Earpiece Company CONFIRMS Kamala Debate Earrings 'Look Like Our Product!' Offer Earpiece To Trump

I wouldn’t put this kind of cheating past the political establishment. However, I am sure they have their own tech by which to achieve this. I really doubt they would use over-the-counter retail consumer products.
If you want any more proof that Trump lost the debate, just look at all these vacuous threads making excuses for his disgraceful performance. I mean these threads are no more than admissions that Trump lost bigly.
We keep seeing this with Democrat candidates only. Why is that?

Lets see. Do i believe MAGA that ABC cheated in an attempt to make Camel Toe Harris look better? Or, do i believe that ABC didnt give questions ahead of the debate to make it fair and balanced?

I choose, ABC cheated.

“When they complained about ‘right-wing media,’ they were lying to us. When they insisted that worries about Biden’s age were just cynical cover for Donald Trump, they were lying to us. When they suggested that Biden was impressive and sharp behind closed doors, they were lying to us.”
“That they have ceased lying for a moment does not change the fact that they are liars who will lie to you for any political advantage they can gain.”

I wouldn’t put this kind of cheating past the political establishment. However, I am sure they have their own tech by which to achieve this. I really doubt they would use over-the-counter retail consumer products.

Especially over-the-counter retail consumer products that exist only in theory and have never been shipped to a single person yet
Trump lost the debate in the minds of the people who would never vote for Trump anyway.
Partisans always see their favorite winning.
But the independent, undecided voter is much slower and then takes a week or more to decide.

The immediate after debate polls are worthless but used for drama and propaganda. Next week and the following the effect will be discovered.
Especially if this cheating by Kamala and ABC is true. It won't work out well for them. Biden cheated with having the questions but to no effect....he still couldn't win.

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