Election 2016 -- It all comes down to one word .. RACE

The question is, why do black politicians and community leaders continue to herd black voters into the Democratic Party camp when it is the Democrats who support policies that keep poor black people poor and dependent on the largesse of Democratic politicians? Trump wants to break the cycle of poverty by issuing school vouchers to the families of children who would otherwise have to attend failed, violent inner city schools, but the Democrats vehemently oppose vouchers because the teachers unions oppose them and the Democrats needs the money and campaign workers the unions provide to win elections. In other words, the Democrats are saying, to hell with the children of poor black families, and you are giving them a big thumbs up for that.

Illegal immigrants take millions of jobs away from poor American families and keep wages low, keeping poor black workers unemployed or working for wages too low to live on. Trump wants to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and get rid of those who are already here so that wages can rise and jobs can go to poor Americans rather than illegals who send most of the money, $24 billion a year, back to Mexico rather than spending it here, but the Democrats, confident that black politicians will reliably deliver the black vote, support policies that keep wages low and jobs scarce for poor Americans because they are afraid if they oppose illegal immigration from south of the border, they might lose some of the Hispanic vote.

Why do you continue to support the Democrats who support policies that keep poor black people down and dependent on the largesse of Democratic politicians rather than the Republicans who support policies that would set them free and on the road to prosperity?

Why do you think yourself qualified to determine what is best for Black people? I don't presume myself qualified to determine what's best for you and white people like you. If you choose to vote for Trump or space aliens, why would I care?

Consider this .. democrats elect black people .. republicans try to keep black people away from the polls .. and they do not elect black people .. would never elect a black president.

Republicans have only recently elected a black woman to Congress .. the first time that's ever happened EVER .. in the year 2016 .. EVER.

Immigrants, illegal or otherwise don't hate black people .. the Republican Party does. If you doubt that, take a look at this board. Unlike republicans, I have no fear of a diverse nation .. NONE.

I could go on and on with reasons why no sane black person should ever vote for republicans .. reasons that you can't refute.

Consider this, black alliance to the Democratic Party is a FAR more intelligent course of action for us and the Democratic Party than republican alliance to racists and the far right .. which has put the Republican Party on the brink of disaster.

Consider this .. THE most important issue to a great many black people such as myself is the terrorist murders of black people by the police. Whether you see it that way is not the point .. we do. Which party is in the best position and has the will to do something about that?

There is your answer to why we vote for democrats.

Consider this, at one time, almost all black people were republicans .. but republicans rejected blacks and got cozy with racist scum .. thus sending blacks running to the Democratic Party and giving democrats a HUGE ADVANTAGE at the polls. Now, we are a critical component in who wins national elections .. who gets to sit in the big chair in the Oval Office.

Consider this, the ONLY reason republicans care about who blacks vote for is because they know we elect presidents. Other than that, republicans couldn't care less about black lives or our agenda.

Considering the precarious position republicans are in, shouldn't you be questioning your vote, not ours?

Now you know.
Consider this, the 1964 Civil Rights Act was an exact copy of the 1957 civil rights legislation Eisenhower sent down to Congress, which passed the House but was opposed in the Senate by both JFK and LBJ until all enforcement provisions had been cut from it.

Consider this, no Democratic president had ever given a black person a position of leadership or authority in his government until Reagan and the two presidents Bush elevated Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice all the way to cabinet level posts, not based on racial preferences which you would seem to prefer, but on merit. No one would have taken Obama's bid for the presidency any more seriously than they had Jesse Jackson's if these three Republican presidents had not accustomed American voters to seeing black people in leadership roles in the US government.

Consider this, both Powell and Rice were urged by many Republicans to run for the Republican nomination for president and the early polls showed them to be leaders if they did.

What is astonishing about your post is that you seem to put no value in allowing poor black children to escape from failed, violent inner city schools that leave so many of them either unemployed or qualified only for very low paying jobs and no value in providing millions or new jobs for poor black people and higher wages by getting rid of the illegal immigrants that steal their jobs and keep their wages low.

What is astonishing to me is that you're suggesting that black people should consider voting for a virtually all white party that routinely acts to deny black votes.

Can you possibly be serious? Why in the Hell should black people vote for a virtually all white party? :0) You cannot be serious. You never answered that question.

All that you claim republicans have done for black people is MINUSCULE compared to democrats. Are you aware that democrats had more black elected Members of the US Congress in 1970 then republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since Reconstruction? You're comparing a couple of appointments to that??? With all due respect, that's just silly. Democrats elect thousands of black people all over this country every two years.

Check this out ..

Under Democratic Presidents, Minorities Make Economic Gains - And So Do Whites | Scholars Strategy Network

Forbes: Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat!
Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat!

