#EarthDay EPIC! Michael Moore’s new film trashes ‘planet saving’ renewable energy – full movie here!

Notice that certain warmist/alarmists believers have ignored this thread completely.....

I was waiting for you all to dig way down deep into the stupid hole. You all didn't disappoint.

Links to a dozen pieces ripping apart Moore's idiot propaganda can be found here.

This is probably the best one:

Needless to say, deniers won't look at those links, because their death cult forbids cultists from looking at any info that contradicts cult scripture. It's always hilarious watching deniers fall for idiot propaganda, and then run to the forums to breathlessly proclaim it to be the most awesome thing ever. But then, if they weren't mindless parrots, they woudn't be deniers.


It is OBVIOUS you didn't watch the video, they were ONSITE of the facilities over and over, talked to the people who actually runs the facilities.

Your links are highly misleading, I can see the deliberate strawman statements in them. You wouldn't know since YOU didn't watch the Documentary.
Notice that certain warmist/alarmists believers have ignored this thread completely.....

I was waiting for you all to dig way down deep into the stupid hole. You all didn't disappoint.

Links to a dozen pieces ripping apart Moore's idiot propaganda can be found here.

This is probably the best one:

Needless to say, deniers won't look at those links, because their death cult forbids cultists from looking at any info that contradicts cult scripture. It's always hilarious watching deniers fall for idiot propaganda, and then run to the forums to breathlessly proclaim it to be the most awesome thing ever. But then, if they weren't mindless parrots, they woudn't be deniers.


It is OBVIOUS you didn't watch the video, they were ONSITE of the facilities over and over, talked to the people who actually runs the facilities.

Your links are highly misleading, I can see the deliberate strawman statements in them. You wouldn't know since YOU didn't watch the Documentary.

I'm surprised it took this long for the bed wetters to compile enough bullshit talking points, but not surprised to see them condemning Moore, who was once among the Cardinals of Communism and is now a defrocked monk and a heretic.

Even more hysterical is looking at a bed wetters post lamenting the "parroting" of propaganda, after parroting agitprop and having no clue as to what they're talking about.

What Moore produced isn't some "new revelation". It's something most of us new all already. Green energy was bullshit. The Premise is bullshit. It's a bunch of billionaires, wasting tax payer subsidies on desert mirrors and massive fans. Moore might be a true believer in socialist dogma, as least how it's applied to everyone else's bank accounts, so once he discovered how even the Koch brothers profited off of government waste he was certainly pissed.

I just wonder how much longer Moore lives, another 6 months? How much you want to bet he dies of a "heart attack" real soon, or "kills himself" like Epstein.

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Looks like I triggered the cultists with hard data again. Not that they looked at the data. After all, their cult forbids them from looking at facts that aren't cult-approved. The cult fed them dumb anecdotes, so they BELIEVE, and that settles it. Sadly for them, reality is unaffected by their tears. That's why they have to retreat to these little SafeSpaces to cry on each others' shoulders.

It is fascinating, the sheer dumbness of their cult crusade. Fossil fuels are finite. Nuclear is way, way too expensive to work. Unless you want energy bills going up at least tenfold, or you want to be left shivering in the dark, renewable energy is the only option.

But then, this is the denier death cult. They see the prospect of humanity left shivering in the dark as a good thing.
Looks like I triggered the cultists with hard data again. Not that they looked at the data. After all, their cult forbids them from looking at facts that aren't cult-approved. The cult fed them dumb anecdotes, so they BELIEVE, and that settles it. Sadly for them, reality is unaffected by their tears. That's why they have to retreat to these little SafeSpaces to cry on each others' shoulders.

It is fascinating, the sheer dumbness of their cult crusade. Fossil fuels are finite. Nuclear is way, way too expensive to work. Unless you want energy bills going up at least tenfold, or you want to be left shivering in the dark, renewable energy is the only option.

But then, this is the denier death cult. They see the prospect of humanity left shivering in the dark as a good thing.


Just as I suspected, YOU never watched the Documentary, thus remain ignorant and stupid. The people who produced the revealing Documentary are well known Environmentalists and advocates for "renewable power" generation, but when they looked behind the scene, they found a lot of troubling problems.

Here are a few points to consider:

"Director-narrator Jeff Gibbs never talks to coal, oil or natural gas advocates – or to “renewable” energy and “manmade climate crisis” skeptics. Instead, he interviews fellow environmentalists who are justifiably aghast at what wind, solar and biofuel projects are doing to scenic areas, wildlife habitats, rare and endangered species, and millions of acres of forests, deserts and grasslands."


