Durham Issues Subpeonas to Hillary Clinton's Law Firm and the Tech Bros Who Fabricated the Alfa Bank Hoax


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
BREAKING: Special Counsel John Durham issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

CNN tries to spin it, but there’s not enough lipstick for the pig.

Lawyers hiding their clients and passing off hoax crimes to the FBI to trick them into conducting a criminal probe. And then lying to the FBI about what brought them into their offices.

All to distract from Hillary's very real secret server scandal.

CNN then goes on to revive the Russiagate Hoax again, and demands to know why Durham didn't mention the hoax they worked so hard to propagate in their indictment.

They should have kicked the doors in on every lawyer the Clintons are associated with years ago. If the DOJ can kick the doors down on a sitting POTUS' over an issue that had NOTHING to do with the BULLSHIT INVESTIGATION into a russian collusion lie, then by God everyone who has exchanged a dollar with the the Clintons ought to have agents dumping out their sock drawers and confiscating every electronic device they have.

BREAKING: Special Counsel John Durham issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

CNN tries to spin it, but there’s not enough lipstick for the pig.

Lawyers hiding their clients and passing off hoax crimes to the FBI to trick them into conducting a criminal probe. And then lying to the FBI about what brought them into their offices.

All to distract from Hillary's very real secret server scandal.

CNN then goes on to revive the Russiagate Hoax again, and demands to know why Durham didn't mention the hoax they worked so hard to propagate in their indictment.

E-mails show the Durham WITCH HUNT indictment is based on a Durham LIE!
then by God everyone who has exchanged a dollar with the the Clintons ought to have agents dumping out their sock drawers and confiscating every electronic device they have.
Yep...every one of them deserves the Roger Stone experience. Feckin' Schutzstaffel SCUM...
BREAKING: Special Counsel John Durham issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

CNN tries to spin it, but there’s not enough lipstick for the pig.

Lawyers hiding their clients and passing off hoax crimes to the FBI to trick them into conducting a criminal probe. And then lying to the FBI about what brought them into their offices.

All to distract from Hillary's very real secret server scandal.

CNN then goes on to revive the Russiagate Hoax again, and demands to know why Durham didn't mention the hoax they worked so hard to propagate in their indictment.

He issued Subpoenas?!?! Wow, is that supposed to mean something? I thought we just ignore subpoenas now a days. No?
BREAKING: Special Counsel John Durham issued a new set of subpoenas, including to a law firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

CNN tries to spin it, but there’s not enough lipstick for the pig.

Lawyers hiding their clients and passing off hoax crimes to the FBI to trick them into conducting a criminal probe. And then lying to the FBI about what brought them into their offices.

All to distract from Hillary's very real secret server scandal.

CNN then goes on to revive the Russiagate Hoax again, and demands to know why Durham didn't mention the hoax they worked so hard to propagate in their indictment.

I hope it will go well beyond this, but I'm getting used to being disappointed.

How does it feel being one of Clinton’s useful idiots and parroting lies about Russian collusion?
Nothing I said had anything to do with Russia. I was talking about subpoenas. Did you get confused and respond to the wrong poster or were you just trying to change the subject?

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