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Elections Results Explained!

I thought President Obama overwhelmingly won because the hackers with Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from cheating???? Didn't any of you read that....? :DAnonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove ORCA Thus Stopping Vote-Switching Motley News and Photos
Anyway, regardless of what this group anonymous said they supposedly did to stop Rove's cheating.....the pollsters were correct, most all had Obama as the winner.... before election day.

only a couple of right wing pollsters had Romney winning....it was mostly hype in the right wing media that made any of you even think he had a chance....

Bottom line, more Democrats got out to vote than Republicans, and that was DUE TO Romney being the alternative candidate and his women in binders, and 47% freeloader comments, not due to Obama pulling them to the polls...imo.

Whether or not the Democrats are masters of stealing elections, and I'll have more on that later, how do you explain supposedly sentient folks voting for one with the deep and wide record of failure,....as in the OP: "...Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy,...."

Seems to defy credibility that folks would choose this over the successes that Romney had....

....or, even in hindsight, do you find otherwise?

What were Romney's domestic policy successes?

What were Romney's foreign policy successes?

a. "What were Romney's domestic policy successes?"
"...the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared.

Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay's daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend's missing daughter. Romney's accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could — prostitutes, drug addicts — anyone."
Read more at snopes.com Romney Business Partner Daughter Search

b. "What were Romney's foreign policy successes?"
"That amalgam of business acumen and civic leadership “matches almost perfectly what the U.S. needs in our next President,” according to Mike Leavitt, who as Utah’s governor during the Olympics helped recruit Romney to run the Games, .... Romney often invokes his stint in Salt Lake City as an example of how he would govern in troubled times. “I led an Olympics out of the shadows of scandal,” he told an audience earlier this year, suggesting those talents could be applied to the sluggish U.S. economy as well.

Nobody disputes that Romney played a major role in the 2002 Games’ success."
The Real Story of Romney 8217 s Olympic Turnaround TIME.com

Let me know if you need a lost of Obama's domestic policy failures, and foreign policy failures......or, if they're simply too extensive and/or well known to reiterate.

So in other words you can cite none. Neither example is a policy.

So in other words you believed ( I almost said 'thought') he was President.

You said Romney had domestic and foreign policy successes. When? He was governor of Massachusetts.

Governors do not make national policy, foreign or domestic.
'Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.'

"According to the latest numbers tallied by David Wasserman of the Cook Political Report, President Obama has expanded his share of the popular vote to 50.8 percent, while Romney has fallen to 47.49 percent."
Romney 8217 s final share of the vote You guessed it 47 percent. - The Washington Post

1. To this day I am amazed at Obama's victory over Romney. Obama, owner of a trail of failures, both in domestic policy, and in foreign policy, appeared to have found his way to victory in the one place it counts: the ballot box.

I would feel so much better about the future of this nation if it could be shown that the Democrats stole the election: that would make so very much more sense than to believe that Americans actually decided that the food-stamp, teleprompter, ebola windbag was the more sensible choice.

And...there is evidence....like this:

a. " CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.

“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.. whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race...” Calibration error changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county Fox News

So....was this the only time, and only place where this happens??
Not likely.

I feel better already.

2. According to the math, Obama 'won', the election over a candidate with a record of successes in the financial arena....the exact qualifications necessary to overcome the dismal economy that Obama engineered, by 3.31%.

I recently came upon this bit of information, which may be the explanation for those election results:

a. Serious Mental Illness (SMI) In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year. This represented 4.1 % of all U.S. adults. NIMH Serious Mental Illness SMI Among U.S. Adults The margin of Obama's victory!


Can you name 3 things that Obama can be determined to have been responsible for doing that have adversely affected you personally?

Anyone else among the sane find it fascinating that PoliticChic, who bitches as much or more about Obama as anyone on this forum,

cannot cite 3 things he's ever done that adversely affected her?

Or for that matter, can't even cite one.
PC, you are so trapped now in a blind confirmation bias, so at this point you can't help yourself. Hopefully for you, someone is going to have to have you deprogrammed against your will.

PC is the classic end and sad example of what not using critical thinking skills can lead.
7. Lots of prison inmates are known to be psychopaths...

Sure does look like the Democrat Party is vying for the psychopath and felon votes....
Why would those folks vote Democrat?.....hmmmmm.....

Well, I did say earlier..."... many voters simply look for a similarity in the candidate for whom to vote...some reasonable, some not so much."

".... an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with Serious Mental Illness..."

Perhaps the answer can be found here:

"The Psychopathy Checklist or Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, now the Psychopathy Checklist—revised (PCL-R), is a psychological assessment tool most commonly used to assess the presence of psychopathy in individuals.[1]
It is a 20-item inventory of perceived personality traits " Psychopathy Checklist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here is one of the groups of characteristics use to detect psychpathy...

Lack of remorse or guilt: " Father of Slain Navy SEAL in Libya Says Obama 'Had No Remorse,..." Father of Slain Navy SEAL in Libya Says Obama Had No Remorse Biden Made Disrespectful Joke - US News

Emotionally shallow: " Obama Golfing After James Foley Beheading Statement: Is The President's Vacation Tone-Deaf?" Obama Golfing After James Foley Beheading Statement Is The President s Vacation Tone-Deaf

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions: "Blame Game: Obama Insists He Bears No Responsibility for Chaos in Iraq" Blame Game Obama Insists He Bears No Responsibility for Chaos in Iraq - Guy Benson

Pathological lying:
"Why did Barack Obama lie about never using the name Barry Soetoro on his Registration with the Illinois Bar Association? "Full Former names" the second question on the ATTORNEY'S REGISTRATION AND PUBLIC DISCIPLINARY RECORD.
However, instead of Listing "Barry Soetoro,"he wrote the word "NONE" on the "Former Names Used" line. " Second Amendment Freedom- Firearms Rights Obama Lied To The Illinois Bar About Barry Soetoro

Oh....so that's the similarity.....and an explanation for the electoral victory?
I have already addressed that CCES is a market-driven confirmation bias company.

