Elizabeth Warren: Fork, Done, etc

To that I would say that probably her biggest 'sin' in all this is not getting a handle on the press when it first started, i.e., not taking it seriously enough.

Allowing her 'minority status' to be used by the universities in question wasn't a good idea, either.

I'm not against her, but that doesn't matter. I'm not from her state. And I do believe she'd make a great senator, but this story may have ended all that, simply because she did not act aggressively when it broke.

With all due respect, Boop...how do you "act aggressively" when you've been caught red handed misrepresenting yourself?

Own it. Get all the facts out there, with documentation.

That only works if the "facts" prove your innocence, Boop. When the facts prove that you've misrepresented yourself for YEARS to be a minority then getting them out there and "owning it" is committing political suicide. Warren ducked and covered, hoping it would blow over. It hasn't.

Gee, what a surprise...HuffPo is defending a liberal Democrat!

The gist of that article is that Warren didn't claim minority status when she was a student at Rutgers nor when she taught at the University of Texas...as if that in some way excuses the fact that she led people to believe she was a minority at Harvard and Penn.

It's the old...well I did do something wrong twice...but I didn't do it wrong four times...so therefore I didn't do it wrong at all. Convoluted logic even for the idiots at Huffington Post.

Here's the cool thing. The actual "Principle Chief" of the Cherokee Nation, Bill John Baker is about as "Cherokee" as Warren.

Elizabeth Warren: Guilty of Being White

Tim Murphy tells the dark, sad tale of Elizabeth Warren's "Native American" fooferah. Short version: Harvard used to list her as a "Native American" member of faculty. She didn't correct them for years. And she's only 1/32 Native American, at least, borrowing the heritage from her maternal great-grandmother. It's killing her (at least right now), in part because "Massachusetts has a large population of political columnists who make teepee jokes."

A theory: These columnists aren't aware of how non-First Nation you can look and still be accepted by the Nation. Murphy points out that Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Bill John Baker is only 1/32 Cherokee. I'm reminded of a recent White House announcement of Native American hires.

There are actually several firsts in this Administration. Hilary Tompkins (Navajo Nation) is the first Native American Solicitor of the Department of the Interior. Brad Carson (Cherokee Nation) is the first Native American General Counsel of the Department of Army.

That would be this Brad Carson.

Carson held Oklahoma's tradtionally Democratic seat in Congress from 2001 to 2005, lost a race for Senate, and then joined the Cherokee nation as its CEO for business. In 2011, the Obama administration nominated him for the Army job. He's 1/8 Cherokee, hence the inclusion in the "firsts.

Ain't it cool?

I don’t know what you think your point I, well, I know why you posted but:alcoholic:…. ....people claim minority status because they are looking for some redress, some way some how. This is WHY it exists ( and why colleges especially love it, they can advertise their ‘diversity” ) ....of course to anyone but a dyed in the wool kool aid drinker this 1/8, 1/32 way back generations BS is just a hustle, period..that guy Carson or the bush moron gained cache and work because they hustled the system...dems cannot appeal to the mass so they pick off and inculcate victims....bravo.....warren is a jackass and she did this to herself....1/32...holy shit are you kidding me or what?

and since we are on that what price does she then pay for her great great great great grand uncle ( whoever the hell it was) helping round up Cherokees? ....what? Oh I see, she can only avail herself of the ADVANTAGES minority status sets aside, wink nods and ladder climbing etc. BUT, pays no price for any transgressions by the same family 'heirloom' history..?aint that cool?:rolleyes:
You do know that Henry VIII's children had no children themselves and that therefore it is impossible to be directly descended from Henry VIII, right?

And he had no siblings? And his children had no illegitimate offspring? Just trying to be clear on the possibilities.

It was actually a sister of Henry VIII..

But of course..it's an entirely different family to this rube.

That's what I figured. If the nanny changed their diapers together, that's a direct link to me. Just like my nephew Adam, and then on down the generations.
You do know that Henry VIII's children had no children themselves and that therefore it is impossible to be directly descended from Henry VIII, right?

And he had no siblings? And his children had no illegitimate offspring? Just trying to be clear on the possibilities.

No, Henry VIII's children had no children (legitimate or otherwise). Anybody who claims descent from Henry VIII is a liar or believes in fairy tales.

Thus summing up Sallow...
You do know that Henry VIII's children had no children themselves and that therefore it is impossible to be directly descended from Henry VIII, right?

