Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith


Chin up Dale Smith

*****HAPPY SMILE*****



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Dale Smith I hope you are doing well. And I'm sorry to hear about your son.

My grandfather was diagnosed with stomach cancer at the age of 77 and had three-quarters of his stomach removed. The doctor told him he might live another five years and would never eat a full meal again. Nine months later, he was pounding back a full turkey dinner at Thanksgiving. He did die of cancer, eventually. He was 93. Tough old bird. I'm pretty sure that if cancer hadn't gotten him, God would have sent a bus with his name on it.

I'm convinced that mental strength is more important than most believe.
Toro: You are very kind to reach out to me. I pretty much gave up on life after Joshua died. I didn't eat and what few calories I got came from a vodka bottle. It's not much of a mystery as to how and why I got sick. As far as living goes? I find myself hating my very existence without Josh around....other times I think I just might have something to say before its all said and done. One thing I can say for sure that there isn't much dignity in dying the way I am. I put up a brave, stoic front but the truth of the matter is that I dread the day when I can't do basic things for myself....goes back to my adage "no one dies with dignity". Regardless, thank you for your kind words and words of hope. Seems that I am running on fumes in that department. Here is a song me and a couple of friends did to open Joshua's see? I always referred to Joshua as the little man.

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Toro: You are very kind to reach out to me. I pretty much gave up on life after Joshua died. I didn't eat and what few calories I got came from a vodka bottle. It's not much of a mystery as to how and why I got sick. As far as living goes? I find myself hating my very existence without Josh around....other times I think I just might have something to say before its all said and done. One thing I can say for sure that there isn't much dignity in dying the way I am. I put up a brave, stoic front but the truth of the matter is that I dread the day when I can't do basic things for myself....goes back to my adage "no one dies with dignity". Regardless, thank you for your kind words and words of hope. Seems that I am running on fumes in that department. Here is a song me and a couple of fiends did to open Joshua's see? I always referred to Joshua as the little man.

Thanks Dale. My heart really goes out to you.
One thing I can say for sure that there isn't much dignity in dying the way I am. I put up a brave, stoic front but the truth of the matter is that I dread the day when I can't do basic things for myself....goes back to my adage "no one dies with dignity". Regardless, thank you for your kind words and words of hope
I've heard that from so many patients Dale. They all seem to go through the same cycle ending with accepting their fate. From that point on i swear it's all about their inner spirit's will to live or...leave....

Whatever road you go down, i do wish it dignified for you Dale

Toro: You are very kind to reach out to me. I pretty much gave up on life after Joshua died. I didn't eat and what few calories I got came from a vodka bottle. It's not much of a mystery as to how and why I got sick. As far as living goes? I find myself hating my very existence without Josh around....other times I think I just might have something to say before its all said and done. One thing I can say for sure that there isn't much dignity in dying the way I am. I put up a brave, stoic front but the truth of the matter is that I dread the day when I can't do basic things for myself....goes back to my adage "no one dies with dignity". Regardless, thank you for your kind words and words of hope. Seems that I am running on fumes in that department. Here is a song me and a couple of friends did to open Joshua's see? I always referred to Joshua as the little man.

So sorry to hear of your troubles Dale. I wish you only the best.

Akin to Toro’s post, my MIL was diagnosed with colon cancer at 67 and had surgery to remove a section. Doctors said she likely had a year maybe two tops. Of course they suggested she do chemo, which entailed once a week for 52 weeks to control the cancer. After 4-5 weeks the chemo was killing her. My MIL said no more chemo, but they persisted. My wife stepped in and told them to fuck off. She lived another 16 years, most of it very healthy.
I gave Hoss the "go ahead" to update you all of what I am dealing with those that I care about here. I was signed off for hospice care because I have been just that bad. I beat colon cancer six years ago when it looked like I was going to succumb to it. I did the "juicing" treatment and I felt sheepish when I beat that but I believe that the support I got here played a huge part.....I am not out of the woods yet but the protocol of vitamin regiment and this 3 in one drug called Biktarvy that costs 3K month is already helping. I have an appetite now and have gone from 139 Pds to 146 and that is just 8 days since I started the regiment. I am covered in cancerous and painful legions and bumps all over my upper face, neck and back that itch that even .5 percent Lidocaine barely take the edge off. As you know, my son died in February and I couldn't eat and two months later is when I got really sick.