The results are not credible.

The problem with you, is you make a statement which in and of itself is useless and doesn't mean anything and think you done something. At least PC posts information to counter others and promote her own position, which means shes a much better and more credible poster than you Jake. That's your problem all over this board actually. You've got nothing, but useless comments and personal opinion...... You're weak
My statement and the material provided does gut PC's argument and your defense of it, Jroc. She posts propaganda not meaningful evidence what so ever.

Neither of you are a match for 90% of us on the Board. That is the result of your commitment to confirmation bias: you believe, thus . . . utterly stupid on your part.

Fact is fact.
Says the poster girl for neurodegenrative disorders. :lol:

You are a fool caught in confirmation bias.
My statement and the material provided does gut PC's argument and your defense of it, Jroc. She posts propaganda not meaningful evidence what so ever.

Neither of you are a match for 90% of us on the Board. That is the result of your commitment to confirmation bias: you believe, thus . . . utterly stupid on your part.

Fact is fact.

"Neither of you are a match for 90% of us on the Board."

Now, there's a statement that reeks of insecurity.

So...you know you're a loser, huh?
She revels in the slight attention she gets from her masters.

:lol: You just don't have it, PC.
Bizarre describes much of PC's stuff, but this is beyond even her normal weirdness.

Only to those without the honesty to admit the truth.

Tell me...How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?
How does it feel to be a propagandist tool?

I can't seem to find any rebuttal, or even quote that you find incorrect?
Why is that?

There's a rumor that once, long ago, you penned a post that actually had some substance to it.

I, for one, find it hard to believe.
I'm fine with felons being allowed to vote, and in my State and Vermont, they can....

I don't think anyone's vote should be taken away from them if they are a citizen....

The man or woman in prison still has kids and or a husband or wife that is out of prison and they should be allowed to vote, on who they want to represent them....

It could be that they are in prison in Florida, for a couple of ounces of pot which is a felony and prison sentence....while that same person with 2 ounces of pot on a person in Maine would be just a citation....and a fine and in Colorado, who knows, maybe not even a fine???

the man in Maine should not have more privileges than the man in Florida, for the same offense of having 2 ounces of pot and the guy in Florida should not be prevented from voting in Federal elections, while the guy in Maine can still do such.... if Florida wants to stop them from voting in their State and local elections, then I guess I am sort of fine with that...but to stop them from voting in federal elections, in the scenario I mentioned, is wrong. It is UNEQUAL TREATMENT in federal elections.

Just because someone is in jail, does not mean that they should lose the ability to have someone representing them and representing what they feel will be best for their children or best for their wife, outside of the Pen.
Maine, if you are a US Citizen, live in the State, are older than 18, you can vote.... you can even register to vote the same day as the election, and vote....no reason needs to be given for an absentee ballot either....

of course, the entire state of Maine has way less people than say a Tampa/St.Pete metro area.... never been to the polling place here with anyone there other than Matt and me, and the workers.....

yes, that means felons can vote here, we believe it is their constitutional right... and it is by no means just democrats that believe such....many Republicans and Libertarians etc here feel the same way.

Your Right to Vote in Maine
Maine has one of the most accessible voting processes in the country. If you feel you have been denied the opportunity to vote, please discuss the situation with the local clerk or warden. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact the Elections Division at 207-624-7650. To be eligible to vote in Maine, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 18 years old
  • United States Citizen
  • Resident of the municipality in which you want to vote
Please review the following information regarding your voting rights in this state. Thank you for taking part in our democracy.

Voter Rights
The U.S. Constitution gives all citizens the right to vote.

  • I can register to vote in Maine if:
    • I am a United States citizen;
    • I live in a town or city in Maine; and
    • I am 17 years old and will be 18 years old by Election Day. 21-A MRSA §111.
  • If I am registered to vote in Maine, I can vote. I do not need to show ID to get a ballot. 21-A MRSA §§111 and 671.
  • I may vote by absentee ballot instead of voting in person at the voting place. I do not need a reason to vote by absentee ballot. 21-A MRSA §§751 and 753-A.
  • If I am not registered to vote, I can register on Election Day and vote. (I must register in person and must show ID and proof of where I live.) 21-A MRSA §121.
  • I cannot be turned away from my voting place. I must be allowed to vote a challenged ballot. (If I don’t have ID or proof of where I live, I will cast a challenged ballot. I may be asked to show ID after the election.) 21-A MRSA §§121, 161 and 673.
  • If I am in line at the voting place at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, I still may register and vote. 21-A MRSA §§127 and 626.
  • I may see a sample ballot and get help on how to mark my ballot before I vote. I also may ask for help to read or mark my ballot. 21-A MRSA §§651 and 672.
  • If I make a mistake, I can get a new ballot. 21-A MRSA §693.
  • I have the right to use Maine’s Accessible Voting System (AVS) at my voting place. 21-A MRSA §629(1)(A-1).
  • I may not be harassed when voting or be pressured about how to vote. 21-A MRSA §§672 and 682.
  • If I am under guardianship, I may vote. Doe vs. Rowe, 156 F. Supp. 2d 35 (D. Me. 2001).
  • If I have any problems, or if I am not allowed to vote, I should call:
    • The Elections Division - 1-888-868-3763, or
    • The Disability Rights Center - 1-800-452-1948 V/TTY.

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