End of year Obama press conference on now

"Infrastructure", "Loopholes".

Liberals mouth these words without ever knowing what they mean.
They mean roads, bridges, ports and airports, gas, electric, water and sewer lines etc, the electric grid, etc, just like he said , dingbat dupe, that have been falling apart under Reaganist tax rates and policies for 30 years. Loopholes allow Pub crony giant corporations to pay nothing while small businesses pay 35%. Dems want to cut the rate to 25% for all. Pubs like this BS, fool of the greedy idiot GOP.

The Stimulus Bill took care of all that shovel ready stuff years ago. Obama barrowed a trillion dollars to pay for it all. Are you telling us he lied about where the money was going?

Shame on you.

You are out of your tiny mind. The whole stimulus was 800 billion, many tax cuts for the nonrich, about 200 billion for infrastructure. MUCH more is needed, and it's STILL the perfect time, with cheap lending rates and good jobs needed, etc etc.

But....he said they would be fixed by now;
"To build an economy that can lead this future, we will begin to rebuild America. Yes, we'll put people to work repairing crumbling roads, bridges and schools by eliminating the backlog of well-planned, worthy and needed infrastructure projects, but we'll also do more to retrofit America for a global economy"

"BEGIN", brainwashed functional moron. Hope your gas line explodes- would be fitting. Just kidding, hater dupe. DUH

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