Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Check out this site, it shows how much the oil industry has contributed to the campaigns of politicians:
Oil & Gas: Top Recipients | OpenSecrets

It's all Republicans in the top 20 except for Hillary, who is right behind Donald in the amount of money received by them.

To be fair though, she's in the top for alternative energies, and so are the Democrats, but there are many Republicans receiving from them too. The amounts are also much lower than for oil:
Alternative Energy Production & Services: Top Recipients | OpenSecrets
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Elon Musk? He wouldn't be a pimple on the map if not for billions of tax dollars.

I don't understand the fascination with this scam artist.

Yeah, we know you don't get it. You're only fascinated with scam artists who scam their own employees, stiff their on contractors, and file bankruptcy over and over again.

Like musk will do when his house of cards collapses......
If the president turd-in-chief doesn't support everything Elon Musk stands for, then why the hell should he stay on? The only egotistical piece of crap is the know-nothing ignoramous conservative fucktard sitting in the white house.

You have President Trump confused with the ego maniac "fucktard" narcissist anti-American bitch that left the White House in January.

But thanks for playing.
Elon Musk is the biggest welfare queen in the United States. The government gives him billions of dollars in subsidies for his stupid over priced electric cars and he is still on the verge of bankruptcy.

Fuck 'em.
Good bye Musky!

I would just LOVE to see the look on obama's shitstain face right now. That skidmark is looking for a European to wipe his nose.
Is it possible that President Trump ditched the Obama screw up "accord" just to get rid of the little fella without having to fire him. Of course Musk WILL resign....won't he?
I wonder how much pollution Elon Musk is responsible for with each and every rocket he sends into orbit. Has to be a massive carbon footprint.
Exxon is after Shitforhair to stay in ...theyre not welfare queens, and if the oil boys sit on their checkbooks Trump is worse than fucked.

Big Oil can make Trump bark like a dog if they decide to

He may cave just like he does on everything else.

[[[[[[ SHOCKER ]]]]]]
OOOOPSIE ... didnt know he flaked out already ... he can flip flop now.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... we're no better than Syria or Nicaragua.

thats how you make America great !! as great as Syria and Nicaragua..

I bet the Right is proud as hell to be as good as Mexicans and Muslims ...
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Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Derp Derp

Another conservatard muppet who thinks they're smarter than Elon Musk. Why is it that the absolute DUMBEST fucking people in the world always think they know more than everyone else?
Explain why the Paris Accord is a good thing for the US to participate in. What are the benefits for the US. From what I have read, the only portion that is enforceable is the annual transfer of $100 billion.
Elon Musk says he'll step down from President Donald Trump's advisory councils if he decides to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

Rest: Elon Musk to Trump: Ditch Paris deal and I'll quit as your adviser

Thanks again conservatives, you really know how to elect the dumbest people imaginable, don't you?
So one of the people set to make billions off of this global warming scam is going to be pissed if we back out.

Who cares.

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