After speaking with “renewable” advocates in Lansing, Michigan, and learning that the Chevy Volt they’re so excited about is actually recharged by a coal-fired generating plant, Gibbs visits a nearby football-field-sized solar farm. It can power 50 (!) homes at peak solar intensity. Powering all of Lansing (not including the Michigan State University campus) would require 15 square miles of panels – plus wind turbines and a huge array of batteries (or a coal or gas power plant) for nights and cloudy days.

The crew films one of those turbines being erected outside of town. Each one is comprised of nearly 5,000,000 pounds of concrete, steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, cobalt, rare earths, fiberglass and other materials. Every step in the mining, processing, manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance and (20 years later) removal process requires fossil fuels.

and more in the link for rational, decent people who thirst for knowledge:

A miraculous turn of events


bolding mine


Your ignorance and stupidity is making a fool out of you.
Just as I suspected, YOU never watched the Documentary, thus remain ignorant and stupid.

You didn't even look at the debunkings, did you? Like I pointed out, you're afraid of sullying the purity of your cult mind.

The people who produced the revealing Documentary are well known Environmentalists

Given they got everything wrong, who cares? A turd is still a turd no matter where it comes from.

Gibbs visits a nearby football-field-sized solar farm. It can power 50 (!) homes at peak solar intensity.

This is a fine example of one of the big lies that you fell for. That's a tiny solar farm, and the figures on cost and power generation are wildly innaccurate. It's from 2008. Modern farms of that size have 5 times the output. Leaving that fact out is deliberate dishonesty, lying-by-omission, and that's the staple tactic of the movie.

The crew films one of those turbines being erected outside of town. Each one is comprised of nearly 5,000,000 pounds

So, you're trying to frighten with vague big numbers. It's like saying "A house is heavy, so houses are bad!". And you think that's stellar reasoning. Amazing.
Just as I suspected, YOU never watched the Documentary, thus remain ignorant and stupid.

You didn't even look at the debunkings, did you? Like I pointed out, you're afraid of sullying the purity of your cult mind.

The people who produced the revealing Documentary are well known Environmentalists

Given they got everything wrong, who cares? A turd is still a turd no matter where it comes from.

Gibbs visits a nearby football-field-sized solar farm. It can power 50 (!) homes at peak solar intensity.

This is a fine example of one of the big lies that you fell for. That's a tiny solar farm, and the figures on cost and power generation are wildly innaccurate. It's from 2008. Modern farms of that size have 5 times the output. Leaving that fact out is deliberate dishonesty, lying-by-omission, and that's the staple tactic of the movie.

The crew films one of those turbines being erected outside of town. Each one is comprised of nearly 5,000,000 pounds

So, you're trying to frighten with vague big numbers. It's like saying "A house is heavy, so houses are bad!". And you think that's stellar reasoning. Amazing.

I did read some of it, they are flailing around with STRAWMAN replies (which I mentioned before), meanwhile YOU still haven't watched the Documentary at all, thus you have no idea how badly snookered you are. You post "debunkings" links without ever watching the 1 1/2 hour long documentary, which exposed your massive bias against it, too funny and sad at the same time.

You remain determined to led by the nose with determined ignorance.

The lies of ecoloonies are getting the deserved SUNLIGHT treatments.

Watts Up With That?

A miraculous turn of events

May 8, 2020


Guest post by Paul Driessen

Never in my wildest dreams did I envision a day when I’d agree with anything filmmaker Michael Moore said – much less that he would agree with me. But mirabile dictu, his new film, Planet of the Humans, is as devastating an indictment of wind, solar and biofuel energy as anything I have ever written.

The documentary reflects Moore’s willingness to reexamine environmentalist doctrine. It’s soon obvious why more rabid greens tried to have the “dangerous film” banned. Indeed, Films for Action initially caved to the pressure and took Planet off its website, but then put it back up. The film is also on YouTube.

Would-be censors included Josh Fox, whose Gasland film Irish journalists Phelim McAleer and Anne McElhinney totally eviscerated with their FrackNation documentary; Michael Mann, whose hockey stick global temperature graph was demolished by Canadian analysts Ross McKitrick and Steve McIntyre, and many others; and Stanford professor Mark Jacobson, who just got slapped with a potential $1-million penalty (in legal fees) for bringing a SLAPP (strategic litigation against public participation) and defamation lawsuit against a mathematician who criticized Jacobson’s renewable energy claims.