Which party is best for the economy? It's not even close

Which party is best for the economy? It's not even close

Respectfully, your arguments are specious, and you ignore an absolute plethora of facts.

Most importantly, you demonstrate exactly why black people don't vote for republicans. You seem to believe that we don't know how to steer our own course .. we need you to figure it out. We don't. African-Americans have only relatively been free in this country for 51 YEARS. We've been in this country for over 400 YEARS .. only been RELATIVELY free for FIFTY-ONE YEARS. You seem to think that kind of oppression and terrorism doesn't come with residual effects.

Democrats cannot be blamed for all the lingering issues within our communities .. and given that your party has no interest in black people except when we vote, there is no way in Hell that your party would do any better than have democrats.

My advice, stop believing that you know better or are any smarter than anyone else. You're not. Your argument isn't even logical. Your party is all white and full of racists. NOBODY wants to be on that team BUT angry old white men. Take a look at where the Republican Party is this day. :0) You're hanging on for dear life, led by a celebrity with no legislative experience .. who is PURPOSEFULLY destroying your all-white party and exposing it for what it is. If you support Trump, how can you possibly be suggesting what other people should do? HOW? HOW? HOW? :0) That's crazy.

You're talking about what is best for republicans, not what's best for black Americans .. and that's all too obvious brother.

I repeat, perhaps you should be considering why you vote the way you do. You're in no position to dictate how other people should vote.
One of the things Democrats, including Obama,have done for black people is deny poor black children the opportunity to escape for failed, violent inner cit schools by opposing the school voucher program the Republicans have been trying to pass for years. You and other Democrats seem to think black children don't need a decent education.

Another thing the Democrats have done for black people is keep wages low for poor black people by supporting illegal immigrants from south of the border who work for very little. You seem to think black people don't need to earn a decent wage.

Black people were solid Republicans from the Civil War until the Great Depression - in fact they were not even allowed to join the Democratic Party until 1924 - when the overwhelming majority of them voted for FDR despite the fact he opposed a federal anti lynching law. They were drawn to him simply because of the promise of federal relief funds, and despite the fact that the poor black people in the southern states got virtually none of this federal money because FDR left it to southern white politicians to distribute, those black people who could vote stayed loyal to FDR. It was money, not freedom or civil rights that drew black voters to the Democratic Party. The proof of that is that after WWII every year from 1945 to 1957 Republicans in the House passed civil rights legislation that was blocked by Democrats in the Senate. Black voters didn't care, they still voted for the Democrats who had voted against them.

There simply is no rational basis for black loyalty to the Democrats.

:0) Now your posts are just getting laughable. I gave you plenty of reasons why we vote for democrats .. and you keep running back to the same tired playbook.

Try answering what you keep running from .. why should black people vote for an all white party?

You don't have a clue. :0)

I have no interests in what is best for the Republican Party AND I'll enjoy watching it go down in flames.

Thanks for the conversation.
In fact, you provided o rational explanation for why black people continue to support Democrats when the Democrats do nothing for them. Bill Clinton did nothing for black people. Barack Obama has done nothing for black people. Hillary Clinton plans to do nothing for black people. Yet when Trump lays out clear policies that will improve educational opportunities for poor black children and that will provide jobs and higher wages for all poor people, black people prefer Democrats who will do nothing for them. Clearly, black people who vote for Clinton in this election are voting against their own self interests.
et when Trump lays out clear policies that will improve educational opportunities for poor black children and that will provide jobs and higher wages for all poor people,

Just a friendly reminder,by the way, Trump IS (in many ways) a democrat.....an insane one,granted, but basically a democrat. LOL
et when Trump lays out clear policies that will improve educational opportunities for poor black children and that will provide jobs and higher wages for all poor people,

Just a friendly reminder,by the way, Trump IS (in many ways) a democrat.....an insane one,granted, but basically a democrat. LOL
No, he is a Republican and school vouchers to provide educational opportunities to the children of poor families is a long standing Republican policy, one that Democrats adamantly oppose; the same is true about creating more jobs and higher wages for poor people by getting rid of illegal immigrants who steal American jobs and keep wages low for American workers. The Democrats kick the children of poor families to the gutter in order to keep the support of the teachers unions and they kick poor American workers to the gutter in order to get the Hispanic vote. Now that's political cynicism that verges on evil.
The OP thinks he's found a shiny new object. His story is the same old shit we've been reading for years. Republicans fear everything, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists, yada yada.

Who gives a fuck whether you agree or not?

I'm real comfortable with the divide between blacks and republicans .. REAL comfortable.:0)

Be the moron that you are and run out and vote for Trump .. see if that improves your lot.

It's not a great choice, but at least it's not voting to send the Clinton's and all their baggage back to the White Whore House.
I realize of course there are millions out there that need the government to hold their hand and tuck them in at night, so they'll be voting for the Dims no matter what.

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