Elizabeth Warren launches bid for presidency from sanctuary city full of illegals.

It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.
It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.
So the woman is a criminal who has committed fraud for over 30 years and she's trafficking human beings into the United States that carry various diseases as well as various drugs that will kill thousands of the weak and the elderly..

....She's a perfect Democrat.
It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.

The Republicans overall need to learn to street fight. They are far too polite to make what should be an easy win.
It's all part of the clown show.

What do you have against clowns?

I find your disparaging remark offensive to the dignity of our beloved jesters in little cars.

Democrooks are more like maggots wiggling out of a dog turd.

It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.

The Republicans overall need to learn to street fight. They are far too polite to make what should be an easy win.
It depends on who your base is.
Democrat's base is a bunch of hateful, racists, and lazy weirdos with very little redeeming social value. They hate anyone who thinks differently than them.
Republican's base is a bunch of average hard working Americans who just want to be left alone.
So when you start acting like asshole Democrats your base tends to turn on you.
It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.

The Republicans overall need to learn to street fight. They are far too polite to make what should be an easy win.
It depends on who your base is.
Democrat's base is a bunch of hateful, racists, and lazy weirdos with very little redeeming social value. They hate anyone who thinks differently than them.

That makes them effective street fighters. If you follow Marquis of Queensbury rules in a street fight, you die.
It's going to be fun watching all these commies and low lives fight for the nomination.

The Republicans overall need to learn to street fight. They are far too polite to make what should be an easy win.
It depends on who your base is.
Democrat's base is a bunch of hateful, racists, and lazy weirdos with very little redeeming social value. They hate anyone who thinks differently than them.

That makes them effective street fighters. If you follow Marquis of Queensbury rules in a street fight, you die.
No really. It makes them a threat to everyone else.
Personally, I'd just put them out of their misery, and it would be doing them a favor, but then again most of Republican voters think that's a bit harsh.
No really. It makes them a threat to everyone else.
Personally, I'd just put them out of their misery, and it would be doing them a favor, but then again most of Republican voters think that's a bit harsh.

I prefer they suffer in their misery until they decide to defect to Cuba, Venezuela or euroweenieland.

I don't want to go to hell for going that step further, that's what they do and that's why I vow eternal hostility to them and everything they believe in.

A senator who wants to fight the corruption of the system has not much credibility IMHO.
The people of Iowa are very similar to the people of Mass. They’re salt of the Earth people

She’s got a real opportunity to win the first state and then bounce off that momentum.

But her path out of a primary — dominated by flashier candidates and a left-leaning electorate — is far from clear.
Smart move, Fauxahontas!

Start where there are the most Democrat-Socialist voters.

After all, there's no such thing as an "illegal voter" unless one somehow votes Republican.

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