These critics and their allies are rarely willing to discuss any climate or energy issues that they view as “settled science,” much less engage in full-throated debate with “deniers” or allow former colleagues to stray from the catechism of climate cataclysm and renewable energy salvation. They prefer lawsuits. But they sense the Planet documentary could be Fort Sumter in a green civil war, and they’re terrified.

Their main complaint, that some footage is outdated, is correct but irrelevant. The film’s key point is the same as my own: wind, solar and biofuel energy are not clean, green, renewable or sustainable, and they are horrifically destructive to vital ecological values. The censors believe admitting that is sacrilegious.


The dishonest "renewable power" scam is now out in the open, it is now time to have an honest debate on them.
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Power Line

Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore

Posted on April 26, 2020 by John Hinderaker in Energy Policy


Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has produced a documentary called Planet of the Humans. The film (which I haven’t yet seen) is basically an attack on “green” energy, i.e., wind and solar. Moore comes at the issue from a far-left perspective:

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It’s too little, too late.
Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars?

Despite his loony point of view, Moore is right about wind and solar: they are intermittent, unreliable, ridiculously expensive, and bad for the environment. That message was too much for the lavishly funded “green” establishment, which has responded by trying to shut Moore up and ban his film:



. "They say it is full of lies and misinformation, but are slow to cite any instances. Mostly it is generalities like this:"

Go read it in the link.
Warmist/alarmists who refuse to watch the Documentary, yet insist it is false, are making fools of themselves showing their close minded stupidity.

It has been OBVIOUS for many years now, that they an intermittent source of energy with a giant carbon footprint.
Warmist/alarmists who refuse to watch the Documentary, yet insist it is false, are making fools of themselves showing their close minded stupidity.

But we have watched it. That's why we know with certainty that it's crap.

In stark contrast, you've cried and run when we've pointed out the problems. So, as is always the case, we're intellectually honest and brave, while you're a gutless cult propagandist.

Take a look at this one, which goes over lots of the big fails.

Let's hit the main point that you keep running from. The film is based on wildly outdated information, making all of its claims just wrong.

It is OBVIOUS you didn't watch the video, they were ONSITE of the facilities over and over, talked to the people who actually runs the facilities.

And they didn't mention, for example, a video interview was from 2008, and yet they implied it was very recent. That's wildly dishonest of them, and it's wildly dishonest of you to praise such fraud. That kind of fraud is the whole film.

Don't answer unless you explain why you believe such fraud is acceptable behavior. If you do, I'll ignore your evasions and ask again, being how the rank dishonesty of Moore and you is now the topic here.
Mamooth writes:

"But we have watched it. That's why we know with certainty that it's crap."

I didn't realize you have a split personality, no wonder you have a hard time writing up a coherent argument on anything.

He also writes this baloney since most of the movie are based on actual visits to the places under discussion in real time:

"Let's hit the main point that you keep running from. The film is based on wildly outdated information, making all of its claims just wrong."

It is clear that you are a sucker because by NOT watching the Documentary, you are easy to snooker, due to your complete ignorance of what the film talks about.

I have read some of the criticism, yes a there are some old stuff out there, but that is obvious since they are right there filming it, the problem YOU have is that you don't try to know the whole story, which requires effort. That is why you easily mislead by the critics who are vague in their replies.

I posted a link (post 48) to an article that discussed some of the criticism, which YOU avoided reading, which is why you are beaing fooled easily:

"While they were wrong about their claimed success, the “green” left has indeed tried to suppress Moore’s documentary. They say it is full of lies and misinformation, but are slow to cite any instances. Mostly it is generalities like this:

The film states that renewable energy such as solar and wind are inefficient, useless and dependent on fossil fuels to work. Quote from the film “One of the most dangerous things right now is the illusion that alternative technologies, like wind and solar, are somehow different from fossil fuels…You would have been better off just burning the fossil fuels in the first place, instead of playing pretend.”
This assertion, which is echoed over and over in the film, is patently untrue and ridiculous. The notion that solar and wind and other renewable technologies don’t work to produce energy in ways that are cheaper, more efficient and at low or zero carbon emissions over their life span flies in the face of everything engineers, scientists and energy planners have been writing in peer reviewed science for decades.

So there! Have you noticed how dependent leftists and liberals are on arguments from authority these days? In their eyes, questioning alleged “authority” is a cardinal sin. Their fascist tendencies are shining through."


