Effects of Trump/GOP ending Healthcare subsidies will show up in Oct, just before the Midterms.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

To top it off those cost share reductions that he dumped are being confused with the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) which are still there and he cannot get rid of them without legislation. Next thing up is most insurer's kept the cost share reduction's even though they are not being reimbursed by the government, how the premium's will look next year who knows? Since the penalty has been zeroed out starting Jan 1, 2019 or Dec 31st however you want to interpret insurers are working on dirt cheap plans that are not compliant to the law. I know Anthem are working a few and Idaho is attempting to change the law in their state.
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Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

To top it off those cost share reductions that he dumped are being confused with the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) which are still there and he cannot get rid of them without legislation. Next thing up is most insurer's kept the cost share reduction's even though they are not being reimbursed by the government, how the premium's will look next year who knows? Since the penalty has been zeroed out starting Jan 1, 2019 or Dec 31st however you want to interpret insurers are working on dirt cheap plans that are not compliant to the law. I know Anthem are working a few and Idaho is attempting to change the law in their state.
Not reimbursed by the government. Kind of tells the whole story.

Before Obamacare, many states had no providers. After Obamacare, rural states had one provider when before they had none. So Republicans complained about healthcare. So their leadership "fixed" it. Now once again they will have none. Problem solved.

Only many in the GOP base are freaking out.
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

To top it off those cost share reductions that he dumped are being confused with the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) which are still there and he cannot get rid of them without legislation. Next thing up is most insurer's kept the cost share reduction's even though they are not being reimbursed by the government, how the premium's will look next year who knows? Since the penalty has been zeroed out starting Jan 1, 2019 or Dec 31st however you want to interpret insurers are working on dirt cheap plans that are not compliant to the law. I know Anthem are working a few and Idaho is attempting to change the law in their state.
Not reimbursed by the government. Kind of tells the whole story.

Before Obamacare, many states had no providers. After Obamacare, rural states had one provider when before they had none. So Republicans complained about healthcare. So their leadership "fixed" it. Now once again they will have none. Problem solved.

Only many in the GOP base are freaking out.

Bullshit before obama care their was many providers.
Trumpcare increased premiums come due in September and October, right before elections.
Trumpcare increased premiums come due in September and October, right before elections.

I do believe 2016 election's the rates weren't released until the last minute, although they are supposed to be released in October. Some companies release them because they start selling off-marketplace plans Oct 1. The companies that release late are hoping most mail in votes are completed.
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

To top it off those cost share reductions that he dumped are being confused with the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) which are still there and he cannot get rid of them without legislation. Next thing up is most insurer's kept the cost share reduction's even though they are not being reimbursed by the government, how the premium's will look next year who knows? Since the penalty has been zeroed out starting Jan 1, 2019 or Dec 31st however you want to interpret insurers are working on dirt cheap plans that are not compliant to the law. I know Anthem are working a few and Idaho is attempting to change the law in their state.
Not reimbursed by the government. Kind of tells the whole story.

Before Obamacare, many states had no providers. After Obamacare, rural states had one provider when before they had none. So Republicans complained about healthcare. So their leadership "fixed" it. Now once again they will have none. Problem solved.

Only many in the GOP base are freaking out.

I actually don't know of any state that didn't have an insurance company in the game before obamacare, maybe some rural areas. I know in my state we only have one major and about 3 minor players. Two of the biggest pulled completely out for 2017 and 18.
People who want or need the major medical plans will still find a way to purchase and if the companies get some of their scaled-down plans approved by their respective state's office of insurance regulation some will purchase them. Most will still have some form of health insurance.
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

How have Democrats convinced themselves that shoveling money to corporations is the way to help "We the People"? I thought trickle-down was a Republican thing.
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?
The right claimed to have a healthcare solution; not nothing but repeal; what happened to the fine and wonderful healthcare plan, Your guy claimed to have?
Oh, what a strategist is our Trump.
By by Obama care:)
I know. Exciting huh? How many lives will be lost? Most probably Republican.

Why would it be republican? We don't want it or need it
Funny, that's not what other Republicans say. This is why your kind come across as the most ignorant people on earth.

CNN panel: Trump voters say they're ‘scared’ on healthcare

"I was wrong," she (Jackie) said.

"I have loved ones that have chronic conditions that are functioning now because of the medications they're on and because of the medical care they receive, because I have health insurance," she added. "I'm scared.

"He promised something better," Byrd said. "And what I've seen come off the block is not better. It's scary to me."

In Kentucky, a Trump stronghold, many fear losing Obamacare

“We're seeing that it's a political war over health care and the collateral damage is the patient's health and life and the quality of life,” Breeding said. “Change the name if ‘Obamacare’ is offensive to Republicans, change the name, and call it what you will, but provide these people who are desperate, and I mean desperate, desperate for some type of health care.”

Taylor said the health insurance he has under ACA not only saved his life, but also helped his brother-in-law and his former coworkers.

“It’s a good thing to have it. The insurance,” he said.

Anxiety spreads over GOP health plan for those with severe illnesses


Starting next year it all changes. So if you are a Republican and you have an illness, get your affairs in order. Because next year might be your last. And if you ARE sick, your leadership, the people you voted into office, have a word for you. Fuked. Cuz that's what you are. Fuked. The GOP leadership has more important people to take care of. And it's not you.

Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform

House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

How do the fools think those tax cuts will be paid for?

Clearly, the answer is "over their dead bodies".
Oh, what a strategist is our Trump.
By by Obama care:)
I know. Exciting huh? How many lives will be lost? Most probably Republican.

Why would it be republican? We don't want it or need it
Funny, that's not what other Republicans say. This is why your kind come across as the most ignorant people on earth.

CNN panel: Trump voters say they're ‘scared’ on healthcare

"I was wrong," she (Jackie) said.

"I have loved ones that have chronic conditions that are functioning now because of the medications they're on and because of the medical care they receive, because I have health insurance," she added. "I'm scared.

"He promised something better," Byrd said. "And what I've seen come off the block is not better. It's scary to me."

In Kentucky, a Trump stronghold, many fear losing Obamacare

“We're seeing that it's a political war over health care and the collateral damage is the patient's health and life and the quality of life,” Breeding said. “Change the name if ‘Obamacare’ is offensive to Republicans, change the name, and call it what you will, but provide these people who are desperate, and I mean desperate, desperate for some type of health care.”

Taylor said the health insurance he has under ACA not only saved his life, but also helped his brother-in-law and his former coworkers.

“It’s a good thing to have it. The insurance,” he said.

Anxiety spreads over GOP health plan for those with severe illnesses


Starting next year it all changes. So if you are a Republican and you have an illness, get your affairs in order. Because next year might be your last. And if you ARE sick, your leadership, the people you voted into office, have a word for you. Fuked. Cuz that's what you are. Fuked. The GOP leadership has more important people to take care of. And it's not you.

Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform

House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

How do the fools think those tax cuts will be paid for?

Clearly, the answer is "over their dead bodies".

Quit the spin asshole
Oh, what a strategist is our Trump.
By by Obama care:)
I know. Exciting huh? How many lives will be lost? Most probably Republican.

Why would it be republican? We don't want it or need it
Funny, that's not what other Republicans say. This is why your kind come across as the most ignorant people on earth.

CNN panel: Trump voters say they're ‘scared’ on healthcare

"I was wrong," she (Jackie) said.

"I have loved ones that have chronic conditions that are functioning now because of the medications they're on and because of the medical care they receive, because I have health insurance," she added. "I'm scared.

"He promised something better," Byrd said. "And what I've seen come off the block is not better. It's scary to me."

In Kentucky, a Trump stronghold, many fear losing Obamacare

“We're seeing that it's a political war over health care and the collateral damage is the patient's health and life and the quality of life,” Breeding said. “Change the name if ‘Obamacare’ is offensive to Republicans, change the name, and call it what you will, but provide these people who are desperate, and I mean desperate, desperate for some type of health care.”

Taylor said the health insurance he has under ACA not only saved his life, but also helped his brother-in-law and his former coworkers.

“It’s a good thing to have it. The insurance,” he said.

Anxiety spreads over GOP health plan for those with severe illnesses


Starting next year it all changes. So if you are a Republican and you have an illness, get your affairs in order. Because next year might be your last. And if you ARE sick, your leadership, the people you voted into office, have a word for you. Fuked. Cuz that's what you are. Fuked. The GOP leadership has more important people to take care of. And it's not you.

Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform

House Republican: my donors told me to pass the tax bill "or don’t ever call me again"

How do the fools think those tax cuts will be paid for?

Clearly, the answer is "over their dead bodies".

Quit the spin asshole
what happened to the fine and wonderful healthcare plan, Your guy claimed to have?
Trump kills key Obamacare subsidy payments: What it means

Trump's abrupt withdrawal of the payments leaves all Obamacare insurers on the hook for the last three months of this year, which may spur them to sue. This comes to more than $1 billion, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The payments were expected to total $7 billion this year.

Trump's move will hurt Americans.

"These benefits help real people every day, and if they are ended, there will be real consequences," the lobbying groups said. "This action will make it harder for patients to access the care they need. Costs will go up and choices will be restricted."

Without Subsidies premiums will soar

Where we will know the effects is three months before the end of the year. That's October. Midterms are in November.

You think all those "retiring" Republicans don't know that?

To top it off those cost share reductions that he dumped are being confused with the advanced premium tax credit (subsidies) which are still there and he cannot get rid of them without legislation. Next thing up is most insurer's kept the cost share reduction's even though they are not being reimbursed by the government, how the premium's will look next year who knows? Since the penalty has been zeroed out starting Jan 1, 2019 or Dec 31st however you want to interpret insurers are working on dirt cheap plans that are not compliant to the law. I know Anthem are working a few and Idaho is attempting to change the law in their state.
Not reimbursed by the government. Kind of tells the whole story.

Before Obamacare, many states had no providers. After Obamacare, rural states had one provider when before they had none. So Republicans complained about healthcare. So their leadership "fixed" it. Now once again they will have none. Problem solved.

Only many in the GOP base are freaking out.

Bullshit before obama care their was many providers.
No there wasn't. Not in rural areas.
And if they did sell 50 dollar insurance, what you got was worth 5.

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