End of Israel as IDF stupidly raises its attack in south Lebanon ?


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
With Hezbollah ( The Hezzers) ready to take at least northern Israel from the Nazi government , Tel Aviv is perhaps crazy to increase its activity yesterday and today in south Lebanon .
Iran is presently estimated to have more rockets , missiles and drones ready for action than any other country in the world .
The figure was for a long time given at 200 000 but recently this figure has been hugely raised and to 500 000 as an absolute minimum --- with Iranese top officials simply reminding the US and Nazisrael principally that they have been preparing for total war since 2006 .
All experts that I am aware of believe that northern Israel would fall in a matter of days . Aided doubtless by the massive underground network of tunnels that are complete and far greater than Hamas ( The Hammers ) constructed in Gaza .
I personally would be delighted to see Israel brought to heel and the Hitler impersonator ( Nutty Yahoo ) removed , indicted and sentenced to life imprisonment . Along with his wife .

But what will the US do if this conflict finally escalates ?
As we all know , a US election is currently just over the hill ( will it happen ?) but meanwhile the doomed Biden (Piss Pot ) regime will still have to react in some ways and to some degree .

I fear more for the US, for the one thing we know with certainty is that the US have no effective planes whereas Russia does and they have the Hyper Sonic missiles and rockets which would clear the skies in days .

This conflict, if escalating , could be the last nail in the coffin for The Piss Pot and his crooked regime , and , by the same token , provide a certain Mr Trump with a guranteed election win of monumental size -- if the Military under Trump do not take over first ..

Fine for Deep State since this was probably the original plan as from October 7 th last year when the Nazisraelis invited the Hammers into their country by Standing Down in the face of known planned invasion .

As a side matter , it is interesting that the inner sanctum of RVs and separately Clif High , who forecasts based on Predictive Language , all forecast Ju;ly 15/16 as a period where a colossal incident occurs -- many times more consequential than 9/11 .
Even allowing for the known difficulties of accurately forecasting the Time variable , this is an intriguing coincidence of possibly merging forces .

I guess that if there is a plot to remove Nutty Yahoo and his insane cronies immediately , a disaster could be averted .
That is no improbable wish to come true as his cabinet is already split and the populace are against this wicked man .

Interestimes times . Could be my God Lucifer -- the Prince of Light -- is more than a match for the incompetent God worshipped by the Abrahamites which the Jews also laughingly believe is their Master and Sponsor .

Should we have a poll on whether we believe that Nazisrael will be destroyed or forced to walk a second exile -- this time back to their forebear's home in Khazaria, now known as Ukraine ?
If Russia does not re-name it is as Pushkingrad or something equally exotic .
Predicted for a couple of months at least. America is going to have to make a decision on coming to their rescue.

And that's sure to cause the escalation that Iran's proxies have been working toward.

Just as Russia is on a mission to create more proxies of their own.

Russia and China are creating a new balance of power in the ME.
Predicted for a couple of months at least. America is going to have to make a decision on coming to their rescue.

And that's sure to cause the escalation that Iran's proxies have been working toward.

Just as Russia is on a mission to create more proxies of their own.

Russia and China are creating a new balance of power in the ME.
Agree .
Then , they will want to ensure that the ME is set up to their greater advantage and liking .
But if the US becomes embroiled , I feel sure that Moscow will want to heap humiliation on their adversary and teach them some sort of lesson with Donald and Volodya then finding a joint solution when their Deep State masters dictate it .

Never forget that Putin was a a signed up WEF member many years ago and you never know 100% how complex and multi layered Deep State really is .

Genius polymath Miles Mathis has contended from the outset that both the Ukraine and Israel/ Palestine conflicts have been 100% Fake -- all pre scripted and pre-planned .
Way beyond the ability of the ordinary person to understand .
And Miles is the smartest guy I have ever run across by a big , big amount and always supports his assertions with strong evidence .
I'm hearing there's going to be a WH announcement soon.....~S~

Will the Piss Pot stand down for The Donald and short circuit what will otherwise be a long and tortuous "normal" way of reaching the same position ?
I wish .
Agree .
Then , they will want to ensure that the ME is set up to their greater advantage and liking .
But if the US becomes embroiled , I feel sure that Moscow will want to heap humiliation on their adversary and teach them some sort of lesson with Donald and Volodya then finding a joint solution when their Deep State masters dictate it .

Never forget that Putin was a a signed up WEF member many years ago and you never know 100% how complex and multi layered Deep State really is .

