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Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace

You can impress us all if you acknowledge that you used keyboard shortcuts to copy and psste from wiki.

Otherwise, why did you bother?

I admit, I pssted from Wiki.

You can refute it if you want. Please include links.

Don't need to provide links as the law is very simple the Treaty of Lausanne
was superseded by the subsequent treaties and resolutions issued by the UN and League of Nations. Both of which declared Palestine to be nothing more than an ill defined area on the maps. At the same time the recognised the new state of trans Jordan on part of the area of Palestine and then Israel on another part of the area of Palestine.

Any problems then take them up with the UN General Assembly

Got links?
Everything Tinhead posted was superceded by the Partition of course.

Not true.

The partition plan (resolution 181) was rejected by the Palestinians. The mandate, Britain, would not implement the plan without the Palestinian's approval. The UN Security Council would not implement the plan without the Palestinian's approval. The plan never happened. It is irrelevant.

"palestine' in the immediate post-Ottoman period encompassed all of 'Lesser Palestine', including what became Israel, And Transjordan.
One purpose of the Mandate as to create a Jewish state in Palestine and that was agreed on early on by Faisal.
The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement

The mandate was not to create a Jewish state. The mandate was to assist Jewish immigrants in obtaining Palestinian citizenship and live in a shared state with a shared government.

The mandate was a monumental flop. Britain cut and run without accomplishing its goals.

Also superceded by history but posted as to intent/understanding at the time.

The partition itself did [indeed] Not Entail a Single Palestinian being displaced.
It was the Arab-started war that did that.

Not true.

There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees before any Arab army entered Palestine.

So what about Syrian, Jordanian, Egyptian and Saudi troops that were on Palestinian soil before 1948 ?, or have you forgotten your map that showed Palestine as being part of those nations.
At the same time it has been shown and proven that the majority of refugees were as a direct result of the combined arab armies demands that muslims leave the area so they did not get caught up in the fighting.
britain did not assume its mandatory responsibilities until september 29, 1923.

Palestine's international borders were defined, its nationality and citizenship were set, before the beginning of the mandate.
evidently, tinmore, something went wrong somewhere and the palis didn't get a state. Wtf happened or did they slip a turd into the punch bowl. They're "negotiating" as we speak and say things should be settled in another 4 months. Give or take a few decades. Gotta fix it so welfare isn't cut off, right?

the league of nations determined that palestine was a newly created state according to post war treaties.

Palestine claimed independence in 1948 and five other states recognized palestine.


palestine was admitted to the arab league as a member state in 1974.


recently 138 members recognized the already existing state of palestine.


the question is not whether palestine is a state, it when did it become a state?

it hasn't as it has no legal identity, the day it does is the day that the palestinians will be finished as they then have a legal obligation to stop all belligerence
britain did not assume its mandatory responsibilities until september 29, 1923.

Palestine's international borders were defined, its nationality and citizenship were set, before the beginning of the mandate.

take a deep breath, tinny -don't exhale until you're told.

Now, say the following out loud:

"because i say so"

no, it is just a matter of history.

which international body defined the international borders of palestine and when did this happen.
The Islamists and their useful idiots in the West are already exerting all the pressure they can, so the end of UNRWA would make no difference. The so-called 'right of return' is a ploy to destroy Israel and, understandably, will never be conceded.
Why is it jews can return to this area after 2000 years, but indigenous arabs can't return after 60?

Very simple the Jews were given the land for their own and can allow anyone they like to go and live there. The arabs gave up all claims to the land in 1948 when they abandoned it.

A similar case was shown on huff post were a man goes round looking for vacant property and then ceases the property because it has been abandoned. He files title with the local government and the property is his legally.
It's not about right of return for Arab squatters, it's about joooooo killing and "Moslem lands".

Read the Hamas charter.
After 2000 years, you're not a squatter, you're a resident.

And the Zionists started the killing.

The Hamas Charter is outdated and irrelevant.

Here the RACIST NAZI JEW HATER is again with the objectionable use of the term Zionist. The killing started in 627CE when Mohamed the mentally defective child rapist wiped out the Jewish tribe in the Jewish city of Medina.

The hamas charter can not be altered because they cant get the 90% quorum needed to issue a retraction. So it is still relevant and guides the Palestinians views and actions.
You're whining is outdated and irrelevant.
And your bigoted racism gets old.

