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Elections Results Explained!

4. According to records, 93% of the black vote went for Obama. 10 Amazing Demographic Percentages of the 2012 Election - NationalJournal.com

Racist, you say? Well...perhaps, to a degree....but one would expect the ethnicity of the candidate to offer a boost from those of a similar background.

And, in reality, many voters simply look for a similarity in the candidate for whom to vote...some reasonable, some not so much.

How about a co-religionist?

Remember, in probably the second closest election in US history, won by 0.17% of the popular vote, "... Inner-city Catholic votes unquestionably provided Kennedy’s razor-thin margin of victory.
[If you believe that JFK really won.]

As Theodore H. White, author ofThe Making of the President 1960, wrote: “There is no doubt that millions of Americans, Protestants and Catholics, voted in 1960 primordially out of instinct [and kinship].” Out of pride, 67 percent of Catholics, who had supported the Republican Dwight Eisenhower in 1956, swung back to the Democrat Kennedy and boosted his total share of the Catholic vote to over 70 percent." America s First Catholic President

So, race and religion play a substantial role in determining one's vote preference.

As does being a Liberal....
....oh, wait...I already said 'one's religion.'
'Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.'

"According to the latest numbers tallied by David Wasserman of the Cook Political Report, President Obama has expanded his share of the popular vote to 50.8 percent, while Romney has fallen to 47.49 percent."
Romney 8217 s final share of the vote You guessed it 47 percent. - The Washington Post

1. To this day I am amazed at Obama's victory over Romney. Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy, appeared to have found his way to victory in the one place it counts: the ballot box.

It didn't surprise me.

It doesn't matter that a candidate is the "owner of a trail of failures" so long as it promises to rightwinger, NY carbineer, dad2sixteen and their ilk, that he/she will feed them. clothe them, insure them and invade every country on the face of mother earth - he/she will win hands down.

The OP is a hoax, and Conty lecturing on political ideology.

The loons are loose :lol:
CCES's work is confirmation bias

The 2mm supposed voters are not verified.

There is no solid investigation that links major voter fraud, period, to anyone, much less the immigrants.

Much ado about nothing.
The OP is a hoax, and Conty lecturing on political ideology.

The loons are loose :lol:
In a nutshell, Comrade Starkiev, your welfare type benefits are secured ....until such time as

The OP is a hoax, and Conty lecturing on political ideology.

The loons are loose :lol:

Third time you've posted some attack which boils down to 'I hate you.'

Can't begin to tell you how upset that makes me....not.

If, on the other hand, you had voiced support, I'd immediately reconsider my views.

After all, you are well known as a lying bottom-feeder.

Now...you post another in a long line of lies..."The OP is a hoax,..."

But, I count three links in the OP alone.

Of course, it is possible you simply don't understand the meaning of "hoax"....you're certainly stupid enough for that to be the case.

Of course, were you relegated to words you actually understand....you'd be mute.
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?
MOST people did not see President Obama as a failure, most people still remembered what was handed to him by the previous president's reign and most people actually agreed with needing health care reform....

along with most people just couldn't relate to Romney, nor his robotic-ness....and could not get a handle on what he stood for.... imo.... thus, him losing.
Attack? It's the truth. I posted the link to your company that is coming up with confirmation results. Tuff, PC, that you are called out for what you are.
5. So,....finding similarity with oneself has long been a feature of elections, and it is often the reason for 'balancing the ticket.' Take Northeasterner Franklin Roosevelt, having Texan John Nance Garner as his first (of three) vice presidents (his second was communist Henry Wallace- FDR threatened to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention..)
The Real Henry Wallace National Review Online

a. " It is fair to say that the nomination of Wallace was rivaled only by the appointments of Stalin-bootlicker Joseph Davies as ambassador to Moscow; of fascist sympathizer, appeaser, and defeatist Joseph P. Kennedy to the London embassy; and of anti-Semite Breckinridge Long as under secretary of state for immigration and refugees, as the most disastrous appointment of Roosevelt’s four terms as president."
FDR Stalin and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun

Some cynics might claim the 'brilliant' Obama chose the lame-brain as his vice-president as a kind of balance, as well.

Although, running as a Democrat pretty well corrals the lame-brain vote.....

And, along those lines, gaining the votes of those who find simpatico with the candidate, consider these statistics:

a. Approximately 1 million psychopaths are locked up, on parole, or on probation.
"THE CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH: HISTORY, NEUROSCIENCE, TREATMENT, AND ECONOMICS," byKiehl KA1,Hoffman MB2, The Journal of Law, Science and Technology, 51(4): 355-397

Guess which party is behind the move to get felons to vote?
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?

What were Romney's domestic policy successes?

What were Romney's foreign policy successes?
4. According to records, 93% of the black vote went for Obama. 10 Amazing Demographic Percentages of the 2012 Election - NationalJournal.com

Racist, you say? Well...perhaps, to a degree....but one would expect the ethnicity of the candidate to offer a boost from those of a similar background.

And, in reality, many voters simply look for a similarity in the candidate for whom to vote...some reasonable, some not so much.

How about a co-religionist?

Remember, in probably the second closest election in US history, won by 0.17% of the popular vote, "... Inner-city Catholic votes unquestionably provided Kennedy’s razor-thin margin of victory.
[If you believe that JFK really won.]