Genius polymath Miles Mathis has contended from the outset that both the Ukraine and Israel/ Palestine conflicts have been 100% Fake -- all pre scripted and pre-planned .
Way beyond the ability of the ordinary person to understand .
And Miles is the smartest guy I have ever run across by a big , big amount and always supports his assertions with strong evidence .
Every time I try to talk to you, you misunderstand or misinterpret. That can't be allowed to continue.
Fix it!
I don't want to lose your input here on this board.

America's enemies are establishing a new balance of power in the ME.
Fact: Israel will kick their ass.
Trouble is that on all on known facts Nazisrael has as much chance of winning as Kyiv has of turning round what is presently an overwhelming Russian victory .

The problems arise if the US allows itself to be suckered into helping out a desparate Tel Aviv .

Does the US open itself up to humiliation or should it let Tel Aviv find its own new position ?
Tricky for DC which will doubtless get it wrong in their inimatable fashion .
With Hezbollah ( The Hezzers) ready to take at least northern Israel from the Nazi government , Tel Aviv is perhaps crazy to increase its activity yesterday and today in south Lebanon .
Iran is presently estimated to have more rockets , missiles and drones ready for action than any other country in the world .
The figure was for a long time given at 200 000 but recently this figure has been hugely raised and to 500 000 as an absolute minimum --- with Iranese top officials simply reminding the US and Nazisrael principally that they have been preparing for total war since 2006 .
All experts that I am aware of believe that northern Israel would fall in a matter of days . Aided doubtless by the massive underground network of tunnels that are complete and far greater than Hamas ( The Hammers ) constructed in Gaza .
I personally would be delighted to see Israel brought to heel and the Hitler impersonator ( Nutty Yahoo ) removed , indicted and sentenced to life imprisonment . Along with his wife .

But what will the US do if this conflict finally escalates ?
As we all know , a US election is currently just over the hill ( will it happen ?) but meanwhile the doomed Biden (Piss Pot ) regime will still have to react in some ways and to some degree .

I fear more for the US, for the one thing we know with certainty is that the US have no effective planes whereas Russia does and they have the Hyper Sonic missiles and rockets which would clear the skies in days .

This conflict, if escalating , could be the last nail in the coffin for The Piss Pot and his crooked regime , and , by the same token , provide a certain Mr Trump with a guranteed election win of monumental size -- if the Military under Trump do not take over first ..

Fine for Deep State since this was probably the original plan as from October 7 th last year when the Nazisraelis invited the Hammers into their country by Standing Down in the face of known planned invasion .

As a side matter , it is interesting that the inner sanctum of RVs and separately Clif High , who forecasts based on Predictive Language , all forecast Ju;ly 15/16 as a period where a colossal incident occurs -- many times more consequential than 9/11 .
Even allowing for the known difficulties of accurately forecasting the Time variable , this is an intriguing coincidence of possibly merging forces .

I guess that if there is a plot to remove Nutty Yahoo and his insane cronies immediately , a disaster could be averted .
That is no improbable wish to come true as his cabinet is already split and the populace are against this wicked man .

Interestimes times . Could be my God Lucifer -- the Prince of Light -- is more than a match for the incompetent God worshipped by the Abrahamites which the Jews also laughingly believe is their Master and Sponsor .

Should we have a poll on whether we believe that Nazisrael will be destroyed or forced to walk a second exile -- this time back to their forebear's home in Khazaria, now known as Ukraine ?
If Russia does not re-name it is as Pushkingrad or something equally exotic .

Israel could own Lebanon if it wanted to.

Fun fact: Native Lebanese are rising up against the Palestinian leftovers in their country.
Every time I try to talk to you, you misunderstand or misinterpret. That can't be allowed to continue.
Fix it!
I don't want to lose your input here on this board.

America's enemies are establishing a new balance of power in the ME.

Yep, Bibi Netanyahu has put the US in a no win situation.

We paid 5000 Israeli settlers in Gaza $250,000 or more apiece to leave Gaza.
Every time I try to talk to you, you misunderstand or misinterpret. That can't be allowed to continue.
Fix it!
I don't want to lose your input here on this board.

America's enemies are establishing a new balance of power in the ME.
Explain .
I cannot see what concerns you .

I have simply outlined exactly what I see and where does it contradict your assertion that Russia and China are increasing their ME options ?
America abandoning the Zionist regime is the equivalent to abandoning their legitimacy to be meddling in the ME.

We can say with absolute certainty that is not going to happen!
Explain .
I cannot see what concerns you .

I have simply outlined exactly what I see and where does it contradict your assertion that Russia and China are increasing their ME options ?
Wait until you create a need for a specific explanation.

Fk! You're already misinterpreting the point I made by suggesting we could be disagreeing on the above!

ESL issues for you?

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