Earth in grave danger blah blah blah

Reminds me of the bit from M.I.B. where J tells K about the imminent threat to the planet and K in all seriousness asks, "Did he say when?"

"Earth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

* The study found that we wrongly thought we were in a 'safe zone'
* Scientists discovered a correlation between extinction events on Earth to the path our solar system takes through crowded areas of the Milky Way
* The galactic disk of the Milky Way contains dense clumps of dark matter
* Researchers claim the dark matter can throw comets into planet's path"

This isn't news. This was a recent episode of "How The Universe Works"

There is a recurring extinction event possibly caused by cometary impact. We're like 100k years overdo for the next one.

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