Arab squatters are much more recent than 2,000 years ago.
There not squatters, scumbag whore.

Arab crusaders began their hoped-for genocide of the Jewish people in Israel in 1948.
Arab crusaders went in to protect the rights of indigenous arabs.

The Hamas charter mirrors fascist, colonialist islamist ideology. That has never changed.
It will after Israel ends the occupation and blockade.

It cant as there will not be any hamas Palestinians left by that time, the Iranians will have poisoned them all with nuclear weapons.
So the same nations that are immersed in their own civil wars in the past and in the present were SO concerned for their Aran brethren for 1 day in 1948.

Gee, why don't the Syrians and Egyptians stop murdering each other right this very moment and roll those good old tanks into Israel to save their brothers?

Do you think this constant animal like behavior passes muster?
None of that makes any sense.

It makes perfect sense as it shows that the rest of the muslim world could not care less about the Palestinians. Even when iran threatened to fire nuclear weapons at Israel and stated that they did not care in 10 million muslims died in the process the rest of islam said nothing.
I'm always willing to help out the knuckleheads.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945?1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Fighting began with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries. These groups launched their attacks against Jewish cities, settlements, and armed forces. The Jewish forces were composed of the Haganah, the underground militia of the Jewish community in Palestine, and two small irregular groups, the Irgun, and LEHI. The goal of the Arabs was initially to block the Partition Resolution and to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state. The Jews, on the other hand, hoped to gain control over the territory allotted to them under the Partition Plan.
That's true to, but it doesn't negate what I said.

The problem was, Zionists didn't stop at the territory allotted to them. They went after territory that wasn't allotted to them and that started a war.

In the 1948 war Israel lost land to the arabs that they did not reclaim until 1967. This is a matter of historical fact. The vast majority of the land occupied in 1967 was returned to its legal owners as part of the peace plan leaving Israel with land ceded to it by Egypt and Jordan
I admit, I pssted from Wiki.

You can refute it if you want. Please include links.

Don't need to provide links as the law is very simple the Treaty of Lausanne
was superseded by the subsequent treaties and resolutions issued by the UN and League of Nations. Both of which declared Palestine to be nothing more than an ill defined area on the maps. At the same time the recognised the new state of trans Jordan on part of the area of Palestine and then Israel on another part of the area of Palestine.

Any problems then take them up with the UN General Assembly

Got links?

Try the UN charter, mandate for Palestine, UN res 181 all supersede your little treaty and take away all rights to a nation of Palestine. I have already shown how your links have done the same thing
You are the one claiming that they came from somewhere else. Prove it.

Not that it matters. they were there when the country was defined in 1922. So they go back to the beginning.

Here you go Herman the truth about your precious Palestinians

Palestinian people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times.

So no actual arab descendants

The history of a distinct Palestinian national identity is a disputed issue amongst scholars.[32] Legal historian Assaf Likhovski states that the prevailing view is that Palestinian identity originated in the early decades of the 20th century

barely 100 years old

As was the Syrians, the Jordanians, the Lebanese...

Do you have a point?

Apart from the one that shows your own link destroys your argument. No Palestinian nation and no chance ever of a Palestinian nation. Egypt and Jordan do not want them on their borders so will side with Israel if it comes to all out war.
In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

Nationality constitutes a legal bond that connects individuals with a specific territory, making them citizens of that territory. It is therefore imperative to examine the boundaries of Palestine in order to define the piece of land on which Palestinian nationality was established.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

So if they did not live there at that one specific moment in time they cant claim nationality can they. So in effect by leaving the land they relinquish all rights to the land. This means that only those who stayed and produced children can claim the right of return, the others should be absorbed into the nation they fled too.

Residents who were out of the country at the time had a couple of years to go back and claim citizenship.

And what about those 700,000 that didn't go back ?
take a deep breath, tinny -don't exhale until you're told.

Now, say the following out loud:

"because i say so"

no, it is just a matter of history.

which international body defined the international borders of palestine and when did this happen.

In 1906 there was an agreement between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt setting the border. That border was honored after the war and became Palestine's international border.

The Treaty of Lausanne set the northern international borders.

The final border was with Jordan.

Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9 Ultimately, the border between Palestine and Trans-Jordan was fixed as suggested by Britain.10 This resolution merely confirmed the previous practice as Trans-Jordan was earlier excluded from Palestine by Article 86 of the Palestine Order in Council (constitution) of 1922,11 which stated: “This Order in Council shall not apply to such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the east of the [River of] Jordan and the Dead Sea.”