You also ignored this from post 44:

"Director-narrator Jeff Gibbs never talks to coal, oil or natural gas advocates – or to “renewable” energy and “manmade climate crisis” skeptics. Instead, he interviews fellow environmentalists who are justifiably aghast at what wind, solar and biofuel projects are doing to scenic areas, wildlife habitats, rare and endangered species, and millions of acres of forests, deserts and grasslands."


After speaking with “renewable” advocates in Lansing, Michigan, and learning that the Chevy Volt they’re so excited about is actually recharged by a coal-fired generating plant, Gibbs visits a nearby football-field-sized solar farm. It can power 50 (!) homes at peak solar intensity. Powering all of Lansing (not including the Michigan State University campus) would require 15 square miles of panels – plus wind turbines and a huge array of batteries (or a coal or gas power plant) for nights and cloudy days.

The crew films one of those turbines being erected outside of town. Each one is comprised of nearly 5,000,000 pounds of concrete, steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, cobalt, rare earths, fiberglass and other materials. Every step in the mining, processing, manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance and (20 years later) removal process requires fossil fuels.

and more in the link for rational, decent people who thirst for knowledge:"


Keep it is up Mamooth, your deliberate ignorance is very entertaining.
I didn't realize you have a split personality, no wonder you have a hard time writing up a coherent argument on anything.

And yet another time, you're reducing to screaming mindless insults. Your poor dear. The funniest part is wartching you scream "YOU HAVE TO WATCH MY VIDEO!", even after we've watched your video and pointed out how dumb it is. Your poor cult mind just can't grasp that the smarter people recognized how dumb your video was.

And then, after I post a video ripping yours apart point-by-piont, you refuse to watch it. I think everyone notices the hypocrisy of your "YOU MUST WATCH MY VIDEO, BUT I DON'T HAVE TO WATCH YOURS" standard. That's how propagandists like you roll.

"While they were wrong about their claimed success, the “green” left has indeed tried to suppress Moore’s documentary.

As is so often the case with you, when you say "suppress", you mean "expose as a fraud."

Quote from the film “One of the most dangerous things right now is the illusion that alternative technologies, like wind and solar, are somehow different from fossil fuels…You would have been better off just burning the fossil fuels in the first place, instead of playing pretend.”

That's one of the laughably wrong quotes. It might have been true in 2008, but the energy ROI on renewables is now way, way positive, meaning that statement is totally wrong in 2020. So, thanks for confirming my main point. The film lies constantly by using obsolete data and then pretending that obsolete data is modern.

So there! Have you noticed how dependent leftists and liberals are on arguments from authority these days? In their eyes, questioning alleged “authority” is a cardinal sin. Their fascist tendencies are shining through."

So your claim is that the liberals are fascists because someone used facts to correctly point out how the film was lying, and the sane people agreed with those facts. By your kook standards, everyone agreeing that the earth is round is a fascist. You don't seem sane.

"Director-narrator Jeff Gibbs never talks to coal, oil or natural gas advocates – or to “renewable” energy and “manmade climate crisis” skeptics. Instead, he interviews fellow environmentalists who are justifiably aghast at what wind, solar and biofuel projects are doing to scenic areas, wildlife habitats, rare and endangered species, and millions of acres of forests, deserts and grasslands."

And now NIMBYism is your argument? Just when I thought you couldn't get more shameless.

Go on, tell us what these environmental catastrophes are. Be specific. List full data. For example, if you say birds are dying, compare those deaths to bird deaths from all causes.

After speaking with “renewable” advocates in Lansing, Michigan, and learning that the Chevy Volt they’re so excited about is actually recharged by a coal-fired generating plant, Gibbs visits a nearby football-field-sized solar farm. It can power 50 (!) homes at peak solar intensity. Powering all of Lansing (not including the Michigan State University campus) would require 15 square miles of panels – plus wind turbines and a huge array of batteries (or a coal or gas power plant) for nights and cloudy days.

As I addressed that directly, so I wonder why you're pretending otherwise. I mean, the post is still right up there.

That's also covered in the video that you refused to watch. You've successsfully kept yourself totally ignorant. The cult will reward you for that.

The crew films one of those turbines being erected outside of town. Each one is comprised of nearly 5,000,000 pounds of concrete, steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, cobalt, rare earths, fiberglass and other materials. Every step in the mining, processing, manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance and (20 years later) removal process requires fossil fuels.

I also addressed that directly. "IT'S BIG, SO IT'S BAD!" is a very stupid argument.

