Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: time to sound a global alert?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The epidemic of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest in history after the 2014 west African epidemic. A storm of detrimental factors complicates this event: armed conflict, political instability, and mass displacement. WHO, the DRC Government, and non-governmental organisation (NGO) partners have shown remarkable leadership but are badly stretched. The outbreak remains far from controlled, risking a long-term epidemic with regional, perhaps global, impacts.
Faced with an evolving complex humanitarian crisis, and recent elections complete, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus should reconvene the Emergency Committee (EC) and consider declaring a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The first EC report on Oct 17, 2018, called for “intensified” action, fearing “significant deterioration”.

And many people are hiding in the forest out of fear of Ebola..........which is not helping.
It's a filiovirus......nasty bug......originally assumed cross-specices w/man's closest host, monkies.

Terrible disease, totally hemmoragic ,virulent

Read the CDC's response to some of these infected africans landing via plane , they have a complete meltdown.....it's serious biz

But the real 411 comes from the WHO, comes down to a filiovirus's ability to become airbourne....all virus' evolve you see, God help it achieves that level of virulence

It's a truly terrible disease and a horrible way to die ... but in can only be transmitted by the interchange of infected blood, feces, or vomit so ....


Problem solved.
They brought a U.S. doctor back a few weeks ago with suspected ebola from over there either to a hospital in Nebraska or Colorado. It will be here one day if it's not stopped overseas. Just like madcow was diagnosed I believe it was Alabama a few months ago and I don't believe this guy was overseas.
It's a truly terrible disease and a horrible way to die ... but in can only be transmitted by the interchange of infected blood, feces, or vomit so ....


Problem solved.

You know this might work, I washed my hands all the time and last year came down with the flu twice within 2 months. So I am wondering about scrubbing my skin off. Last summer was hospitalized for a little over two weeks not one doctor or nurse did I see wash their hands after before or after examining me. I have been to my family doctor and he examines my feet for neuropathy and never once washed his hands before he left the room.

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