Emmitt Till

Funny how nobody posts threads about the fathers of the men who tortured and killed a child
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And yes..I would have said and done the same thing if the dude was white.
No you wouldn't. That's why you don't ever post stories like this about whites.
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Funny how nobody posts threads about the fathers of the men who tortured and killed a child
Mary is obsessed with the lie about black crime.

She secretly (maybe not so secretly) celebrates the torture and murder of Emmett Till and is glad his murderers were not convicted.
She is one of those who smiles when she reads that memorials to Emmett Till are repeatedly vandalized
Y'all know by now more or less what I think of blacks in general. Or what I THINK I think. Anyway...couple of days ago, a black guy came up to me as I was getting in my car. Homeless, but clean. Came from the shelter across the street. So he sees me having a cig. Asks if I need help unloading stuff from me car. I decline. Then he asks quietly for a cig, of which I was smoking one. I debated...hestitated, and believe it or not..I thought of the blacks here that are not full of hate for whitey. So I gave him a cig. Next day....I'm loading a friend in the care, with her walker. Here he comes. Asks if he can help. I decline and say no..I can do this. He asks for a cig again. I said ONE MORE TIME. NO MORE after this, ok? He nods, agrees, leave. 3rd day, here he comes again. This time with 2 more black guys. He asks for a cig. I said "remember what I said yesterday? This is boarding on you stalking me. Knock it off. Damn things are expensive and you are taking away from my own nicotine needs. Sorry, but don't ask me again". Then he ruins it all. He said "are you SURE you won't give me a cigarette and some money too?" and his buddies begin to get closer to me and thats when I lifted my blouse at the waistband and showed him my 38. I said "back off. Last warning. You are SUCH a disappointment".

Was he a bad man? I don't know. But he was not evil from what I could see. Just desperate I guess. His two buddies? WHOLE different story.

This is a bad BAD neighborhood. The worst. I wish I had known that before I moved in here. All of us living here feel like we are in jail. If we leave the high walls and sensored gates, we all get bombarded by the homeless...which has a shelter about 45 feet south of us. In short, across the street. Other side is a thoroughfare with speedy noisy cars. 3rd side is the hospital. Constant noise of sirens, helicopters landing, etc. Last side is a beat up motel where cons are placed that just got out of jail or prison and looking for more permanent lodgings.

I hate it here. And I hate having that damn 38 in my waistband every time I step outside the walls. But I have to. For myself, and the old folks I haul around.
Whites make me laugh with this bad neighborhood shit. Whites commit more crimes, but they never consider white neighborhoods as bad.
Funny how nobody posts threads about the fathers of the men who tortured and killed a child
Mary is obsessed with the lie about black crime.

She secretly (maybe not so secretly) celebrates the torture and murder of Emmett Till and is glad his murderers were not convicted.
She is one of those who smiles when she reads that memorials to Emmett Till are repeatedly vandalized
Mary is a very sick woman.
She secretly (maybe not so secretly) celebrates the torture and murder of Emmett Till and is glad his murderers were not convicted.
She is one of those who smiles when she reads that memorials to Emmett Till are repeatedly vandalized
Basically. No surprise though, as that's how degenerates operate.
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No link, thread title is false and your charge against the father is dishonest.
As usual, the OP is a notorious liar and far rightwing racist hack.
Louis Till grew up an orphan in New Madrid, Missouri.[1] As a young man he worked at the Argo Corn Company and was an amateur boxer.[citation needed] At the age of 17, Till began courting Mamie Carthan, a woman of the same age. Her parents disapproved, thinking the charismatic Till was "too sophisticated" for their daughter. At her mother's insistence Mamie broke off their courtship but the persistent Till won out, and they married on October 14, 1940. Both were 18 years old.[2] Their only child, Emmett Louis Till, was born on July 25, 1941. Mamie left her husband soon after learning that he had been unfaithful. Louis, enraged, choked her to unconsciousness, to which she responded by throwing scalding water at him. Eventually Mamie obtained a restraining order against him. After he repeatedly violated this order, a judge forced Till to choose between enlistment in the Army and imprisonment. Choosing the former, he enlisted in 1943.[3]

Crime and death[edit]
While serving in the Italian Campaign, Till was arrested by military police, who suspected him and another soldier, Fred A. McMurray, of the murder of an Italian woman and the rape of two others, in Civitavecchia. After a short investigation, he and McMurray were court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out at the United States Army Disciplinary Training Center north of Pisa on July 2, 1945.[4][5] He had been imprisoned alongside American poet Ezra Pound, who had been imprisoned for collaborating with the Nazis and Italian Fascists; he is mentioned in lines 171–173 of Canto 74 of Pound's Pisan Cantos:[6]

AMart, your link says that he was SUSPECTED, not CONVICTED of any crime.

And we all know, or SHOULD know, how "real" those SUSPECTED arrests of black people by whites were during that time.
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AMart, your link says that he was SUSPECTED, not CONVICTED of any crime.

And we all know, or SHOULD know, how "real" those SUSPECTED arrests of black people by whites were during that time.
Can you even read?
he and McMurray were court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.
Can you even read?
he and McMurray were court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.
Doesn't change the fact that blacks were unfairly convicted just on mere whims during that time. But thanks for the clarification.
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Can you even read?
he and McMurray were court-martialed, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.
Doesn't change the fact that blacks were unfairly convicted just on mere whims during that time. But thanks for the clarification.
Till tried to kill his black American wife, got a slap on the wrist jail or the Army, but no way he would kill an Italian woman LOL.
The real tragedy was that the woman who accused Emmett Till made it up.
That's the current narrative, like Andrew Cuomo. Allegation of sexual harassment is way worse than actually killing people, or so say our Chinese puppets overlords, the liberal democrats.

I can't agree with that because Emmet was a victim of lies, victim of being killed over lies. then the liars and the killers were never in prison for it, since they got away with serious crimes, it became a miscarriage of justice and a stain in history that can't be washed away.

Cuomo being accused over something doesn't remotely approach the seriousness of the crimes the liars and killers did to INNOCENT Mr. Till who has been dead since 1955, at age 14, a life destroyed because of ugly racial prejudice of people.

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