Election 2016 -- It all comes down to one word .. RACE

Funny thing about most bigots, they seem to think everything is about race while important issues are ignored.
LOL. Blacks are going to rue the day the Hispanics actually do take control of the government. They suffer from no exploitable white guilt.

That's your fear, not mine. I prefer their company than that of racists.

I have no fear. Hispanics are swayed by political advertising. Blacks will sit shivering in the basement of the DNC until the end of time.

Stupid .. but typical.

Republicans fear everybody .. always looking for divisions. Scared rabbits.

As it is with white Americans, they are growing interracial relationships with Hispanics and African-Americans.

You fear the future, not me.
It must really suck to view the entire world through the prism of "racism". Of course it does come in handy for making excuses for personal failure...

"Whey are you still living in your parents basement at age 40? RACISM!!


:clap: another racist steps to the mic and claims his racism.

I'm black .. so I must be living in my parents basement :lol:

You poor victim!!

Shelter in place! Get to a government approved "safe space"!!

Donald Trump is today's manifestation of the Great White Hope, and his horde of supporters are virtually all white and mostly uneducated white men.

Trump has never held legislative office before .. couldn't find his way to a White House or Congressional building bathroom without someone showing him the way. But his horde of followers will support him no matter what because they know he's their last hope before the evolution of the American population and electorate catches up with them.

America is getting browner and the Republican Party is virtually all white. Not a single non-white demographic in America supports the Republican Party in the majority .. which includes Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans. Nobody, not one single group. Republicans hate everybody.

Trump represents the last stand for political white supremacy in America. This is indeed a watershed moment in American history. By the next election in 2020, minority children will be the majority in America .. and many states in the South where republicans do best, will become minority-majority states

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites

By the next election in 2024, America becomes even browner.

This truth to a right-wing white American is more than they can bear. They believe they own this country and everybody else is an intruder. They believe that only they can make America a great nation. They have no idea, no concept of how to live in a truly multi-cultural country.

So in their desperation they run to what seems to be the great white hope. So blinded by their desperation that they reject the Republican Party establishment .. who can't keep America white. So blinded by their desperation that they never notice that their Great White Hope is actually a Manchurian Candidate ,, without the brainwashing .. a democrat in vermin's clothing.

This election comes down to RACE. After the election of an African-American president, racists are desperate to hold onto the last vestiges of political white supremacy in the nation.

They will lose and this nation will continue to evolve away from them, and America will move closer to the ideals it was founded on.

Good riddance and it's about time.
First of all, I hope you do not judge the rest of us white peoples by the dumb mo-fo's that voted for Trump in the primaries.

Secondly, if Dr. Dumazz Carson was running, then it might be a racial issue. But he is not.

You might be able to argue that it is a Feminism issue this time; however if so that is still not clear because we don't have any data about GOP females flocking to Hillary. If they do then we can call it a Feminism issue.

On the face of it. this election is simply involves one candidate who represents a quasi third term for the previous POTUS. I am sure that if BHO could run again and did, he would be elected again. Same was true of Reagan. Same was true of Ike.

And the other candidate is a total crock of sh!t -- same as Barry Goldwater was.

Remember, Jesus said not to judge others. So please don't judge us White Folk by the sh!t that is going on in the GOP right now.

LOL. Blacks are going to rue the day the Hispanics actually do take control of the government. They suffer from no exploitable white guilt.

That's your fear, not mine. I prefer their company than that of racists.

I have no fear. Hispanics are swayed by political advertising. Blacks will sit shivering in the basement of the DNC until the end of time.

Stupid .. but typical.

Republicans fear everybody .. always looking for divisions. Scared rabbits.

As it is with white Americans, they are growing interracial relationships with Hispanics and African-Americans.

You fear the future, not me.

I don't know what republicans fear. I know the first black President spend a mint on building housing for little brown foreign kids while black kids continued to eat lead paint chips throughout his Presidency and blacks will line up in November for his hand-picked successor who will replace those hispanic faces with middle eastern faces while black kids continue to eat lead paint chips. That is the price of surrendering your politics.
So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was still surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.

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Donald Trump is today's manifestation of the Great White Hope, and his horde of supporters are virtually all white and mostly uneducated white men.

Trump has never held legislative office before .. couldn't find his way to a White House or Congressional building bathroom without someone showing him the way. But his horde of followers will support him no matter what because they know he's their last hope before the evolution of the American population and electorate catches up with them.

