Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... we're no better than Syria or Nicaragua.

thats how you make America great !! as great as Syria and Nicaragua..

I bet the Right is proud as hell to be as good as Mexicans and Muslims ...
LMAO.....want a pillow? No better. Syria and Nicaragua weren't being taken to the cleaners, and now, neither are we.
Hey Elon, don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out. And don't count on many more corporate welfare checks.
Elon musk....thanks for the fish.....and by the way...kiss 4.9 billion dollars in our money good bye....

Elon Musk's growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies

Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support, according to data compiled by The Times. The figure underscores a common theme running through his emerging empire: a public-private financing model underpinning long-shot start-ups.

"He definitely goes where there is government money," said Dan Dolev, an analyst at Jefferies Equity Research. "That's a great strategy, but the government will cut you off one day."

You are way way OFF. It doesn't work that way dude. Pulling the $4.9B from SpaceX means cutting the program and mass lay off.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
So one of the people set to make billions off of this global warming scam is going to be pissed if we back out.

Who cares.

I'm lost.
Can you please give me an example of what you are taking about?
Some quitter climate nut job threatens to quit if he doesn't get his way? Does this idiot know he wasn't elected president and doesn't get to make the decisions? I wouldn't want some quitter on my team anyway, here let me make it easy, YOU'RE FIRED!
Some quitter climate nut job threatens to quit if he doesn't get his way? Does this idiot know he wasn't elected president and doesn't get to make the decisions? I wouldn't want some quitter on my team anyway, here let me make it easy, YOU'RE FIRED!
What I like about this is Trump doesn't give a shit if Musk leaves.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
So one of the people set to make billions off of this global warming scam is going to be pissed if we back out.

Who cares.

I'm lost.
Can you please give me an example of what you are taking about?
With this climate scam electric cars will need even more subsidies to push them on people. It's not hard to connect those dots.
Some quitter climate nut job threatens to quit if he doesn't get his way? Does this idiot know he wasn't elected president and doesn't get to make the decisions? I wouldn't want some quitter on my team anyway, here let me make it easy, YOU'RE FIRED!

He has it backwards. It is an honor to be on a white house advisory council. He is not honoring the council by his presence.

What an egotistical piece of crap.

Elon must not have got the memo.
This POTUS has a ballsack and the tail no longer wags the dog.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Here is his private jet he flies all over to lecture the little people about carbon footprints.


When those screaming it is a crisis start acting like it's a crisis, maybe then I will start to listen.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Here is his private jet he flies all over to lecture the little people about carbon footprints.

View attachment 130464

When those screaming it is a crisis start acting like it's a crisis, maybe then I will start to listen.

Did he quit?

I doubt it, Trump is too good at calling the bluffs, he probably decided to finally google what's in the deal and got repulsed by it, just like anyone else who has access to google.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Here is his private jet he flies all over to lecture the little people about carbon footprints.

View attachment 130464

When those screaming it is a crisis start acting like it's a crisis, maybe then I will start to listen.

Did he quit?

I doubt it, Trump is too good at calling the bluffs, he probably decided to finally google what's in the deal and got repulsed by it, just like anyone else who has access to google.

You "doubt it?" Your magical conservatard physic crystal ball needs new batteries. Perhaps you should decide to google things yourself?

Elon Musk on Twitter
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Here is his private jet he flies all over to lecture the little people about carbon footprints.

View attachment 130464

When those screaming it is a crisis start acting like it's a crisis, maybe then I will start to listen.

Did he quit?

I doubt it, Trump is too good at calling the bluffs, he probably decided to finally google what's in the deal and got repulsed by it, just like anyone else who has access to google.

You "doubt it?" Your magical conservatard physic crystal ball needs new batteries. Perhaps you should decide to google things yourself?

Elon Musk on Twitter

Good news, someone with no access to google can't possibly serve as a sane adviser.

Holy shit, I forgot he owns Tesla, I see now. He was in it for himself, rather than for America. He already has billions... what a moron!
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
Part of me says, Stay and influence the President's ideas. Then the other part of me says, The President obviously doesn't listen to reason, so why bother?
This is a dark day for this country. I don't care how many conservatives tell me climate change is absurd. We have just given ourselves a huge black eye in the face of the world. It was mostly symbolic. Our leaving is symbolic too, in a really ignorant way.

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