two. Rinse and repeat and I can let as many people in as I please.

Example 3: I purchase a discounted pass that allows me into the park for 3 days instead of just one. The ticket is priced as to be an incentive for those that already paid the purchase price to come again in the same week but instead I hand the ticket off to a friend the next day where he is able to enter without paying the full price. I could go on but I am beginning to think you just want to complain without reason.

In the end IT DOES NOT MATTER why they wish to fingerprint their tickets. They can put WHATEVER asinine entry requirements they damn well please that is legal because they own the damn property. The scary part here is that YOU are the one advocating against freedom as you seem to think that they should be forced to operate as YOU deem fit. That is not how things work. You still have yet to display one reason that this is a bad thing anyway. What exactly are we ‘desensitizing’ the children to? Biometric scanning as a way of ID? How is that any different than being required to carry your ID with you and present it as proof of your identity? Just because it is using better tech than your ID does not make it different. It is the EXACT same process just more refined and accurate.

I hope I don't make it to simple for you (no ticket no entry) is as simple as you can get. Sure they can do has they wish for making demands for entry of all paying customers, but without paying customers they cannot say open. Money is the dictating factor, or at least it use to be.

But anyway whats happening is Big Sis is using a mouse to get Americas children more accecptable of giving out your Identity to anyone for any purpose.
It could be a way to find missing children or alert Disney if a child molester is in the park.

Yes it could but surrendering more freedom for a little safety never works.
Shit for brains what fucking conspiracy? They are scaning paying customers Why would Disney care who the ticket holder was, as long as the ticket the were using was sold by Disney?

Well, then move this thread somewhere, it doesn’t belong in Law and Justice System.

You freely come to this thread you freely open this thread you can freely leave this thread at any time if you don't like it.
I recently took a trip over the Disney World a few months-and was shocked that they wanted me to give them my finger print. I asked why, they informed me they keep it on file so nobody else can use my ticket. What ever happened to an old fashioned show your ID to them? It wouldn't have pissed me off if I would have known about their policy before I purchased the ticket.

But what absolutely floored me was seeing so many people just willing to give Disney their fingerprints, just to get into a theme park. Was I really the only the one who thought, wait a minute...I'm not so sure if this is the best idea, for my finger prints to be given to to strangers, just so I can high five mickey mouse and buy a $5 bottle of water.

We're so willing to give away all of our information whether it be fingerprints to Disney, personal information on facebook, our constitutional rights at airports, and what have you not. We're so complacent, we just don't care. 1984 is a lot closer than a lot of people think. as we inch closer, it effects us all, conservative, liberal, black, white, red state, blue state.

Not saying it should be illegal for Disney to do this, you have the right not to enter their park-and that's fine. But I think it does reflect on our willingness as a society to just blindly accept giving up a little more here and there, and is very telling about the times we're in.
Universal does it, too. My son refused and after a short conversation with the gate guard they let him in anyway.
That's good to know. I'd hate to stop having to go to Disneyworld because of this crap. You're fucking entertainers, not a military compound.

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