BTW, my heart was broken when I heard about Ridgerunner and Kat leaving us. I want you all to know that I hated to see posters from our side being dogpiled and I defended them and interjected when I saw it. The leftists are cowards at the core and only feel safety in numbers. It takes twenty of them to one of me an they would still lose which is why they hated me or would abandon a thread. Funny thing about facts versus emotions....they can't refute it. Thank you for the well wishes. I have an affection for those that are actually awake. I love ol Hoss. He is one tough dude and he is dealing with his own health issues as well as his wife.....keep him in your thoughts and prayers....if you don't mind? I would like to copy and paste something I wrote on FB tonight.....

Just an update for those that have been concerned about me and what I am dealing with. My little brother Eric Smith convinced me to move back to Amarillo, Texas to live in the house our daddy left us. Eric did most of the legwork to get me get into a non-profit organization that subsidizes the 3K worth of meds I am going to have need to help me with the time I have left. He is practically a doctor, has a full case load but finds the time to help me navigate the mountain of red-tape to get me in it. It's not that I am lazy, I have just been too weak to jump through the hoops. My case worker told me that I had a couple of months to live had I not started the protocol of meds. 8 days in and I already feel better. My appetite has returned and my energy level is ten times better than it was. My case worker told me that they can only do so much and the success of this depends on my will to live....that's a tough one because since my son died? I have suffered from a case of "I just don't give a shit". I have always had a low self-esteem anyway, like I was the least important in any room I was in. So many people have had my back....supported and encouraged me even it was just a text message or an IM . I have been through hell and back....but I was never alone.
I never wanted pity (still don't) but what I needed was for those I have always been there for through "thick and thin' and gave help too even when it put me in a bind. Where are you?? People I have known for as long as 30 years have deserted me. I know we all have busy lives and I don't want to be coddled. I will send a text or an IM and I'm not even acknowledged.....a few words of encouragement is all I wanted. Those that do care, far out number those that have blown me off. I am going to beat this and make the most of the time I do have. But do me a favor....for those that had not even so much as a minute to reply to me? Don't expect me to feign happiness at seeing you......because my goal is to come home by December. I would NEVER and have never deserted someone I thought of as a friend. We toss that word around too loosely. Those that have taken the time to inquire about me know exactly what I mean....just needed to get this off my chest.
I asked my caseworker "Why me, I'm a nobody and I am going to be 59 years old" she said "You are a human being and we have a mission to do what we can". I plan on volunteering and be an advocate for those that are going through what I have. Pay it forward.....

Dale, want you to hang in there and deal with what life throws at everyone, but as a Liberal on this board I have bever needed a Stuwart Smally moment to speak my truth.
Wish I knew what to say, but there isn't anything I CAN say. Knowing someone is going to die and watching it happen as they struggle is as bad as what they are dealing with themselves. I went thru it with Dennis. I am an empty shell, so I cannot help you any more than I could him. Helpless. All I CAN do is pray for you to either have a quicker release or to get a miracle and be well again. There is no middle ground, and I just don't have the strength or bravery that you have facing what you are facing by giving you words that are empty of any power. Its all in Gods hands now, and I pray you finally get some peace however way it comes. Which is why I have not called. But I hope in my heart you understand and know my intent. And that my prayers for you find you.
So, Thursday my hospice nurse brought over a camera crew from KFDA here in Amarillo. Seems that they have this "Pay it forward" segment and my hospice nurse told them about me and how I am a "pay it forward" kinda guy. They gave me three 100 dollar bills and said keep it or if so move to pay it forward and pay it forward I did already. The news segment of me won't be on until February 7th but I made a youtube video I hope they will use for the segment.

So, Thursday my hospice nurse brought over a camera crew from KFDA here in Amarillo. Seems that they have this "Pay it forward" segment and my hospice nurse told them about me and how I am a "pay it forward" kinda guy. They gave me three 100 dollar bills and said keep it or if so move to pay it forward and pay it forward I did already. The news segment of me won't be on until February 7th but I made a youtube video I hope they will use for the segment.

Classy move Dale. Best of luck man.
So, Thursday my hospice nurse brought over a camera crew from KFDA here in Amarillo. Seems that they have this "Pay it forward" segment and my hospice nurse told them about me and how I am a "pay it forward" kinda guy. They gave me three 100 dollar bills and said keep it or if so move to pay it forward and pay it forward I did already. The news segment of me won't be on until February 7th but I made a youtube video I hope they will use for the segment.

Praying for you Dale. Music is a gift to both the musician and the world. Thank you for sharing yours.

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