El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments

Then, you got three sheriffs saying the wall works. 3 against one wins.

Sheriff Treglia gives his thoughts on southern border wall

Those three pieces of mesh fence, approximately 19 to 20 foot tall and a concrete barrier down through the ground, it would have been extremely hard to climb it and it was very very effective, El Paso's crime rate is way down," said Sheriff Matt Treglia.

President Donald Trump announced in Tuesday night's address that he is asking for 5.7 billion dollars to fund a southern border wall.

Sheriff Willis is putting his eggs in the same basket as the wannabe Mexican who married a billionaire’s daughter. We will see how that shakes out in 2020.

We are talking about El Paso and El Paso County and the sheriff quote is the one and only sheriff of El Paso County.
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
I dont know what all the big fuss is about - Trump will cave on his funding demand and fuck his little drone base just like he always does, and that you can count on !
Give Mexico a few hundred thousand miles of land and end this. Otherwise lets go to war. Before these sell outs destroy us with their race baited politics.
Reality denounces Trumpybear.

He's a fucking moron.

Meh, yet another white dood trying to be a Mexican. Read many of his interviews. He liked all the federal attention and specifically the money when he was police chief. We will see how it shakes out for him at election time. Still, I can’t find him objecting to the wall in any of his interviews. None. And nowhere has he advocated removing his barrier. Neither has BETO for that matter.

This was the wall the parties compromised on. However the Cime rate in El Paso had already dropped from a high back in the early 90's.

El Paso was never one of the most dangerous cities.

Unless of course you fell in love with a Mexican Girl. Then, watch out.

2009 the murder rate was 3200 and change. 2016 it's 2600 it's a drastic reduction.
The past year 20 murders in El Paso, Thousands across the border.
the only thing Trump cares about tonight is the crowd size. he's gonna be furiously asking how big is his crowd, how big is Beto's crowd
El Paso Mayor Dee Margo slammed the president on Twitter: "El Paso was NEVER one of the MOST dangerous cities in the US. We've had a fence for 10 years and it has impacted illegal immigration and curbed criminal activity. It is NOT the sole deterrent. Law enforcement in our community continues to keep us safe."

Wow, what a rebuke......the Wall isn’t the ONLY reason????

No fucking shit.

Dimms are always grasping at straws while they clutch their pearls.
People who live on the border in El Paso share the truth.
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally
During his State of the Union address last week, Trump claimed El Paso has become one of the safest cities in America because of a barrier fence, igniting a firestorm of reactions from state and local representatives.

"The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime -- one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities," Trump said. "Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities."

Hours later, the El Paso County sheriff denounced the president's remarks.

"It is sad to hear President Trump state falsehoods about El Paso, Texas, in an attempt to justify the building of a 2,000-mile wall," Sheriff Richard Wiles told ABC News. "While it is true that El Paso is one of the safest cities in the nation, it has never been considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. And El Paso was a safe city long before any wall was built."

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo slammed the president on Twitter: "El Paso was NEVER one of the MOST dangerous cities in the US. We've had a fence for 10 years and it has impacted illegal immigration and curbed criminal activity. It is NOT the sole deterrent. Law enforcement in our community continues to keep us safe."
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally

Trump has had a very rough time using facts to defend his reasoning to build a wall, so he has resorted to misrepresentation of facts, exaggerations and just plain lies.
All of this just because he wants to keep a campaign promise. The big exception Trump has consistently leaves out, is that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.
In his quest to get his wall, he makes innocent citizens pay for not getting his wall via the government shutdown.
The wall wasn't even a Trump idea!
“Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.” Sam Nunberg
Where The Idea For Donald Trump's Wall Came From
This whole wall thing, is another attempt of Trump to rule by fear using lies and mischaracterization of facts.
I think the sheriff showed either bias or lack of knowledge when he made the 2000 mile comment about the wall. Trump abandoned that a while ago is is pushing for 200-300 miles of barrier. It is even more unfortunate that our president can’t tell the truth when trying to promote policy. This should be troubling to everybody.
lantern2814 what about my comment did you find funny?
Then, you got three sheriffs saying the wall works. 3 against one wins.

Sheriff Treglia gives his thoughts on southern border wall

Those three pieces of mesh fence, approximately 19 to 20 foot tall and a concrete barrier down through the ground, it would have been extremely hard to climb it and it was very very effective, El Paso's crime rate is way down," said Sheriff Matt Treglia.

President Donald Trump announced in Tuesday night's address that he is asking for 5.7 billion dollars to fund a southern border wall.

Sheriff Willis is putting his eggs in the same basket as the wannabe Mexican who married a billionaire’s daughter. We will see how that shakes out in 2020.

We are talking about El Paso and El Paso County and the sheriff quote is the one and only sheriff of El Paso County.
El Paso County Sheriff's Office

People in Houston and elsewhere don’t give two fucks about El Paso. It’s always been a shithole and it only matters because of the military bases. That’s it, other then the wetbacks and dope that came through there. El Paso and El Paso county don’t matter to the rest of the country where we have to deal with the rape, murder and DUI these illegals bring with them. That, and the diesease. See that’s why people come through a port of entry. Just like Galveston and Ellis island. So it doesn’t really matter what El Paso thinks. They are out voted by America and the rest of Texas.
People who live on the border in El Paso share the truth.
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally
During his State of the Union address last week, Trump claimed El Paso has become one of the safest cities in America because of a barrier fence, igniting a firestorm of reactions from state and local representatives.