And he had no siblings? And his children had no illegitimate offspring? Just trying to be clear on the possibilities.

No, Henry VIII's children had no children (legitimate or otherwise). Anybody who claims descent from Henry VIII is a liar or believes in fairy tales.

Whatever chief.

It was an interesting aside you chose to go nuts over.

My aunt's research was pretty intensive.

Your petty little "neener neener" not withstanding.
You got proof she's wrong, of course.

Show it.

According to you she's a native American? Give it a rest. It is extremely stupid to defend something like this. It turns what is a minor thing into a big thing.

According to him, she has enough NA to qualify for minority status, and he is correct about that, if she can prove it (and I do believe she can.)

In that case everybody in the US can claim minority status of course. It's actually an incredibly stupid cop-out to claim you are native American because you have 1/32nd native-american ancestry. This is actually a far worse form of dishonesty than the original dishonesty.
Gee, what a surprise...HuffPo is defending a liberal Democrat!

The gist of that article is that Warren didn't claim minority status when she was a student at Rutgers nor when she taught at the University of Texas...as if that in some way excuses the fact that she led people to believe she was a minority at Harvard and Penn.

It's the old...well I did do something wrong twice...but I didn't do it wrong four times...so therefore I didn't do it wrong at all. Convoluted logic even for the idiots at Huffington Post.

Here's the cool thing. The actual "Principle Chief" of the Cherokee Nation, Bill John Baker is about as "Cherokee" as Warren.

Elizabeth Warren: Guilty of Being White

Tim Murphy tells the dark, sad tale of Elizabeth Warren's "Native American" fooferah. Short version: Harvard used to list her as a "Native American" member of faculty. She didn't correct them for years. And she's only 1/32 Native American, at least, borrowing the heritage from her maternal great-grandmother. It's killing her (at least right now), in part because "Massachusetts has a large population of political columnists who make teepee jokes."

A theory: These columnists aren't aware of how non-First Nation you can look and still be accepted by the Nation. Murphy points out that Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Bill John Baker is only 1/32 Cherokee. I'm reminded of a recent White House announcement of Native American hires.

There are actually several firsts in this Administration. Hilary Tompkins (Navajo Nation) is the first Native American Solicitor of the Department of the Interior. Brad Carson (Cherokee Nation) is the first Native American General Counsel of the Department of Army.

That would be this Brad Carson.

Carson held Oklahoma's tradtionally Democratic seat in Congress from 2001 to 2005, lost a race for Senate, and then joined the Cherokee nation as its CEO for business. In 2011, the Obama administration nominated him for the Army job. He's 1/8 Cherokee, hence the inclusion in the "firsts.

Ain't it cool?

I don’t know what you think your point I, well, I know why you posted but:alcoholic:…. ....people claim minority status because they are looking for some redress, some way some how. This is WHY it exists ( and why colleges especially love it, they can advertise their ‘diversity” ) ....of course to anyone but a dyed in the wool kool aid drinker this 1/8, 1/32 way back generations BS is just a hustle, period..that guy Carson or the bush moron gained cache and work because they hustled the system...dems cannot appeal to the mass so they pick off and inculcate victims....bravo.....warren is a jackass and she did this to herself....1/32...holy shit are you kidding me or what?

and since we are on that what price does she then pay for her great great great great grand uncle ( whoever the hell it was) helping round up Cherokees? ....what? Oh I see, she can only avail herself of the ADVANTAGES minority status sets aside, wink nods and ladder climbing etc. BUT, pays no price for any transgressions by the same family 'heirloom' history..?aint that cool?:rolleyes:

My guess, which I would have to investigate, is that she didn't do anything wrong. The universities would set the standard, or federal would - whoever. Somebody says 1/32 = minority status, then et voila, she's legal. If it's 1/16th, and she isn't, but she still claimed it, then she's bad and wrong, yada-yada, blah-blah, slap her hand.
I always do the benefit of the doubt, etc but as Christopher Reeve's girlfriend once said (course, she was talking about illegitimate offspring) "Once is an honest mistake, but anything after that is tacky."

Harvard? Explanations made sense, yada-yada; whatever. This? I can't wrap my mind around it as still being an 'oops.'

She's still a Democrat, so compared to: taking a $106,000 piece of land from a felon, plagiarizer, lying about your military honors and medals, being a Grand Kleagle of the KKK, leaving your GF to drown....this is pretty mild stuff

Is it too late to field another candidate, not that it even matters because even if its too late or even if the candidate dies, someone Dem can step right in

No big deal

Stealing a maserati, getting busted for a DWI, pardoning a known terrorist involved in the deaths of over 100 people, making deals with the family of a terrorist involved in the deaths of over 3000 Americans, making deals with enemies to hold hostages until after an election, giving money to terrorists known to have raped and killed American nuns..

