Eighth Thread: Where is the proof that Trump colluded with Russia?

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Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.
How do you know they haven’t?
No one feels there is any doubt Russia interfered with our election. No sane people anyway. There’s been ample proof of it the last month or two. Remember all those stories of Hillary being sick. Her having Parkinson’s ? Came directly from Russian trolls. I bet you fell for it too.
We have the best intelligence services in the world and they are sure Russia interfered. Trump can’t say anything bad about Russia so the idiot won’t trust his own intelligence agencies.
THATS WHERE YOU GET YOUR OPINION. You follow dum dum right down that road.
Russian trolls also targeted certain counties in swing states with lies and misinformation about Hillary to help get the fat one elected..
Who helped them? How did they know where the hot spots were?
You’ve believed every conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard about HRC... but have zero critical thinking skills with all this new information on how the Russians flooded our social media for one purpose only. To get the racist knownothing idiot elected.

there is no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. There is evidence of Clinton/Russia collusion.

Sorry, but your bullshit still stinks and your candidate is a criminal.
Will you shoot yourself in the head when Mueller proves collusion?
I bet you’ll still defend Putin’s whore.
Or, more likely, he'll waste more time and money. There were people who colluded with the Russians, there were people who accepted Russian money, there were people who help the Russians and their name is Clinton, not Trump. Those are the only facts we actually have.
and yet Diane Weinstein hasn't seen any evidence: so how the fk you know anything?

Feinstein: No Evidence Of Russian Collusion With Trump Campaign, But There Are Rumors

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), pressed twice by CNN's Wolf Blitzer for evidence, said she still has seen none that would show collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

"There are all kinds of rumors around, there are newspaper stories, but that's not necessarily evidence," she said."
Story was from May 19th. Lmao
You always kick yourself in your ass. We know a lot more since May..
so, where is the evidence? she is still looking. yet you know what she has authority to know more than her. dude, your form of stupid is sad.
Moron keeps asking for evidence..Proof once again how woefully un informed you are.
Fox bends over backwards NOT to cover the Russian scandal investigation. They’re totally in bed with the serial sex offender. Their job is to keep you in the dark. And in the dark you remain.
Each and every night Chris Matthews covers what’s happening in the investigation, who’s being interviewed etc.
Educate yourself. Oops I forgot. Education is a dirty word.
Fraud in chief: “I love my uneducated base.”
I bet you cheered when he put you down.

LOL. Matthews has been discredited multiple times, he is a media hack for the dem party, nothing more. If you believe what he puts out, you are more stupid than we thought
or he is as stupid as we thought! just saying facts is facts.
Trump can end any investigation of his involvement right now

All he needs to do is provide a credible explanation of why his key representatives were meeting with Russian agents
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

is it illegal for a US citizen working for the US government to accept bribes to transfer 20% of US uranium to Russia?
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
whose vote was flipped? yours, how did it happen? did vlad come over and switch it fer ya?
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.

why would Russia prefer Trump who they could not control over Clinton who they had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted?
We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

is it illegal for a US citizen working for the US government to accept bribes to transfer 20% of US uranium to Russia?
So that uranium went to Russia? When was it shipped?
We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

Which foreign power? wikileaks? the NY times? Fox news? how about a disgruntled DNC staffer? There is zero evidence that Russia hacked anyone.
Moron believes T over our 17 intelligence agencies. Lol
Do you even know what the purpose is of our intelligence agencies?
Why won’t your russian whore EVER SAY anything negative about Putin?
Why hasn’t he put in the sanctions on Russia congress passed?
Can’t answer can ya.
We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

is it illegal for a US citizen working for the US government to accept bribes to transfer 20% of US uranium to Russia?
Yes, that would be illegal. But I think you should remember that it wasn't "America's uranium".
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.

so the truth about crooked Hillary caused people to not vote for her? is that your claim?
So you're going to keep up this bullshit and ignore the fact that it's all been revealed as a lie generated by the Clintons?

Wow, you Democrats are definitely stubborn.

That's the mark of the sin of pride, which will definitely get you in hell.

Unless you repent, of course.

We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
LMFAO....yah sure it did. How did Russia affect the vote totals? With the Fake Russian Dossier paid by Clinton?
All the experts state NO VOTE TOTALS were changed.
Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

is it illegal for a US citizen working for the US government to accept bribes to transfer 20% of US uranium to Russia?
Yes, that would be illegal. But I think you should remember that it wasn't "America's uranium".

whose was it?
Who said he colluded with Russia?

