Education Department report finds billions spent under Obama had 'no impact' on achievement


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Programs started under Bush and run under Obama - no Partisan attack here....

Education Department report finds billions spent under Obama had 'no impact' on achievement

"The Obama administration pumped more than $7 billion into an education program, first authorized under President George W. Bush, that had no impact on student achievement – according to a report released by the Department of Education in the final days of the 44th president’s term.

The School Improvement Grants (SIG) program, first introduced in 2001 under the Bush administration, was created to fund reforms in the country’s lowest-performing schools with the goal of improving student achievement in test scores and graduation rates. The program directed money to schools with low academic achievement and graduation rates below 60 percent for high schools, among other factors. SIG was canceled under recently passed legislation, though similar funding can still be sought by school districts.

SIG was first funded in 2007, receiving $616 million under Bush.

But it wasn’t until 2009, when the Obama administration designated $3.5 billion to the program through the stimulus, that funding soared. The administration continued to pump more than $500 million annually to the program for the rest of his presidency."

This is not a 'finger-pointing', 'blame-assigning' thread. This is to point out that the federal government's 9-year program on which billions of US tax dollars have been wasted has failed and needs to be seriously addressed! The Status Quo can not be maintained, and 'throwing more money at the problem' is not working.

“Some of these schools received huge injections of cash and had an absent leader who did not know how to leverage the money constructively, and that is not a good recipe for success,” Rees told Fox News. “The premise of the program was extremely sound, but it is simply human nature to pick things that are easier to implement as opposed to a more aggressive approach.”

“It's no surprise that last week's report from the Education Department proves that the Washington-knows-best model of No Child Left Behind and the Obama administration waivers didn't work,” a committee aide told Fox News."

Time for 'aggressive' change and real answers, not necesarilly from heavy-handed federal govt / tax-dollar-sucking bureaucracies. If 'children are our future', time to start acting like it and do something about it.

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