No big deal if you are a Republican.

Lying about who you "are" is a big deal no matter what your party.
And he had no siblings? And his children had no illegitimate offspring? Just trying to be clear on the possibilities.

No, Henry VIII's children had no children (legitimate or otherwise). Anybody who claims descent from Henry VIII is a liar or believes in fairy tales.

Whatever chief.

It was an interesting aside you chose to go nuts over.

My aunt's research was pretty intensive.

Your petty little "neener neener" not withstanding.

Yes, we all know that facts are not really important to you.
With all due respect, Boop...how do you "act aggressively" when you've been caught red handed misrepresenting yourself?

Own it. Get all the facts out there, with documentation.

That only works if the "facts" prove your innocence, Boop. When the facts prove that you've misrepresented yourself for YEARS to be a minority then getting them out there and "owning it" is committing political suicide. Warren ducked and covered, hoping it would blow over. It hasn't.

That's what I'm saying. I believe they do. And there was some stupidity on the parts of the university.

Also, it sucks that being honest can take your ass down. But that's politics.
Here's the cool thing. The actual "Principle Chief" of the Cherokee Nation, Bill John Baker is about as "Cherokee" as Warren.

Elizabeth Warren: Guilty of Being White

Ain't it cool?

I don’t know what you think your point I, well, I know why you posted but:alcoholic:…. ....people claim minority status because they are looking for some redress, some way some how. This is WHY it exists ( and why colleges especially love it, they can advertise their ‘diversity” ) ....of course to anyone but a dyed in the wool kool aid drinker this 1/8, 1/32 way back generations BS is just a hustle, period..that guy Carson or the bush moron gained cache and work because they hustled the system...dems cannot appeal to the mass so they pick off and inculcate victims....bravo.....warren is a jackass and she did this to herself....1/32...holy shit are you kidding me or what?

and since we are on that what price does she then pay for her great great great great grand uncle ( whoever the hell it was) helping round up Cherokees? ....what? Oh I see, she can only avail herself of the ADVANTAGES minority status sets aside, wink nods and ladder climbing etc. BUT, pays no price for any transgressions by the same family 'heirloom' history..?aint that cool?:rolleyes:

My guess, which I would have to investigate, is that she didn't do anything wrong. The universities would set the standard, or federal would - whoever. Somebody says 1/32 = minority status, then et voila, she's legal. If it's 1/16th, and she isn't, but she still claimed it, then she's bad and wrong, yada-yada, blah-blah, slap her hand.

I'm sorry, Boop but Warren has NOT established that she is 1/32 Indian.
I don’t know what you think your point I, well, I know why you posted but:alcoholic:…. ....people claim minority status because they are looking for some redress, some way some how. This is WHY it exists ( and why colleges especially love it, they can advertise their ‘diversity” ) ....of course to anyone but a dyed in the wool kool aid drinker this 1/8, 1/32 way back generations BS is just a hustle, period..that guy Carson or the bush moron gained cache and work because they hustled the system...dems cannot appeal to the mass so they pick off and inculcate victims....bravo.....warren is a jackass and she did this to herself....1/32...holy shit are you kidding me or what?

and since we are on that what price does she then pay for her great great great great grand uncle ( whoever the hell it was) helping round up Cherokees? ....what? Oh I see, she can only avail herself of the ADVANTAGES minority status sets aside, wink nods and ladder climbing etc. BUT, pays no price for any transgressions by the same family 'heirloom' history..?aint that cool?:rolleyes:

My guess, which I would have to investigate, is that she didn't do anything wrong. The universities would set the standard, or federal would - whoever. Somebody says 1/32 = minority status, then et voila, she's legal. If it's 1/16th, and she isn't, but she still claimed it, then she's bad and wrong, yada-yada, blah-blah, slap her hand.

I'm sorry, Boop but Warren has NOT established that she is 1/32 Indian.

Not a problem. She needs to, or my thread title stands.
I always do the benefit of the doubt, etc but as Christopher Reeve's girlfriend once said (course, she was talking about illegitimate offspring) "Once is an honest mistake, but anything after that is tacky."

Harvard? Explanations made sense, yada-yada; whatever. This? I can't wrap my mind around it as still being an 'oops.'