Hillary Clinton
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Maxine Waters
Most of the lefties here.
Probably even you.

Mueller will find out about the amount of involvement Trumps key people had with Russian agents and draw a conclusion of whether it was collusion or not

Or, more likely, he'll waste more time and money. There were people who colluded with the Russians, there were people who accepted Russian money, there were people who help the Russians and their name is Clinton, not Trump. Those are the only facts we actually have.

Our President should welcome the Mueller Report

It will prove once and for all that Trump won fair and square

What are you worried about?

Wasting time and taxpayer money for something that was obviously made up.
Oh....I'm quite sure you don't want this investigation to continue.
well it is a waste of tax payer money that could rebuild our infrastructure. Cause we have the evidence now where it all began. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the timeline now and to conclude that butthurt hitlery went bat shit crazy and engaged in treasonous behavior against the country.

Find her 33k deleted emails and you'd have the holy grail.
We know Russia interfered in the election
We know Trump benefitted from that interference

Now....If Trump can only explain why his key people were meeting with Russian agents at the time....we can end all speculation

Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
whose vote was flipped? yours, how did it happen? did vlad come over and switch it fer ya?
I'm sure some undecided votes became decided, some votes were flipped, and some people who were previously apathetic believed the barrage of fake bullshit and decided to vote.

Of course these things are true. Russian knows this. That's why they pour resources into it, after analyzing their past efforts. That's why PACs pay for political ads. It is absurd to suggest that an information campaign would not affect the vote totals.
Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.
There’s nothing illegal for aforeign power to hack into the private email of a political foe?
Are you just stupid or have no moral turpitude?
Probably both.

is it illegal for a US citizen working for the US government to accept bribes to transfer 20% of US uranium to Russia?
Yes, that would be illegal. But I think you should remember that it wasn't "America's uranium".

whose was it?
The previous owner. We are not a socialist country. The government does not own and control all the resources.
Who said he colluded with Russia?

The investigation is over Russian interference in the 2016 election

If it points to Trump....let the chips fall where they may
You're joking, right? :lol:

If Trump is clean...he has nothing to be concerned about
an innocent man doesn’t desperately try so hard to derail the investigation.
How, exactly, has he tried to "derail" it?
Holy fuck. Do none of you idiots ever follow the real news?
What do you think firing Sally Yates and Jane Comey was?
Holy mother of god the ignorance of DEPLORABLES is as thick as mud.
How did he try to derail the investigation.
Instead of ranting and raving, why don't you try answering my question? BTW, if he wanted to "derail" the investigation, he would have simply ENDED IT. Isn't that what a guilty person would have done? You know, like "wiping your server".
Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
whose vote was flipped? yours, how did it happen? did vlad come over and switch it fer ya?
I'm sure some undecided votes became decided, some votes were flipped, and some people who were previously apathetic believed the barrage of fake bullshit and decided to vote.

Of course these things are true. Russian knows this. That's why they pour resources into it, after analyzing their past efforts. That's why PACs pay for political ads. It is absurd to suggest that an information campaign would not affect the vote totals.

Russia owned Hillary. they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing what they wanted. Why would they prefer Trump who they could not control?

your basic premise on this is flawed.
Ok, you say that we KNOW that Russia interfered in the election. Then you should be able to tell us exactly what they did and which votes were changed as a result of it.

Are you claiming that when voters found out about the corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media that they decided not to vote for her? is that your claim?

If it is then prove that wikileaks got that data from Russia and explain why no one on Muellers team has interviewed Assange.

Who said votes were changed?

Russia participated in a propaganda campaign that benefitted Trump
Trump used information that Russia obtained illegally

if it didn't change the vote, how did he benefit? The DNC servers were not secure, there was nothing illegal about looking at them.

It, of course, did affect the vote totals, which is part of why the Russians did it, will do it again, and are doing it in other countries.
whose vote was flipped? yours, how did it happen? did vlad come over and switch it fer ya?
I'm sure some undecided votes became decided, some votes were flipped, and some people who were previously apathetic believed the barrage of fake bullshit and decided to vote.

Of course these things are true. Russian knows this. That's why they pour resources into it, after analyzing their past efforts. That's why PACs pay for political ads. It is absurd to suggest that an information campaign would not affect the vote totals.
how did it happen? did vlad flip em? why can't you answer my question directly? why is it you wish to deflect from my post? are you bumper sticking the forum again? Yep!
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