America is getting browner and the Republican Party is virtually all white. Not a single non-white demographic in America supports the Republican Party in the majority .. which includes Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans. Nobody, not one single group. Republicans hate everybody.

Trump represents the last stand for political white supremacy in America. This is indeed a watershed moment in American history. By the next election in 2020, minority children will be the majority in America .. and many states in the South where republicans do best, will become minority-majority states

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites

By the next election in 2024, America becomes even browner.

This truth to a right-wing white American is more than they can bear. They believe they own this country and everybody else is an intruder. They believe that only they can make America a great nation. They have no idea, no concept of how to live in a truly multi-cultural country.

So in their desperation they run to what seems to be the great white hope. So blinded by their desperation that they reject the Republican Party establishment .. who can't keep America white. So blinded by their desperation that they never notice that their Great White Hope is actually a Manchurian Candidate ,, without the brainwashing .. a democrat in vermin's clothing.

This election comes down to RACE. After the election of an African-American president, racists are desperate to hold onto the last vestiges of political white supremacy in the nation.

They will lose and this nation will continue to evolve away from them, and America will move closer to the ideals it was founded on.

Good riddance and it's about time.
First of all, I hope you do not judge the rest of us white peoples by the dumb mo-fo's that voted for Trump in the primaries.

Secondly, if Dr. Dumazz Carson was running, then it might be a racial issue. But he is not.

You might be able to argue that it is a Feminism issue this time; however if so that is still not clear because we don't have any data about GOP females flocking to Hillary. If they do then we can call it a Feminism issue.

On the face of it. this election is simply involves one candidate who represents a quasi third term for the previous POTUS. I am sure that if BHO could run again and did, he would be elected again. Same was true of Reagan. Same was true of Ike.

And the other candidate is a total crock of sh!t -- same as Barry Goldwater was.

Remember, Jesus said not to judge others. So please don't judge us White Folk by the sh!t that is going on in the GOP right now.


Thank you, and I apologize if I've given that impression. I believe white people to be fascinating, adventurous, intelligent, and innovative people. My business partners are White, Black, and Jewish.

I consider racists as pink people, not white .. and I know whites who are as 'black' as black people .. blacks who are as 'white' as white people.

There is no such thing as a colorblind society, but we should all celebrate diversity .. hate no one because of their skin.

This is the Republican Party ..

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So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.


It is always so interesting when a liberal rants about race then calls a black man a token. Whow. It's Selma 1960 all over again.
Donald Trump is today's manifestation of the Great White Hope, and his horde of supporters are virtually all white and mostly uneducated white men.

Trump has never held legislative office before .. couldn't find his way to a White House or Congressional building bathroom without someone showing him the way. But his horde of followers will support him no matter what because they know he's their last hope before the evolution of the American population and electorate catches up with them.

America is getting browner and the Republican Party is virtually all white. Not a single non-white demographic in America supports the Republican Party in the majority .. which includes Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans. Nobody, not one single group. Republicans hate everybody.

Trump represents the last stand for political white supremacy in America. This is indeed a watershed moment in American history. By the next election in 2020, minority children will be the majority in America .. and many states in the South where republicans do best, will become minority-majority states

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites

By the next election in 2024, America becomes even browner.

This truth to a right-wing white American is more than they can bear. They believe they own this country and everybody else is an intruder. They believe that only they can make America a great nation. They have no idea, no concept of how to live in a truly multi-cultural country.

So in their desperation they run to what seems to be the great white hope. So blinded by their desperation that they reject the Republican Party establishment .. who can't keep America white. So blinded by their desperation that they never notice that their Great White Hope is actually a Manchurian Candidate ,, without the brainwashing .. a democrat in vermin's clothing.

This election comes down to RACE. After the election of an African-American president, racists are desperate to hold onto the last vestiges of political white supremacy in the nation.

They will lose and this nation will continue to evolve away from them, and America will move closer to the ideals it was founded on.

Good riddance and it's about time.

And the DNC is home to a a large percentage of uneducated black people, so what is your point? The only point I see is you like pressing the racist button.

Here are some data points courtesy of Gallup and of a college journal.

The GOP is apparently 89% white. 2% black. 6% Latino. 1% Asian. 2% other.

The DEM party is apparently 60% white. 22% black. 13% Latino. 2% Asian. 3% other.

The Independents are apparently 70% white. 8% black. 16% Latino. 3% Asian. 3% other.

32.6% of whites hold a college degree whereas 19.6% of blacks hold a college degree.

Now that we have got some data, we can extrapolate further.