She's still a Democrat, so compared to: taking a $106,000 piece of land from a felon, plagiarizer, lying about your military honors and medals, being a Grand Kleagle of the KKK, leaving your GF to drown....this is pretty mild stuff

Is it too late to field another candidate, not that it even matters because even if its too late or even if the candidate dies, someone Dem can step right in

No big deal

Ya still have to take the slam, even when I went bi-partisan by starting the thread? Just checking the rules, I lost my handbook.

I'm glad you have standards. It's a shame no one else in your party shares any of them
Own it. Get all the facts out there, with documentation.

That only works if the "facts" prove your innocence, Boop. When the facts prove that you've misrepresented yourself for YEARS to be a minority then getting them out there and "owning it" is committing political suicide. Warren ducked and covered, hoping it would blow over. It hasn't.

That's what I'm saying. I believe they do. And there was some stupidity on the parts of the university.

Also, it sucks that being honest can take your ass down. But that's politics.

Regretfully for Warren...if she'd been honest in the first place...she wouldn't be in the political pickle that she's in now.

Politics shines a very bright spotlight onto those that choose to enter it. Things that would normally never be explored...are...and that can be embarrassing to those who have lived a lie.
According to you she's a native American? Give it a rest. It is extremely stupid to defend something like this. It turns what is a minor thing into a big thing.

According to him, she has enough NA to qualify for minority status, and he is correct about that, if she can prove it (and I do believe she can.)

In that case everybody in the US can claim minority status of course. It's actually an incredibly stupid cop-out to claim you are native American because you have 1/32nd native-american ancestry. This is actually a far worse form of dishonesty than the original dishonesty.

The "Principle Chief", Bill John Baker, of the Cherokee nation..is 1/32 part Cherokee.

Or did you miss that one?
I don’t know what you think your point I, well, I know why you posted but:alcoholic:…. ....people claim minority status because they are looking for some redress, some way some how. This is WHY it exists ( and why colleges especially love it, they can advertise their ‘diversity” ) ....of course to anyone but a dyed in the wool kool aid drinker this 1/8, 1/32 way back generations BS is just a hustle, period..that guy Carson or the bush moron gained cache and work because they hustled the system...dems cannot appeal to the mass so they pick off and inculcate victims....bravo.....warren is a jackass and she did this to herself....1/32...holy shit are you kidding me or what?

and since we are on that what price does she then pay for her great great great great grand uncle ( whoever the hell it was) helping round up Cherokees? ....what? Oh I see, she can only avail herself of the ADVANTAGES minority status sets aside, wink nods and ladder climbing etc. BUT, pays no price for any transgressions by the same family 'heirloom' history..?aint that cool?:rolleyes:

My guess, which I would have to investigate, is that she didn't do anything wrong. The universities would set the standard, or federal would - whoever. Somebody says 1/32 = minority status, then et voila, she's legal. If it's 1/16th, and she isn't, but she still claimed it, then she's bad and wrong, yada-yada, blah-blah, slap her hand.

I'm sorry, Boop but Warren has NOT established that she is 1/32 Indian.

Has anyone established she's not?
And he had no siblings? And his children had no illegitimate offspring? Just trying to be clear on the possibilities.

It was actually a sister of Henry VIII..

But of course..it's an entirely different family to this rube.

That's what I figured. If the nanny changed their diapers together, that's a direct link to me. Just like my nephew Adam, and then on down the generations.

Ain't it grand?

I consider my nieces and nephews directly related to me.

But..of course in some cases..people have totally new ways of determining families and relatives.
To her credit, Elizabeth Warren acknowledged that she tried to use a family rumor for social gain and stopped when that social gain did not materialize.
My guess, which I would have to investigate, is that she didn't do anything wrong. The universities would set the standard, or federal would - whoever. Somebody says 1/32 = minority status, then et voila, she's legal. If it's 1/16th, and she isn't, but she still claimed it, then she's bad and wrong, yada-yada, blah-blah, slap her hand.

I'm sorry, Boop but Warren has NOT established that she is 1/32 Indian.

Not a problem. She needs to, or my thread title stands.

Come on...do you really think that if that Indian connection WAS there that the Warren camp wouldn't have gleefully produced it by now? You've got to know that they've had people poring over her family's history frantically trying to find something to back up her prior claim. They've come up empty. The fact that one of her ancestors turns out to have helped round up Indians for the Trail of Tears is almost surreal.

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