Embarrassing Kamala "Word Salad" Harris Blows Local Pennsylvania ABC 6 TV Interview


Platinum Member
May 28, 2019
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

Kamala is lying.
The Democrat Party does not represent the working class.
They represent the non-working class.
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Kampala is lying.
The Democrat Party does not represent the working class.
They represent the non-working class.

No Marxist has ever really represented the middle class. Most every Marxist that ever existed came from an upper-class background and incited class warfare among the lower class. The invariable result of which was the destruction of the middle class, the expansion of the lower class, and the enrichment and empowerment of the upper class. It's been that way ever since Marx and Engels penned their ideas to paper.
No Marxist has ever really represented the middle class. Most every Marxist that ever existed came from an upper-class background and incited class warfare among the lower class. The invariable result of which was the destruction of the middle class, the expansion of the lower class, and the enrichment and empowerment of the upper class. It's been that way ever since Marx and Engels penned their ideas to paper.
support working class.jpg
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

Wow. She looked scared to death before the first question!
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

She sounds amazing, and will be an amazing President.
The Trump cult losers get so triggered when absoultely nobody pays attention to their "Word Salad" big projection-lie.

But what else can they do? It's not like they can talk about issues, as Hariss does so masterfully, so they have to lie and deflect. The party gives them a dumb talking point, and they have to repeat it, no matter how stupid it makes them look.

See you in November, Trump cult losers. But don't despair. You can still keep crying and lying the same way after she's president. And that's all you actually want out of life, reasons to piss and moan.
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What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

We have a housing shortage because of all the damn pet eaters she and Biden imported
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

Nobody gives a shit about your Mommy or that you grew up Middle class. How can anyone vote for this dumb ass fraud?
What a disaster. I mean, wow, this woman is a moron. She was asked the same questions from the debate, and still looked like a complete babbling idiot.

ABC News: "Lets drill down on your "opportunity Economy. what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?"

Harris: "I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up in a neighborhood with hard working people like construction workers and teachers, who were very proud of their lawns. Blah, blah, blah, non-answer word salad..."

Holy fuck. She really is a disaster. I’ll give her reply in a concise and accurate summary:

When I grew up, people cared about their lawns. Obviously, therefore, i love the middle class. I think in terms of class. And I am for the middle class. So my plan for that middle class — you know — involves seeking ways to help those hard working people in the middle class to mow their lawns. You know?
Holy fuck. She really is a disaster. I’ll give her reply in a concise and accurate summary:

When I grew up, people cared about their lawns. Obviously, therefore, i love the middle class. I think in terms of class. And I am for the middle class. So my plan for that middle class — you know — involves seeking ways to help those hard working people in the middle class to mow their lawns. You know?

She's on the same fucking side that wanted to ban gasoline-powered lawn mowers. :laughing0301:
She's on the same fucking side that wanted to ban gasoline-powered lawn mowers. :laughing0301:
Well, you know. Since she adores you know (nods head in apparent agreement with whateverthefuck she imagines she’s sayin) the middle class, and she wants to — you know — strengthen the middle class. So — for example — if we bring back the push powered mowers, then mowing their lawns will help make the middle class lawnmowers stronger. Why? Because more pushing. More use of those middle class muscles. Stronger. You know? ((Insert cackle here to indicate that she assumes everyone agrees with her))

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