"The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime -- one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities," Trump said. "Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities."

Hours later, the El Paso County sheriff denounced the president's remarks.

"It is sad to hear President Trump state falsehoods about El Paso, Texas, in an attempt to justify the building of a 2,000-mile wall," Sheriff Richard Wiles told ABC News. "While it is true that El Paso is one of the safest cities in the nation, it has never been considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. And El Paso was a safe city long before any wall was built."

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo slammed the president on Twitter: "El Paso was NEVER one of the MOST dangerous cities in the US. We've had a fence for 10 years and it has impacted illegal immigration and curbed criminal activity. It is NOT the sole deterrent. Law enforcement in our community continues to keep us safe."
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally

Trump has had a very rough time using facts to defend his reasoning to build a wall, so he has resorted to misrepresentation of facts, exaggerations and just plain lies.
All of this just because he wants to keep a campaign promise. The big exception Trump has consistently leaves out, is that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.
In his quest to get his wall, he makes innocent citizens pay for not getting his wall via the government shutdown.
The wall wasn't even a Trump idea!
“Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.” Sam Nunberg
Where The Idea For Donald Trump's Wall Came From
This whole wall thing, is another attempt of Trump to rule by fear using lies and mischaracterization of facts.
Let me guess, partisan Democrats?

Lol get real kid
So the NYPost is lying?

Before 2010, federal data show the border city was mired in violent crime and drug smuggling, thanks in large part to illicit activities spilling over from the Mexican side. Once the fence went up, however, things changed almost overnight. El Paso since then has consistently topped rankings for cities of 500,000 residents or more with low crime rates, based on FBI-collected statistics. The turnaround even caught the attention of former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and other Obama administration officials, who touted it as one of the nation’s safest cities while citing the beefed-up border security there.
Federal data illustrates just how remarkable the turnaround in crime has been since the fence was built. According to FBI tables, property crimes in El Paso have plunged more than 37 percent to 12,357 from their pre-fence peak of 19,702 a year, while violent crimes have dropped more than 6 percent to 2,682 from a peak of 2,861 a year.

The overall crime rate in El Paso continued to fall last year, prompting city leaders to trumpet the good news in a press release that noted, “Because El Paso is a border town, its low crime rate may surprise you.”
Drug smuggling along that border entry point has also fallen dramatically. In fact, since the fence was completed, the volume of marijuana and cocaine coming through El Paso and seized by Border Patrol agents has been cut in half.

The year before the wall was fully built in 2010, the volume of illegal drugs confiscated by the feds along the El Paso border hit 87,725 pounds. The year after, the amount of drug seizures plummeted to 43,783 pounds. Last year, they dropped even further to a total of 34,329, according to Border Patrol reports obtained by The Post.
Drug smuggling along that border entry point has also fallen dramatically. In fact, since the fence was completed, the volume of marijuana and cocaine coming through El Paso and seized by Border Patrol agents has been cut in half.

The year before the wall was fully built in 2010, the volume of illegal drugs confiscated by the feds along the El Paso border hit 87,725 pounds. The year after, the amount of drug seizures plummeted to 43,783 pounds. Last year, they dropped even further to a total of 34,329, according to Border Patrol reports obtained by The Post.
No one buys reggie..
People who live on the border in El Paso share the truth.
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally
During his State of the Union address last week, Trump claimed El Paso has become one of the safest cities in America because of a barrier fence, igniting a firestorm of reactions from state and local representatives.

"The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime -- one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities," Trump said. "Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities."

Hours later, the El Paso County sheriff denounced the president's remarks.

"It is sad to hear President Trump state falsehoods about El Paso, Texas, in an attempt to justify the building of a 2,000-mile wall," Sheriff Richard Wiles told ABC News. "While it is true that El Paso is one of the safest cities in the nation, it has never been considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. And El Paso was a safe city long before any wall was built."

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo slammed the president on Twitter: "El Paso was NEVER one of the MOST dangerous cities in the US. We've had a fence for 10 years and it has impacted illegal immigration and curbed criminal activity. It is NOT the sole deterrent. Law enforcement in our community continues to keep us safe."
El Paso officials denounce Trump's border comments ahead of his 1st 2019 campaign rally

Trump has had a very rough time using facts to defend his reasoning to build a wall, so he has resorted to misrepresentation of facts, exaggerations and just plain lies.
All of this just because he wants to keep a campaign promise. The big exception Trump has consistently leaves out, is that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.
In his quest to get his wall, he makes innocent citizens pay for not getting his wall via the government shutdown.
The wall wasn't even a Trump idea!
“Roger Stone and I came up with the idea of ‘the Wall,’ and we talked to Steve [Bannon] about it,” according to Nunberg. “It was to make sure he [Trump] talked about immigration.” Sam Nunberg
Where The Idea For Donald Trump's Wall Came From
This whole wall thing, is another attempt of Trump to rule by fear using lies and mischaracterization of facts.

Soooo are the Left Wing wackos going to take down their wall?

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