It may be that all of the 71.4% of whites that do not hold a college degree voted for Trump in the primaries. He did get a bunch of them.

It looks like 1 of 5 blacks in the DEM party and the Independents are college educated. Not sure of whether any of them when they got rich turned oreo and signed up with the GOP though. If they did, they must be regretting it now.

In conclusion, if the DEM's got all the uneducated blacks, then they sure are a lot smarter than anyone who voted for Trump in the primaries.

More Than 4.5 Million African Americans Now Hold a Four-Year College Degree

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White
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So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.


It is always so interesting when a liberal rants about race then calls a black man a token. Whow. It's Selma 1960 all over again.

What do you call black democrats?

'Slaves stuck on a plantation' .. but somehow you think black republicans should be treated with more respect than black democrats :lol: Stupid
So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.


It is always so interesting when a liberal rants about race then calls a black man a token. Whow. It's Selma 1960 all over again.
There is no doubt that Dr. Dummazz Carson was a token. And an oreo.

You would need to go all the way back to Lincoln to find a single GOP POTUS that did any good for him or his ancestors.
So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.


It is always so interesting when a liberal rants about race then calls a black man a token. Whow. It's Selma 1960 all over again.
There is no doubt that Dr. Dummazz Carson was a token. And an oreo.

You would need to go all the way back to Lincoln to find a single GOP POTUS that did any good for him or his ancestors.

Being the lump of coal in a snowstorm has notoriety. He's 'loved' by the people who hate him and all people like him.

He's politically meaningless, and the few black republicans like him wield no political power.
So blacks cannot think or vote independently? Wow, they are more racist than I thought. Haven't heard any white supremacy shit from Trump though, you reached around and pulled out a stinker for that one.

:0) I do recognize that I'm posting on a site full of the very people I'm talking about. They'll never claim it's about race .. even while they support an all white party full of racists. That's evolution right there. Racism has become such a nasty word that even racists run from it. :lol: Amazing.

Yeah dude, this is about race .. but it's refreshing watching you run from it. :0)
Since I see the GOP from the outside looking in, I can't tell if it has gone totally racist or not.

With Carson in the primaries as a token black, it had the veneer of being a bit integrated. After all, Carson is a rich man, and a surgeon, and of all things a brain surgeon, and being so rich and well over the $250K/yr threshold where the GOP tries to get more tax cuts for the rich, I was surprised that this oreo joined the GOP.

So from the outside looking in (because I am nonpartisan/independent), the GOP does not strike me as completely racist white. Especially with so many black millionaires these days in it.

But if you are right, then W may be right too -- that he may end up the last person in history to be elected POTUS by the GOP.


It is always so interesting when a liberal rants about race then calls a black man a token. Whow. It's Selma 1960 all over again.
There is no doubt that Dr. Dummazz Carson was a token. And an oreo.

You would need to go all the way back to Lincoln to find a single GOP POTUS that did any good for him or his ancestors.
You just proved you are a stupid racist asshole. Congrats.
The OP thinks he's found a shiny new object. His story is the same old shit we've been reading for years. Republicans fear everything, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists, yada yada.
How does it feel to be reduced to "yes" men for minorities white Democrats?

Where was your "privilege" when you guys wanted Bernie and it wasn't even close?
For uneducated, scared, somewhat racist white voters, Trump represents their "last stand" to defend a changing world that no longer holds them in "supremacy"......Like cornered rats, they get violent and feisty...but eventually will lose, muttering their hatred to their graves.
Are you too stupid to understand what a strawman is?
Donald Trump is today's manifestation of the Great White Hope, and his horde of supporters are virtually all white and mostly uneducated white men.

Trump has never held legislative office before .. couldn't find his way to a White House or Congressional building bathroom without someone showing him the way. But his horde of followers will support him no matter what because they know he's their last hope before the evolution of the American population and electorate catches up with them.

America is getting browner and the Republican Party is virtually all white. Not a single non-white demographic in America supports the Republican Party in the majority .. which includes Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans. Nobody, not one single group. Republicans hate everybody.

Trump represents the last stand for political white supremacy in America. This is indeed a watershed moment in American history. By the next election in 2020, minority children will be the majority in America .. and many states in the South where republicans do best, will become minority-majority states

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites

By the next election in 2024, America becomes even browner.

This truth to a right-wing white American is more than they can bear. They believe they own this country and everybody else is an intruder. They believe that only they can make America a great nation. They have no idea, no concept of how to live in a truly multi-cultural country.