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Time for an old Bump
Hollie, I'm sure, remembers.

Boston1 said:
Well said Hollie

Hollie said:
UNRWA eventually became the dedicated welfare agency whose sole purpose is to perpetuate the myth of an invented people with an invented national identity who are nothing more than colonists from surrounding Arab states.

But you forgot about the part where nearly 100% of the UNRWA staff is palestinian and that they very innocently I'm sure failed completely to segregate or in any other way identify combatants AND THEIR DESCENDANTS from non combatants. Breaking their own written policy stating that such distinctions are best made at the point of registration of refugees.

At this point, and given the ongoing violence its highly likely there isn't legitimate refugee in the lot of them.

Yet the UN continues to lend aid to combatant and noncombatant alike.

Which I'm sure has nothing to do with the afore mentioned fact that virtually all of the UNWRA staff is itself palestinian
Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.

I believe that most Palestinians can trace their ancestry back hundreds even thousands of years.

Do you have some statistics to back up your claim?

Do you have any unbiased and non partisan sources for your claims, as the Ottomans said that the arab muslims were very thin on the ground in the mid to late 1800's
There is no chance that Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., are going to accept the financial burden of repatriation for the Arabs falsely labeled as "Palestinians".

The problem of Arab beggars and squatters occupying Palestine is an Arab problem but of course, they understand the dangers presented by "Palestinian' Arabs.

Do a search with "Black September" as the criteria.

I believe that most Palestinians can trace their ancestry back hundreds even thousands of years.


You are the one claiming that they came from somewhere else. Prove it.

Not that it matters. they were there when the country was defined in 1922. So they go back to the beginning.

That would make them all over 94 years of age so hardly a force to be reckoned with. And those that left willingly in 1948 would now be 68 years old or older. So the ones under that age were never living in Israel/Palestine but in Jordan, Egypt and Syria.
take a deep breath, tinny -don't exhale until you're told.

Now, say the following out loud:

"because i say so"

no, it is just a matter of history.

which international body defined the international borders of palestine and when did this happen.

In 1906 there was an agreement between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt setting the border. That border was honored after the war and became Palestine's international border.

The Treaty of Lausanne set the northern international borders.

The final border was with Jordan.

Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9 Ultimately, the border between Palestine and Trans-Jordan was fixed as suggested by Britain.10 This resolution merely confirmed the previous practice as Trans-Jordan was earlier excluded from Palestine by Article 86 of the Palestine Order in Council (constitution) of 1922,11 which stated: “This Order in Council shall not apply to such parts of the territory comprised in Palestine to the east of the [River of] Jordan and the Dead Sea.”

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

And what you are referencing is the MANDATE OF PALESTINE's borders, as there was never a nation until 1988 when the UN allowed arab muslims to steal more land.

How many times has your link been proven to be false and based on the lies of its author ? And still you trot it out as if it is fact.

So how about a direct link to this fantasy Order in Council then
You can impress us all if you acknowledge that you used keyboard shortcuts to copy and psste from wiki.

Otherwise, why did you bother?

I admit, I pssted from Wiki.

You can refute it if you want. Please include links.

Don't need to provide links as the law is very simple the Treaty of Lausanne
was superseded by the subsequent treaties and resolutions issued by the UN and League of Nations. Both of which declared Palestine to be nothing more than an ill defined area on the maps. At the same time the recognised the new state of trans Jordan on part of the area of Palestine and then Israel on another part of the area of Palestine.

Any problems then take them up with the UN General Assembly

Got links?

Given hundreds of times and still you deny their existence because they destroy your claims completely. Start with the treaty of Lausanne, then go onto the treaty of Sevres and finally the LoN mandates that show you are talking crap.
Let those people go back home.

Problem solved.

But that would decimate the population of Palestine if they all went back to Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Then Israel would be able to control it and claim it for themselves.

I think it is mostly Syria, Egypt and---actually SAUDI ARABIA-----the Bedouin of the
Negev-----based on anthropologic studies are migrants from Saudi arabia. For that matter----the Bedouins of the SINAI desert are probably from what is now Saudi arabia too. The Egyptians from EGYPT PROPER (ie the cities on the nile river)---- would be delighted to get rid of them

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