As your chronic dishonesty is one of my ongoing points, I thank you for proving that point so conclusively again.
I notice that YOU have yet to watch it, your rants are stupid, since you have no idea what the Documentary is about, which is why they can mislead you so easily.

You see only one possible side of the issue, which YOU specifically said you did this on purpose, I have seen BOTH sides of the issue, which is why I KNOW you are being mislead by the critics.

Go watch it...
Renewables, at best, are only half the solution to global warming and other pollution problems unless we also reduce consumption. And reducing consumption: a no-growth economy, cannot work in capitalism. Which, I believe, is the main point Moore is making.
Renewables, at best, are only half the solution to global warming and other pollution problems unless we also reduce consumption. And reducing consumption: a no-growth economy, cannot work in capitalism. Which, I believe, is the main point Moore is making.

There can be a lot of improvement in building designs, greatly reduce unnecessary power consumption, they have been known for decades, but they are rarely implemented, I think because too many American are obsessed in showing wealth and big size in their lives.

The American home designs are too big and very wasteful power consumption, Americans travel excessively, Drive around too much..... way too much night lighting, resulting in massive light pollution, another area of excessive misuse of power consumption that isn't being addressed.

This was something Moore and the director completely missed in the movie. They could have pointed out that the room for improvement is very large, but NOT being capitalized up on.
Although the Left is correctly skewered, all of us are guilty of living too high off the hog. Too much selfish greed for everything. As the final quote from the film put it:

“The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery, not over nature but of ourselves.”

Rachel Carson
Although the Left is correctly skewered, all of us are guilty of living too high off the hog. Too much selfish greed for everything. As the final quote from the film put it:

“The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery, not over nature but of ourselves.”

Rachel Carson
"Kill humans, save trees"? Just as a demonstration of anti-human nature of environmentalistic ideology.
Ok. We have a choice - go to the Wolfram Age (with much higher energy production and comfort life but "destroyed environment") or return to the Iron Age (and then to Bronze Age), saving animals, but making people much more poor.
Although the Left is correctly skewered, all of us are guilty of living too high off the hog. Too much selfish greed for everything.
That's the difference. You want to take away cars, we want to give a personal helicopter to every family.
Looks like I triggered the cultists with hard data again. Not that they looked at the data. After all, their cult forbids them from looking at facts that aren't cult-approved. The cult fed them dumb anecdotes, so they BELIEVE, and that settles it. Sadly for them, reality is unaffected by their tears. That's why they have to retreat to these little SafeSpaces to cry on each others' shoulders.

It is fascinating, the sheer dumbness of their cult crusade. Fossil fuels are finite. Nuclear is way, way too expensive to work. Unless you want energy bills going up at least tenfold, or you want to be left shivering in the dark, renewable energy is the only option.

But then, this is the denier death cult. They see the prospect of humanity left shivering in the dark as a good thing.

You wouldn't know hard data if it bit you on the ass. But the hysterical whining of the links you provided were good for a laugh.
Out of all the bed wetters on the forum I can't believe mammouth was the only retard who I can see that showed up to parrot insipid gibberish in a futile attempt to debunk something every lucid person knew already.

That's a lie, I'm not surprised the bed wetters ignore this thread. It might activate a portion of frontal lobe that has not yet fully been emaciated.

Maybe they're too busy on media matters websites cutting and pasting inane shit to troll the Fox News comment boards related to the Michael Flynn persecution.

The thing is, most bed wetters are city dwelling vermin. They have no real concept of nature beyond manicured parks that tax payers provide them. They might wander off in the "woods" to smoke a joint now and then, but they don't enjoy or actually live in "nature". They have no concept of wildlife conservation, land management or maintenance. They watched Disney cartoons and believe wild animals party around camp fires at night and don't eat each other.

When I was a kid, a moonbat living in a city, going out 50 miles in the country to do some fishing was a luxury. At the time I was convinced MMGW was real, humans were making the planet uninhabitable, and all the asinine liberal bullshit. I finally realized I had been misinformed by treasonous criminals while doing bong hits on the bank of the Cattaraugus Creek when it occurred to me that 90% of the planet is completely uninhabited. The hated factories, which had been mostly in ruins in the Buffalo NY area, accounted for an infinitesimal space and always ended up being shut down either from economics or an issue of maintenance.

So I did some reading, which required going to library in those days and started looking at statistics. To cut the story short, I found out my dad and Rush Limbaugh were telling me the truth, and my leftist "teachers" and hippie scum "friends" were full of shit.

So I have a job now and live in the country.

And I hate liberals.


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