So in their desperation they run to what seems to be the great white hope. So blinded by their desperation that they reject the Republican Party establishment .. who can't keep America white. So blinded by their desperation that they never notice that their Great White Hope is actually a Manchurian Candidate ,, without the brainwashing .. a democrat in vermin's clothing.

This election comes down to RACE. After the election of an African-American president, racists are desperate to hold onto the last vestiges of political white supremacy in the nation.

They will lose and this nation will continue to evolve away from them, and America will move closer to the ideals it was founded on.

Good riddance and it's about time.
First of all, I hope you do not judge the rest of us white peoples by the dumb mo-fo's that voted for Trump in the primaries.

Secondly, if Dr. Dumazz Carson was running, then it might be a racial issue. But he is not.

You might be able to argue that it is a Feminism issue this time; however if so that is still not clear because we don't have any data about GOP females flocking to Hillary. If they do then we can call it a Feminism issue.

On the face of it. this election is simply involves one candidate who represents a quasi third term for the previous POTUS. I am sure that if BHO could run again and did, he would be elected again. Same was true of Reagan. Same was true of Ike.

And the other candidate is a total crock of sh!t -- same as Barry Goldwater was.

Remember, Jesus said not to judge others. So please don't judge us White Folk by the sh!t that is going on in the GOP right now.


Thank you, and I apologize if I've given that impression. I believe white people to be fascinating, adventurous, intelligent, and innovative people. My business partners are White, Black, and Jewish.

I consider racists as pink people, not white .. and I know whites who are as 'black' as black people .. blacks who are as 'white' as white people.

There is no such thing as a colorblind society, but we should all celebrate diversity .. hate no one because of their skin.

This is the Republican Party ..

Nope, that is Wisconsin....
Donald Trump is today's manifestation of the Great White Hope, and his horde of supporters are virtually all white and mostly uneducated white men.

Trump has never held legislative office before .. couldn't find his way to a White House or Congressional building bathroom without someone showing him the way. But his horde of followers will support him no matter what because they know he's their last hope before the evolution of the American population and electorate catches up with them.

America is getting browner and the Republican Party is virtually all white. Not a single non-white demographic in America supports the Republican Party in the majority .. which includes Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans. Nobody, not one single group. Republicans hate everybody.

Trump represents the last stand for political white supremacy in America. This is indeed a watershed moment in American history. By the next election in 2020, minority children will be the majority in America .. and many states in the South where republicans do best, will become minority-majority states

It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation
Census data shows there are more minority children under age 5 than whites

By the next election in 2024, America becomes even browner.

This truth to a right-wing white American is more than they can bear. They believe they own this country and everybody else is an intruder. They believe that only they can make America a great nation. They have no idea, no concept of how to live in a truly multi-cultural country.

So in their desperation they run to what seems to be the great white hope. So blinded by their desperation that they reject the Republican Party establishment .. who can't keep America white. So blinded by their desperation that they never notice that their Great White Hope is actually a Manchurian Candidate ,, without the brainwashing .. a democrat in vermin's clothing.

This election comes down to RACE. After the election of an African-American president, racists are desperate to hold onto the last vestiges of political white supremacy in the nation.

They will lose and this nation will continue to evolve away from them, and America will move closer to the ideals it was founded on.

Good riddance and it's about time.

And the DNC is home to a a large percentage of uneducated black people, so what is your point? The only point I see is you like pressing the racist button.

Here are some data points courtesy of Gallup and of a college journal.

The GOP is apparently 89% white. 2% black. 6% Latino. 1% Asian. 2% other.

The DEM party is apparently 60% white. 22% black. 13% Latino. 2% Asian. 3% other.

The Independents are apparently 70% white. 8% black. 16% Latino. 3% Asian. 3% other.

32.6% of whites hold a college degree whereas 19.6% of blacks hold a college degree.

Now that we have got some data, we can extrapolate further.

It may be that all of the 71.4% of whites that do not hold a college degree voted for Trump in the primaries. He did get a bunch of them.

It looks like 1 of 5 blacks in the DEM party and the Independents are college educated. Not sure of whether any of them when they got rich turned oreo and signed up with the GOP though. If they did, they must be regretting it now.

In conclusion, if the DEM's got all the uneducated blacks, then they sure are a lot smarter than anyone who voted for Trump in the primaries.

More Than 4.5 Million African Americans Now Hold a Four-Year College Degree

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White
Democrats have all of the uneducated blacks and Hispanics and even many of the white idiots who can't think without CNN and/or ABC telling them what they should do next.

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