
I feel like a real wad. DIdn't even know this was going on until just now. So busy with my own selfish life to see what's going on around me. I recognize her avatar though. We have to remember that this board is all about having fun. When in reality, many of those/us here are going through real life challenges


Many think also that this is just a collection of random words, but behind those words is a person and Eaglewings meant A LOT to me and I miss her very very much, our friendship here transcended politics and I will always remember her.
That's the best tribute we can provide for those who have 'Gone West'

I feel like a real wad. DIdn't even know this was going on until just now. So busy with my own selfish life to see what's going on around me. I recognize her avatar though. We have to remember that this board is all about having fun. When in reality, many of those/us here are going through real life challenges


Many think also that this is just a collection of random words, but behind those words is a person and Eaglewings meant A LOT to me and I miss her very very much, our friendship here transcended politics and I will always remember her.
She is with you now, Lucy. Sitting by your side. Sit very very still. Empty your mind of all outside sounds. Feel nothing. Just the space around you. Wait. Feel that faint whisper of air in your hair? A stroke on your skin by your hand? Hear a sound you can't quite locate? Its your friend. And all that have left before you.
I miss her. She was a great person.
Godspeed EagleWings.

I guess

Just this, we loved her.....

I fear we've lost Eaglewings. I appreciate the time I had with her.

I'll never see that giraffe pop up again. :(
I fear we've lost Eaglewings. I appreciate the time I had with her.

I'll never see that giraffe pop up again. :(

It's been seven months now since Eaglewings last post, and one month ago I came to accept that she was now among the beautiful Angels, this was very difficult for me to accept because I miss her, but it helps to know that she is now in no more pain and is in peace and happiness.

Godspeed dear Eaglewings, you are missed but you are always going to be fondly remembered.
It's pretty easy to aquire location information as well as an identity if for...oh...let's say someone had access to her ip. That's one way. There's really no such thing as anonymity. Not really. But nobody could ever know if someone did that. Have to keep that on the down low, though, because you know. Loose lips and ships and whatnot.
It's pretty easy to aquire location information as well as an identity if for...oh...let's say someone had access to her ip. That's one way. There's really no such thing as anonymity. Not really. But nobody could ever know if someone did that. Have to keep that on the down low, though, because you know. Loose lips and ships and whatnot.

You are great at it .

It's pretty easy to aquire location information as well as an identity if for...oh...let's say someone had access to her ip. That's one way. There's really no such thing as anonymity. Not really. But nobody could ever know if someone did that. Have to keep that on the down low, though, because you know. Loose lips and ships and whatnot.

You are great at it .


Go threw her posts .

This is below a picture of Eaglewings, this time next week she will not have logged on for two months, even though she has Stage 4 Brain Cancer she has NEVER not posted for more than TWO DAYS, she said in one of her very last posts she could die at ANY TIME from a Seizure. This is fucking depressing :(

Eaglewings on the Left but her and me became friends very early on, and I am HONOURED that she Followed me from very early on, she is a GOOD person and is a Practicing Christian and her Faith is VERY important to her, I do not know if she is on Facebook or whatever because I don't do Facebook, but as she has been here a LONG time and has many Followers and is being Followed by many I thought I would post this thread to see if ANYONE knows if she is on Facebook and if so we can find out if she is okay or whatever.

This is one reason I HATE the Internets thing, when you get friends on a forum with someone and you don't know their surname and then they get sick and then they disappear and you cannot know for certain if they are okay or not.

This is too fucked up. Eaglewings knows that I have been thinking about her and her family and praying for her, she knows this because of our PM exchanges, she has not logged on for nearly two months so I have heard NOTHING from her for two months now. I add that Eaglewings on the Left and me on the Right became friends just again illustrates that politics ISN'T EVERYTHING and that it is TOTALLY possible to be friends with peoples REGARDLESS of political persuasion.


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Sorry to hear that.
As much as I loved the banter with Eagle I hope that we can let this thread go. She was a great person to interact with but after all this time I think it is unnecessary to remind us all of the depressing facts of life.
She has either moved on to better things in life or she has "MOVED ON"

Say a prayer if that is your thing or just remember her fondly but no need to have a constant reminder of death tagged at the top of the forum.

Bye Eaglewings, you will be missed
Another one that I am just seeing.

So sad to lose Eaglewings. Condolences to all of her loved ones.
Oh my oh my. I hope she's alright. Please let us know if you find out anything. Prayers.

Tiny Dancer post # 3 in this thread, you are now also in Our Lord's Beautiful Kingdom say Hello to Eaglewings for us and know that both of you are very missed but that we all remember you forever with great love.

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