As Theodore H. White, author ofThe Making of the President 1960, wrote: “There is no doubt that millions of Americans, Protestants and Catholics, voted in 1960 primordially out of instinct [and kinship].” Out of pride, 67 percent of Catholics, who had supported the Republican Dwight Eisenhower in 1956, swung back to the Democrat Kennedy and boosted his total share of the Catholic vote to over 70 percent." America s First Catholic President

So, race and religion play a substantial role in determining one's vote preference.

As does being a Liberal....
....oh, wait...I already said 'one's religion.'

73% of Asians voted for President Obama.

69% of Jewish-Americans voted for President Obama.
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?

What were Romney's domestic policy successes?

What were Romney's foreign policy successes?

a. "What were Romney's domestic policy successes?"
"...the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared.

Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could — prostitutes, drug addicts — anyone."
Read more at snopes.com Romney Business Partner Daughter Search

b. "What were Romney's foreign policy successes?"
"That amalgam of business acumen and civic leadership “matches almost perfectly what the U.S. needs in our next President,” according to Mike Leavitt, who as Utah’s governor during the Olympics helped recruit Romney to run the Games, .... Romney often invokes his stint in Salt Lake City as an example of how he would govern in troubled times. “I led an Olympics out of the shadows of scandal,” he told an audience earlier this year, suggesting those talents could be applied to the sluggish U.S. economy as well.

Nobody disputes that Romney played a major role in the 2002 Games’ success."
The Real Story of Romney 8217 s Olympic Turnaround TIME.com

Let me know if you need a lost of Obama's domestic policy failures, and foreign policy failures......or, if they're simply too extensive and/or well known to reiterate.
6.Did you guess correctly, that Democrats are pushing to get felons to vote....?
I wonder why....must be something criminals would find attractive about the Democrat Party, huh?

a. "Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons."
EDITORIAL The franchise for felons - Washington Times

b. We know from "Who's Counting?" - the new book by conservative journalist John Fund and former Bush Justice Department official Hans von Spakovsky - that 1,099 ineligible felons voted in Minnesota in 2008. That year, Democrat Al Franken beat incumbent Republican Norm Coleman in a critical U.S. Senate race by 312 votes after a controversial recount.

[Democrat] Franken's win gave Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., the 60th Democratic vote he needed to pass ObamaCare.
Inviting noncitizens and felons to vote Las Vegas Review-Journal

c. " Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights."

Democrats, ...convicts...stealing elections.....

...seem to go together, don't they.
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?

What were Romney's domestic policy successes?

What were Romney's foreign policy successes?

a. "What were Romney's domestic policy successes?"
"...the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared.

Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could — prostitutes, drug addicts — anyone."
Read more at snopes.com Romney Business Partner Daughter Search

b. "What were Romney's foreign policy successes?"
"That amalgam of business acumen and civic leadership “matches almost perfectly what the U.S. needs in our next President,” according to Mike Leavitt, who as Utah’s governor during the Olympics helped recruit Romney to run the Games, .... Romney often invokes his stint in Salt Lake City as an example of how he would govern in troubled times. “I led an Olympics out of the shadows of scandal,” he told an audience earlier this year, suggesting those talents could be applied to the sluggish U.S. economy as well.

Nobody disputes that Romney played a major role in the 2002 Games’ success."
The Real Story of Romney 8217 s Olympic Turnaround TIME.com

Let me know if you need a lost of Obama's domestic policy failures, and foreign policy failures......or, if they're simply too extensive and/or well known to reiterate.

So in other words you can cite none. Neither example is a policy.
Bizarre describes much of PC's stuff, but this is beyond even her normal weirdness.
I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :D
November 16, 2012
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove, ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching 88
Activism, All, Election 2012, News: US, Occupy Wall Street • Tags: Barack Obama, election, Fox News Channel, Karl Rove, loses, Obama, Ohio, ORCA, presidential election, Republican National Committee, romney, Rove
As expected, any Romney supporter (with heavy financing), was shocked at the final outcome from November 6th, the night President Obama retained his seat. We have all heard the whining, crying, finger-pointing, foul, and so on and so on. But there were a couple of items which stood out more than others.

We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven’t seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked “the sun just rose in the west” look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
These cyber “protectors of what’s right” – who refers to themselves as “The Protectors” – said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

“ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST followed by “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.

Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?

What were Romney's domestic policy successes?

What were Romney's foreign policy successes?

a. "What were Romney's domestic policy successes?"
"...the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared.

Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could — prostitutes, drug addicts — anyone."
Read more at snopes.com Romney Business Partner Daughter Search

b. "What were Romney's foreign policy successes?"
"That amalgam of business acumen and civic leadership “matches almost perfectly what the U.S. needs in our next President,” according to Mike Leavitt, who as Utah’s governor during the Olympics helped recruit Romney to run the Games, .... Romney often invokes his stint in Salt Lake City as an example of how he would govern in troubled times. “I led an Olympics out of the shadows of scandal,” he told an audience earlier this year, suggesting those talents could be applied to the sluggish U.S. economy as well.

Nobody disputes that Romney played a major role in the 2002 Games’ success."
The Real Story of Romney 8217 s Olympic Turnaround TIME.com

Let me know if you need a lost of Obama's domestic policy failures, and foreign policy failures......or, if they're simply too extensive and/or well known to reiterate.

So in other words you can cite none. Neither example is a policy.

So in other words you believed ( I almost said 'thought') he was President.

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