Elitist Billionaire Bill Gates Condemns President Trump for rightly withholding undfs to China puppet the WHO

It is really pathetic to see how these stupid Limousine Liberals defend globalism, isn't it?
Globalism is the rise of giant mega-international corporations creating a ruling class made of authoritarian
billionaires and their lackeys. Yet at the same time these liberals are praying for socialism to create a utopian egalitarian society which is inherently at odds with the ruling class.

So by necessity we will have a highly toxic stratified society with the uber rich on top, a paper thin layer of
middle class technicians and bureaucrats below and under that, poverty and a rigidly locked in life for
the highly expendable workers.

If you've ever seen the great silent German movie Metropolis you will see it in action.

So what liberals want is in strict opposition to what they claim to want but they are too angry and dumb
to realize it. So when they wave around their college degrees and brag about how "smart" that makes
them I just have to shake my head and laugh to myself.

I like Nationalism.

Looked how the Chinese just screwed us.
Sounds like bill gates is in cahoots with China?

....he has all the $$$$ he needs...he doesn't care or know about the people who work everyday .......we are WASTING all this foreign aid/etc crap .......we are NOT getting our money's worth--plain and simple

Gates is responsible for the creation of millions of jobs across the globe and I believe that he knows a little about the people who work every day. Trump is laying the blame on the WHO for his screw-up. Typical con by our grifter in chief and you are supporting his bad behavior.
1. there is no screw up--so he can't lay any blame
2. all the $$$$$ sent to WHO does not help Americans
3. he CREATED jobs so he can get rich......he wants OUR tax $$$$$ WASTED= DUMB

No, Gates research and brilliance developed internet science which created jobs and not so that he can get rich. like a medical professional who discovers a cure for cancer to save lives. By dissing the WHO so that he can lay blame on someone other than himself for his poor response Trump has allowed China to fill the void. A very stupid man your grifter president is.
......Gates is no Mother Teresa

You are not dumb. You only sound dumb.
you do know insulting means you've lost the argument...hahahhahaha
....plain and simple--the USA is WASTING $$$$ giving it to WHO/Palestinians/Israel/etc
..YOU and Gates are the dumb ones---'''Let have everyone in the world be HAPPY''!!!!!!!!!!!!!....hahahha----WAKE up and think realistically!! you CAN'T make the world better with $$$$$$$

You need to complete your highschool education.
hahhahahahahhah--we are WASTING those $$$$$$
..you think there is waste of tax $$$ in the states!!?--just think about it when it goes overseas where the US can't watch it

Yeah, and we will become an isolationist country where your cost of living will skyrocket due to no competition.
.....isolationists because we don't waste $$$??!!! WOW! where did you get that at?

If our country becomes isolationist, your costs will go up dramatically because you will not have the benefit of imported items to compete with our companies so our prices for goods will skyrocket. Isolationist not because we don't waste money
but because you will spend much more for things that you take for granted. THIMK!
Sounds like bill gates is in cahoots with China?

That motherfucker mass murderer gates makes Stalin look like a choir boy
Sounds like bill gates is in cahoots with China?

....he has all the $$$$ he needs...he doesn't care or know about the people who work everyday .......we are WASTING all this foreign aid/etc crap .......we are NOT getting our money's worth--plain and simple

Gates is responsible for the creation of millions of jobs across the globe and I believe that he knows a little about the people who work every day. Trump is laying the blame on the WHO for his screw-up. Typical con by our grifter in chief and you are supporting his bad behavior.
Damn are you ever dense about Bill gates
Sounds like bill gates is in cahoots with China?

....he has all the $$$$ he needs...he doesn't care or know about the people who work everyday .......we are WASTING all this foreign aid/etc crap .......we are NOT getting our money's worth--plain and simple

Gates is responsible for the creation of millions of jobs across the globe and I believe that he knows a little about the people who work every day. Trump is laying the blame on the WHO for his screw-up. Typical con by our grifter in chief and you are supporting his bad behavior.
Damn are you ever dense about Bill gates

Really? You and others might not have jobs if it wasn't for Gates so I think that you are the dense one, yes?
Sounds like bill gates is in cahoots with China?

....he has all the $$$$ he needs...he doesn't care or know about the people who work everyday .......we are WASTING all this foreign aid/etc crap .......we are NOT getting our money's worth--plain and simple

Gates is responsible for the creation of millions of jobs across the globe and I believe that he knows a little about the people who work every day. Trump is laying the blame on the WHO for his screw-up. Typical con by our grifter in chief and you are supporting his bad behavior.
Damn are you ever dense about Bill gates

By the way, if you want to see something encouraging, have you checked out the comments on Bill Gates's Instagram posts? There are hundreds of thousands of comments there from people all over the world who are against him, his vaccines and his evil agendas for the world, and that is even AFTER the deletion of thousands of comments.

Take a look:
Typically the US is criticized for being the opposite of isolationists....we are attacked for trying to get in everyone's business and run everything.

The idea that this country will become isolationists because we are withholding funding for a period of time
to the World Health Organization for colluding with China to suppress and withhold information regarding their culpability for the Covid 19 flu virus is laughable.

It's amazingly laughable.
Gates is responsible for the creation of millions of jobs across the globe and I believe that he knows a little about the people who work every day.
I don't think I've ever heard such an idiotic defense of a capitalist billionaire before. I suppose Phil Knight of Nike that employs people overseas in sweat shop operations
"knows" workers too. How to exploit and capitalize on their dependence on him, for instance.

Trump is laying the blame on the WHO for his screw-up. Typical con by our grifter in chief and you are supporting his bad behavior.
Trump didn't hide information given to the WHO about China and their corona virus problem like the boot lickers at the WHO did. You are filled with it, b.s. that is.

Who does the Bill Gates Foundation help?
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty.

You are correct in that Trump didn't hide information from the WHO that was given to the world on January 6. He simply didn't pay attention to it and blamed the Dems for a "hoax", saying that he had everything under control. Stop facilitating Trump's bad behavior.
Bullshit...he owns slaves in India and Africa.
I have yet to meet one person outside of these areas where he has done a damn thing for anyone.
By the way, how long does a shithole have to be a developing country?
Israel was founded 70 years ago and is doing more for Africa and India than Gates ever has.

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