Eat Your Peas!

I do like google artwork. Hey WillowTree, you do know that "eat your pea's" is in the current political parlance?
They got kids sitting at desks making $80k right out of college just thinking up cute stuff.
I hope Limbough fails too.
I didn't realize this was non-political because "eat your peas" is a phrase being used on Capitol Hill right now. Do you forgive me willow? :( A pos-rep would let me know ;)
Peas with bacon and batterfried okra sounds good right about now. I am not going to find it in this city.

Here's what ya do Jake,, plant some okra, water it well.. we lined our driveway with it. It grew over our heads.. I went out each morning and cut pods about as long as my bird throwing finger...:eusa_angel: then bring it inside.. wash and pat it dry. cut into 3/4 inch lengths.. prepare a bowl of milk and beaten egg and a seperate bowl of 1/2 flour and 1/2 fine ground hoover's corn meal.. heat deep pan of vegetable oil :lol: sorry meech that's the only way to do it...:eusa_angel:dip the okra into the milk and egg and then roll in the cornmeal mix.. shake off excess and place on a cookie sheet.. then place in the freezer for about 30 minutes (this keeps your batter from sliding off) Then deep fry it til it's a golden brown.. you'll think you've died and gone to heaven.. the caviar of the redneck. :eusa_angel:
I hope Limbough fails too.

It's too damn late. Limbaugh is rich beyond your wildest dreams and despite what obie doodle wished for him he doesn't have kidney failure either.

He will, pill popper. Hey twitwat, isn't your watch beeping? Figures you'd idolize an addict like rush bunghole.

I didn't say I idolized him you salty old asshole..I said he's rich beyond your wildest dreams.. are you brain dead from boozingZ?????
Thank you, Willow, thank you. We will plant next spring and follow your blessed instructions. Wooo Weeee!

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